The Pavilion
Green Lane
S26 2BD
Tel: 0114 287 3000

Est. 1884


Welcome back everyone to the winter nets/practice sessions in preparation for the forthcoming 2017 Cricket season. We hope everybody’s batteries have been re-charged during the close season and you are all ready to start getting back into cricket again. Hopefully it will be a productive and progressive season for both you and all of our junior teams at the club.

Just a reminder to you all and to make new members aware, as a club Aston Hall currently run 3 Senior teams on a Saturday, 1 in the Yorkshire South Premier League, one in the South Yorkshire League and 1 in the Bassetlaw League. There is also a team in the Rotherham Midweek League. In addition the club runs junior teams in the Ben Jessop Junior League.

2017 Season Fees

Families of Under 9 players are required to pay £30 Family club membership plus £3 per child for both outdoor and indoor training sessions.Club membership ensures that their children are covered by the club’s insurance and covers them for both training sessions and matches throughout the season. In addition, whilst not compulsory, Under 9’s parents are actively encouraged to join the club monthly draw which helps to fund cricket development within the club (previous initiatives include the outdoor nets, extension to the changing rooms, electronic scoreboard etc).

Families of Under 11’s are required to pay £100 for the family and £3 per child per session for both indoor and outdoor nets. This amount covers your Annual Family club membership, a number in the club monthly draw and Insurance cover for both the net sessions and matches throughout the season. Additional numbers are available in the club draw if required.

Families of Under 13’s, Under15’s Under 17’s are required to pay £150 for the first child and £50 for any subsequent children. This has only increased this year after remaining the same for the past 6 years. This amount covers your Annual Family club membership, a number in the club monthly draw, the cost of training sessions both indoor and outdoor and Insurance cover for both the training sessions and matches throughout the season.

For all age groups a single payment of £30.00 which is payable ASAP as the annual club membership subscriptions are due on January 1st 2017. In addition a club membership form needs to be completed for all new players or for those whose details have changed since last year.

For Under 11’s payment options for the remaining £70.00are as follows:-

1A one-off £70.00payment.

2A Monthly standing order for the club draw of £4.33 pcm with the 1st payment due on 1st April 2017 and every month thereafter, plus a single payment of £18

For Under 13’s, 15’s & 17’s payment options for the remaining £120 are as follows:-

1A one-off £120.00 payment (plus any additional £50 payment)

2A Monthly standing order for the club draw of £4.33 pcm with the 1st payment due on 1st April 2017 and every month thereafter, plus a single payment of £68 (plus any additional £50)

3Payment of the £120.00 as 3 post dated cheques (dated 1st March, 1st April, 1st May) but handed over on the signing night

In order to facilitate these payments,Junior signing on nights have been arranged as follows:

(Please note that your child is not insured at any club event unless these payments have been made)

Tuesday 21st Februaryat the club from 5:30pm to 7:00pm.

Thursday 2nd March at the club from 5.30pm to 7.00pm

Link to Website

all fixtures and club information can be found here.

Any parents wishing to purchase club gear can obtain this from Joe Barker(club player) at

Do you shop online?

Do it through and raise a free donation for Aston Hall Cricket Club every time you shop!

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online - from your weekly shop to your annual holiday - you could be raising a free donation for Aston Hall Cricket Club?

There are nearly 3,000 retailers on board ready to make a donation, including Amazon, E Bay, John Lewis, Argos, Aviva, thetrainline and Sainsbury's – it doesn't cost you a penny extra!

It's really simple, all you have to do is:

1. Join - head to and sign up for free.

2. Shop - every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first, pick the retailer you want and start shopping.

3. Raise - after you’ve checked out, that retailer will make a donation to your good cause for no extra cost whatsoever!

There are no catches or hidden charges and Aston Hall Cricket Club will be really grateful for your donations.

Thank you for your support.

Best wishes to everybody for the season.

AHCC Junior Cricket Committee.

For your information the main club contact details are below:-

Club Chairman Graeme Simmonite 07877241200

Club Secretary Steve Ward 07941438586

Club Treasurer Janet Ward 07894711346

Cricket Secretary/Junior Co-ordinator Lee Cooper 07968997836

Child Welfare Officer Clare Mason-Sheppard 07739545536

Child Welfare Officer Dawn Nicklin 07940063307

Member of the South Yorkshire Cricket League