Production of learning materials at the Open University is being modernised with the introduction of new methods and working practices.

The changes are to ensure that students receive the most advanced learning materials, and that course fees are kept affordable for the wide range of people the OU attracts to higher education.

This has led to a review of processes, roles and responsibilities in Learning & Teaching Solutions (LTS). With new technologies replacing many labour-intensive ‘manual’ procedures, the OU is redefining the roles it needs in its media production unit. Some roles are changing to take advantage of the benefits of digital technology, and others will no longer be needed as LTS reshapes itself to compete in the 21st century media world. As part of this reshaping LTS intends to invest in development for staff to ensure that skills are aligned with the external environment and that they work in more rounded roles. Ways of working will provide more opportunities for development and will be rewarding to staff as they contribute to keeping the OU at the forefront of distance education.

Over the next three months, the OU plans to reduce the LTS workforce by about 75 staff using voluntary severance, enhanced early retirement or redeployment to other departments. After informing the relevant unions, affected staff were informed of the changes at a briefing session on 24 June. All staff in scope – both permanent and fixed-term contract staff – will be able to go through a development centre to assess their development needs for working in the new way. All staff accepting a new role will be offered a permanent post.

Since calculating numbers twelve staff have already left or are about to leave the University. HR staff and LTS management, in conjunction with external career and personal counselling agencies, are providing advice for staff who are considering their options. Details of the changes are on the LTS intranet site.