E. Oya Özarslan

+90 (533) 361 61 58

April 13, 2014

To the Selection Committee of Open Government Partnership,

I am writing you to submit my CV for the role of Open Government Steering Committee membership.

As indicated in the attached resume, I am formally an international lawyer who has worked as a compliance head in transnationalcorporate framework for significant part of my career. Additionally, I have been an anti-corruption fighter acted in different capacities for this tremendously important global cause over the years.

As the Chair of Transparency International Turkey (TI-Turkey), I have involved a number of anti-corruption activities in Turkey as well as in the different part of the world for the last 9 years. Concepts of transparency, integrity and accountability have been mostly introduced to Turkish society by TI-Turkey for the first time via various activities under my leadership. As in line with generally acceptable principles of TI, TI-Turkey valued cooperation amongst the players of public sector, private sector, civil society and media and have built excellent multistakeholder approach to tackle the corruption. I have consulted all international organizations related to this area, submitted reports and my expertise to present an objective view on the anti-corruption progress in the country. TI-Turkey, once a small civil society organization, has turned to a strong and very well respected institution in the country as a result of my directions and efforts. Organizational chart and main activities of TI-Turkey have been grouped as Public Sector Activities and Standards, Transparency in Media and Private Sector Anti Corruption Mechanisms to serve the country better and increase the awareness and overall standards of anti-corruption fight.

Over the course of the years, I have involved relevant activities such as,compliance and monitoring process on international conventions on corruption, election monitoring and local government integrity standards which address the core issues of open government from different angles.

During my career as an international corporate lawyer as responsible forlegal, compliance and contractual matters and strategic M&A transactions, I have developed full understanding of the role of private sector in fight against corruption in general and multinational companies and cross-border crimes in particular. I have transformed this knowledge to build sophisticated works and projectsfor increasing the standards of transparency, integrity and accountability in various sectors.

I would like to note that I have very advanced management skills, effectively reflected in various positions that I have conducted in my professional career. Acting as the member of Board of Directors in private companies, remotely managing 22 countries in strategic management role, managing number of people under my directions in different organizations, projectsand different geographical locations helped to sharpen global level leadership, also brought a very flexible approach that can be adoptedin relevant environments.

I believe my knowledge and expertise on aforementioned areas will contribute the Open Government Partnership for more diverse structure and help the strengthening the future with open government principles for the betterment of the people of the world.

Please do not hesitate to reach me anytime via email at or my cell phone +90 (533) 361 61 58.

Thank you for your consideration.


E. Oya Özarslan