Agenda Item: 3
Industry Canada’s Update
Purpose: Information
Submitted by: Canada
/ Mutual Recognition Arrangement Task Force MeetingSingapore
13 – 14 April 2009
Canadian Update April 2009
IC Update
Technical regulations (Annex I of MRA) by member economies:
Since the last meeting of this Task Force, Industry Canada has amended some of its technical requirements for radio and terminal equipment.
- Technical Requirements published since the last meeting(after October 2008):
- RSS –133, GHz Personal Communication Services, Issue 5, February 2009
- RSS – 137, Location and Monitoring Service (902-928 MHz), Issue 2, February 2009
- RSS – 139, Advanced Wireless Services Equipment Operating in the Bands 1710-1755 MHz and 2110-2155 MHz, Issue 2, February 2009
- RSS – 220, Devices Using Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Technology, Issue 1, March 2009
- CS-03, Part V, Issue 9, Amendment 1, Requirements and Test Methods for Magnetic Output from Handset Telephones for Hearing Aid Coupling and for Receive Volume Control, published January 1st, 2009
Category I Equipment Standards List can be found on the following website:
CS-03 can be found on the following website:
- Industry Canada is in the process of amending the following procedures:
- DC-01: Procedure for Declaration of Conformity and Registration of Terminal Equipment
- CB-02: Recognition Criteria, and Administrative and Operational Requirements Applicable to Certification Bodies for the Certification of Radio Apparatus to Industry Canada’s Standards and Specifications
- REC-LAB: Procedure for the Recognition of Designated Foreign Testing Laboratories by Industry Canada
- RSP-100: Radio Equipment Certification Procedure
A Gazette Notice announcing these changes will be published in the near future.
APEC TEL MRA implementation update:
Canada is actively implementing Phase I and Phase II of the APEC TEL MRA on conformity assessment for telecommunications equipment:
- Under Phase I, Canada has designated 11 Canadian testing laboratories to test to the technical requirements of six participating economies, and has recognized 50 foreign testing laboratories from APEC economies to test to Canadian requirements. For information on Phase I, please visit the following websites:
- Under Phase II, Canada has designated 2 Canadian certification bodies to certify to the technical requirements of three participating economies, and has recognized 15 foreign certification bodies from APEC economies to certify to Canadian requirements. For information on Phase II, please visit the following web sites: