North West Enterprise Region: St.Walburg Community Planning Survey

St. Walburg is participating in an Official Community Planning Process with support through the North West Enterprise Region (NWER). Prairie Wild Consulting Co. has been engaged to facilitate the planning process. This process will help guide the future growth and development of the Town over the next 25+ years and nurture relationships between municipalities and key stakeholders within the wider area.

Prairie Wild Consulting Co. has held an initial community meeting that forms the basis of a community mapping report. This report will be utilized to inform the next steps in the planning process.

As part of the next steps, we invite you to participate and provide feedback and input into this community planning process. Your local experience and wisdom is essential in providing the Town of St. Walburg with good planning. Your feedback will help in the creation of an Official Community Plan that will contain your community values, vision and goals for economic, social, environmental and cultural development, and guide future land use decisions in the Town.

As a community member, your input and feedback is most important. Community members from neighbouring municipalities are also welcome to attend upcoming meetings and participate in this survey and process.

This survey will take up to 15 minutes to complete. Your individual responses will be kept in confidence and protected when used in aggregated (grouped) form in documents shared with the community. Please take the time to consider your answers and provide comments from your personal perspective. Thank you for contributing to your community and region.

The Town of St. Walburg: for questions 1to 3please think specifically about the Town of St. Walburg.

1. Please list the three most important features/amenities that you appreciate and value about the Town of St. Walburg.

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

2. Please share the three most important challenges you see facing the Town of St. Walburg within the next one to five years.

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

3. In one or two sentences, please share what you want the Town of St. Walburg to become overall in 25 years... your town vision.




Rural Areas: For the following questions 4 through 6, please think specifically about therural parts of this region only, outside of the Towns and Villages – including the RM of Frenchman Butte No. 501, RM of Mervin No. 499, the RM of Turtle River No. 469, etc.

4. In one or two sentences, please share which key features in the rural areas you would like to see maintained or enhanced.



5. Please share what changesyou would most like to see in the Rural Municipalities in this region to be able to attract residents, visitors and business (i.e. what is missing that would be helpful to add)?



Urban Areas: for questions 7 to 10, please think specifically about the Towns and Villages in this District including St. Walburg, Paradise Hill, Frenchman Butte, Mervin, Turtleford, etc.

7. Please fill in the following blanks. The community I most associate with is the municipality of______.

What sets this community apart is ______.

8. Please share 2-3 top features and amenities in the Towns and Villages within your District you would like to see maintained or enhanced.

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

9.Please share what changes you would most like to see the Towns and Villages in this region to be able to attract residents, visitors and business (i.e. what is missing that would be helpful to add)?

10. What else would you like to share specifically about your community that is important to the overall future of this District?


The Community of St. Walburg: For the following questions 11 through 13,please share specifically your thoughts on the Town of St. Walburg.

11. Please share 2-3 top features and amenities in the Town that would like to see maintained or enhanced.

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

12. Please share what changes you would most like to see the Town make to be able to attract residents, visitors and business (i.e. what is missing that would be helpful to add)?



Special Areas

14. Please share what you think are the most vital and desirable environmental resources and features in this District (i.e. aquifers, waterways, wildlife/endangered species/plants). How would you protect these elements?



15. Please share any other special recreational or green/park space that you consider important for further conservation or development potential.



16. Any final thoughts? Please share here: ______


To help us learn more about the makeup of this district, please assist us by filling in the following:

17. Which of the following communities do you live in?

St. Walburg Community Survey 1|Page

RM of Frenchman Butte

No. 501

RM of Mervin No. 499

RM of Britannia No. 502

RM of Turtle River No. 469

Town of St. Walburg

Town of Turtleford

Village of Paradise Hill

Village of Edam

City of Lloydminster

Other, please specify______

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St. Walburg Community Survey 1|Page

18.Which of the following communities do you work in?

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RM of Frenchman Butte

No. 501

RM of Mervin No. 499

RM of Britannia No. 502

RM of Turtle River No. 469

Town of St. Walburg

Town of Turtleford

Village of Paradise Hill

Village of Edam

City of Lloydminster

Other, please specify______

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19. Please select your gender:  Male Female

20. Please select one of the following age group categories:

 Under 18 18-30 31-44 45-64 65+

21. How many members are part of your household? ___ Adults (18-64) ___ Seniors (over 65) ___Youth (under 18)

22. Main occupations in your household:____Agriculture/related; ___ Service; ___ Government; ___ Industry; ___Other (please specify)______

Please drop off this survey, once completed, to your localmunicipal officeof St.Walburg by September. 1 / 2011. Or by mail to the Town of St. Walburg at: P.O Box 368, St. Walburg, SK. S0M 2T0.

If you have any questions, please contact Megan Taupadel at Prairie Wild Consulting Co. by phone at (306)281-9162, or by e-mail,

If you would like to be kept informed and updated throughout this process, please provide your e-mail address below. This will be kept separate from your survey responses.

Name: Email:

Thank you for your time and effort. We hope to see you at the next meeting!

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