Evans: Dr. Cloud I am saying that there are some, who are too much cowards to take the test. You told me that you do not debate after I offered you a discussion. Well, I am honoring your preference, so why are you challenging me with these questions? TAKE THE TEST! It has nothing to do with Luther, Wycliffe, the Waldensians, or anyone else. It has only to do with the English 2 Tim. 3:16, 17and its application. Don't be afraid, launch out into the deep!

Cloud: What are you saying, Herb? Was the Waldensian Bible given by divine inspiration? How about the Wycliffe or the German Luther? Or was it only the Church of England that was given this divine inspiration? If you are referring to the KJV, which edition was given by inspiration? Why did the edition of the KJV we use today have to go through a purification process? Were the revisers of the KJV working by divine inspiration?

Evans: Dr. Cloud, I didn't think that you would take the test,becauseyou want to ignore the obvious answers. If you ever were brave enough to debate the issue, it would involve history, language, human logic, revisions, reformers, and other extra-scriptural topics as you have demonstrated here. But still, never the scriptures themselves like 2 Tim. 3:16. In regard to someone to debate, who knows something, there were a few fellows in the scriptures that also said, "DOTH THOU TEACH US?" Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Praise de Lawd! Does I have a witness?

Cloud: I didn’t think you would answer. You have no answer. If I ever debated, it would be with someone who knows something.


Cloud: Herb, I don’t understand you.

Evans: You understand me very well.

Cloud: You have always come across as a mocking, childish Ruckmanite, smart alec, and you have not changed one bit in attitude.

Evans: You have always come across as a name caller, while whining about Dr. Ruckman calling you names, and you have not changed one bit in your pompous attitude. You can't stand being questioned or disagreed with, therefore you go with the names -- "heretic, Ruckmanite, childish, know nothings," and etc.

Cloud: I regret, though, saying to you that if I were ever to debate, I would debate someone that knows something.

Evans: Well, Mr. "Dost thou Teach Us," now, who would that be?

Cloud: That was smart aleck and I don’t want to deal with you as you have dealt with me.

Evans: When John Henry and I politely approached you by e-mail, wanting to congratulate you on your parting from the Dean Burgon Society, you could not deal with us then in a civil way, but you came off with that "heretic" name calling stuff. You made a big mistake, and folks now have your number as they do your co-derivative buddy, Tom Cassidy, as you try to face the issuefrom opposite directions, dependingwith whom you are talking.

Cloud: I just have no time or interest in debates. I don’t think they accomplish anything and I think it would be a poor use of my time.

Evans: But you did have the time to write me in regard to my test (without taking it) and challenged me to some "Extra- scriptural, Garden of Eden, what about this" questions. I left you alone for a couple of years and just recently sent you a 2 Tim 3:16 test after Teno Groppi reminded me to send you it. You could have ignored it, but you didn't, so here you are at the end of my phone lines, wondering how to get out of it. Looks like forfeit is your only option.

Cloud: I am continually challenged to debates. Just this week I have been challenged to debates by a Seventh-day Adventist, a Christian rocker, a Calvinism, and you.

Evans: Beside my local church duties, I am continually in E-mail debates, probably 3 or 4 a week on my lists and forums. Folks challenge me and I respond by using point/counterpoint discussion like this post. You quit our discussion a few years back before it ever got started, after finding out that it was not a private discussion. You evidently like to put others in print but don't likethe publicityyour self.

Cloud: (I found it interesting that the Seventh-day Adventist mocked me almost exactly with the same spirit as you did.)

Evans: I really feel bad about your feelings being hurt, but I am mocked more than a dozen times a week. But if Elijah or the blind man bother you, I can understand why.

Cloud: My sole authority is the King James Bible, has been for 35 years. If that doesn’t satisfy you, that is too bad.

Evans: It does not satisfy me, because I have read some of what you have said, including your authorities, Luther, Wycliffe, the Church of England,and the Waldensians and the various editions of the KJB, and etc., since you can not argue your position using the Bibleby itself.You have private mental reservations in the things that you say, and one does not have to be a rocket scientist to spot them.

Cloud: I have never made a pretense to be a scholar.

Evans: And you have convinced me that you are not one. I am a high school drop out for that matter.

Cloud: I am simply a very studious preacher.

Evans: That sounds very humble, but your eliteand pompous treatment of the brethren betrays that. Still, when you grabbed hold of me, you grabbed hold of a live one. I try to use measured response with my adversaries, but when you shoot at me, you have to watch the ricochet.

Cloud: I don’t approach any subject through human scholarship, only through the Bible.

