MOU for Participation in CTL’s Professional Learning Community

This is an agreement between the OSU Center for Teaching and Learning and participant (named herein) for the successful completion of the professional learning community referenced below.

Facilitator(s) will engage in collaboration with the PLC participants and develop the course and all learning materials in alignment with best practices for professional development. If using a hybrid approach online portions will be designed and delivered through Canvas.

·  The syllabus for this PLC is the binding contract between participant and the Center for Teaching and Learning.

·  The Center for Teaching and Learning will allocate professional development funds contingent on the successful completion of the PLC workshop as described in the syllabus.

·  To be accepted as a paid participant you must be currently employed by Oregon State University.

·  The Center for Teaching and Learning will transfer funds to the budget index below when the PLC facilitator certifies satisfactory completion of the workshop.

·  The PLC requirements and target dates for completion are indicated in the syllabus.

Anonymous quotes from pre- and post-assessments of the learning community may be used for internal reports to provide evidence that professional learning communities enhance teaching practice.

Release of images, videos, as well as work produced by participants may be shared for marketing purposes and/or internal review and evaluation of the center.

In the event of a disagreement that cannot be resolved by the parties, resolution will be through agreement of the Senior Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs and the participant’s College Dean.


I agree to the terms of this memorandum:

PLC: ______ Professional Development Funds: ______Budget Index: ______

Participant (Printed) Signature Date


Academic Unit/Supervisor (Printed) Signature Date


Kay Sagmiller, Director (Printed) Signature Date