The Lehigh Valley
Summit for Smart Growth
October 24, 2013 – 8:00am-4:00pm
Morning Session #1 9:15-10:35am
Breaking the Rules for Smart Growth
Smart growth planning may seem logical, but it can be very hard to implement here in the Lehigh Valley. Local experts cite what works, what doesn’t, what they would support and what they would fight. Moderated by LVPC Executive Director Becky Bradley. Featuring Palmer Township Planner Cynthia Carman and State Planning Commission’s Dennis Puko
Modernizing How We Fight Crime
We all want a safer community. How can we join forces across municipal lines to make the whole region safer? Hear from professionals on all sides of law enforcement as they discuss the possibilities and challenges. Moderated by Bangor Mayor, John Brown. Featuring Lehigh County DA Jim Martin, Colonial Police Chief Roy Seiple and Palmer Police Chief Palmer
Say Sustainable Five Times Fast
What is Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation, one of our foremost economic development organizations, doing to provide a sustainable future for the Lehigh Valley? Hear what LVEDC is doing to encourage an economically sustainable future while also planning for future growth through Envision Lehigh Valley. Moderated by Alan Jennings, Executive Director of CACLV. Featuring LVEDC President and CEO, Don Cunningham and Envision Lehigh Valley Study Director Holly Edinger
Morning Session #2 10:45am-12:00pm
Seeing Red: PA Municipalities and Act 111 & Act 47
Bankruptcy, collective bargaining agreements, and pension obligations have affected several municipalities in Pennsylvania in a very negative way. How does this legislation affect the Lehigh Valley? How can we go from seeing red to being in the black? Moderated by Bob Black, local businessman and VP Morris Black. Featuring Lancaster Chamber of Commerce Director Tom Baldridge and Pennsylvania Economy League Director Gerry Cross
What Will the Lehigh Valley Look Like in 30 Years?
The Lehigh Valley is inevitably changing. How will things look in 2040 and what will the impact be on the region? Lehigh Valley Planning Commission has their projections for population growth, employment, land use, and more for the next 30 years. Moderated by Bill Ahlert, VP at HDR Engineering. Featuring LVPC Director Becky Bradley, Lehigh economics professor Matt Saboe.
The ‘biz’ of the NIZ
What will Allentown’s Neighborhood Improvement Zone really mean for Allentown and the rest of the Lehigh Valley? Moderated by Sen. Pat Browne, featuring Allentown Director of Community and Economic Development, Sara Hailstone, City Center’s JB Reilly, Mark Jaindl, from Waterfront Development Partners and Rev. Greg Edwards, CEO of Resurrected Life Community Development Corporation
Working Lunch noon-1:30pm
“What do YOU want the Lehigh Valley to look like in 30 years?” Share your thoughts about the future of the Lehigh Valley during a dynamic lunchtime facilitated discussion by Tom Comitta. Tom, a nationally known, award-winning New Urbanist planner, landscape architect and principal at Comitta and Associates is noted for his work in sustainable planning. He will utilize the World Café model of facilitated discussion
Afternoon Session 1:30-2:45pm
Infrastructure: The Backbone of the Lehigh Valley
Efficient roads, safe bridges and clean water are important elements in every day life in the Lehigh Valley. With aging infrastructure and fewer resources available, how do we ensure our community’s safety while recognizing our regional impact? Moderated by Attorney and Chairman of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Sierra Club, Don Miles. Featuring LANta’s Owen O’Neil, PennDOT’s Ron Young, LVPC’s Chief Transportation Planner, Joe Gurinko, LCA Executive Director, Aurel Arndt and wastewater expert, Scott Alderfer, P.G.
Overcoming Pennsylvania’s Obstacles to Progress
A smart growth agenda is a long-term agenda, but why is it especially difficult in Pennsylvania? Discover the laws, regulations, and policies that inhibit smart growth progress, and what can be done about it. Moderated by PA Rep. Bob Freeman. Featuring Senator Judy Schwank and Cumberland County Planning Director Kirk Stoner
Cooperation Makes It Happen
Regional collaboration implies intergovernmental cooperation and reducing redundancies. What are the benefits and consequences of collaboration, and why don’t we see more of it? Share opportunities and obstacles in your own area for regional collaboration efforts. Moderated by PA Economy League’s Gerry Cross. Featuring Local Government Commission’s Fred Reddig and South Whitehall Township Manager Jon Hammer