Evans: Is that why you asked me questions about Luther, Wycliffe, the Church of England,and the Waldensians and the various editions of the KJB instead of addressing my test on 2 Tim. 3:16. Who are you kidding. I am a former city street kid, and street kids can see a con coming a mile away.

Cloud: If you think I am a proud man who looks down on “ordinary preachers,” you are dead wrong, and you will give account to God for your harsh and false judgments.

Evans: Well, if this is not a straw man, you will have to producemy harsh and false judgment quote instead of this generality. You don't think that you will give account for calling Bible believers heretics because they believe the KJB was "given by inspiration?" Or that it isharsh?

Cloud: If would advise you to have more fear of such things.

Evans: Without you having the same fear? I have been contending for the faith for over 40 years and do not plan on running from anyone who calls me names or threatens me with retribution from God. The Charismatics conditioned me to that ploy years ago.

Cloud: I don’t intend to reply to you anymore.

Evans: That is fine! Make it easy on your self! Some of my CIA (Christian Intelligence Agency) agents will approach you in some of the churcheswhere you will be speaking. You may talk to them. -- Herb Evans

Cloud: My missionary work in South Asia and the literature ministry are both full time ministries.

Evans: Bless you for that!

Cloud: Beyond that, I need time to play with my grandchildren.

Evans: I just did that today with my great grand children.

Cloud: Goodbye and may the Lord give you much more wisdom and grace than you currently have. D. Cloud

Evans: Thank you, and may the Lord give you the courage to take the test. Still, are you the example that I should follow in regard to wisdom and grace?

– Compiled by Herb Evans


(Multiple letters may be used)

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. -- 2 Tim. 3:16, 17

1. ______is given by inspiration of God

A. the first manuscript of each Bible Book

B. copies of inspired originals

C. lost originals

D. copies that Timothy had

E. possessed scripture

F. all of the above

G. None of the above

2. ______scripture is given by inspiration of God.

A. All

B. Some

C. only the inspired

D. Uninspired

E. all of the above

F. None of the above

3. All scripture ______given by inspiration of God

A. was

B. is

C. might be

D. all the above

E. None of the above

4. All scripture is ______by inspiration of God.

A. transmitted once

B. remaining in heaven

C. given

D. extant

E. all the above

F. None of the above

5. All scripture is given by ______of God

A. one time transmission

B. inspired apostles and prophets

C. those born along by the Spirit

D. inspiration

E. all the above

F. None of the above

6. All scripture is given by inspiration of ______

A. textual critics and linguists

B. church councils and canons

C. God

D. bible critics

E. all the above

F. None of the above

7. All scripture . . . is ______

A. Profitable now

B. once profitable, now lost

C. profitable only when using non-scriptural sources to authenticate them

D. profitable only in Greek/Hebrew

E. All the above

F. None of the above

8. All scripture . . . is profitable for ______

A. (all) doctrine

B. (some) doctrine

C. doctrine not relating to the Bible itself

D. doctrine in the original languages

E. all of the above

F. None of the above

9. All scripture . . . is profitable for ______

A. reproof of Ruckmanites

B. reproof

C. reproof of everything but Bible tampering

D. repro of all except Bible Correctors E. repro of all except scholars and linguists

E. all the above

F. None of the above

10. All scripture . . . is profitable for ______

A. correction of all extra-scriptural views

B. correction of only non-issues)

C. correction of King James Onlies

D. correction of the King James Bible

E. all the above

F. none of the above

11. All scripture . . . is profitable for ______

A. instruction in the Greek and Hebrew

B. instruction in righteousness

C. instruction in history

D. instruction in textual criticism

E. all the above

F. None of the above

12. All scripture . . . is profitable that the ______

A. Hebrew and Greek scholar

B. man of God C. Bible Corrector

D. textual critic and historian

E. none of the above

F. None of the above

13. All scripture . . . is profitable that the man of God may _____

A. be perfect

B. be uncertain

C. be obligated to the scholars/linguists for what it means

D. be perfect when extra scriptural sources are used

E. all of the above

F. None of the above

14. All scripture . . . is profitable that the man of God may _____

A. be partially furnished

B. be spiritually impoverished

C. throughly furnished

D. be furnished until more truth and manuscripts are discovered

E. none of the above

F. all of the above

15. All scripture . . . is profitable that the man of God may be throughly furnished unto ______

A. some good works

B. only the good works that don't involve choosing an unperverted Bible

C. all good works

D. all good works except those that promote an extant Bible as magnified above God's name.

E. all of the above

F. None of the above

-- by Herb Evans