Year 1/2 Homework Autumn Term (1st half)

Weekly activities: Spelling activities, independent reading each night (recorded in reading diaries)

2D Shape Hunt
(Sheet provided by Miss Lawrie)
Think about the different shapes we have looked at – how many of them can you find around your house?
To be completed by 23/10/2015
Create a ‘junk model’ castle. Take a photo of your castle and write an explanation of how you made it underneath. / Think about the work we have done on Little Red Riding Hood. Choose one of the characters – Write a list of questions you would like to ask that character if you met them.
Year 1 – At least 5 questions.
Year 2 – At least 10 questions.
Example – Mr Wolf – How did you feel when Little Red Riding Hood knocked on the door?
You could role play answering the questions with a family member!
To be completed by 25/09/15
Choose a challenge….
1)  Practise number bonds to 10.
2)  Practise number bonds to 20.
3)  Practise number bonds to 100. / Family Activity:

Visit Helmsley Castle
Helmsley Castle, Helmsley Castle, YO62 5AB / Medieval Cooking
Can you find a medieval recipe?
Why not trying making it with a family member?
Remember to take a photo and you could even bring some for Miss Lawrie to try!
Material Hunt
How many different materials can you find in your house?
Make a list of the different materials and what had been made out them.
E.g. Wood – Dining room table.
To be completed by 02/10/2015 / Go star gazing…
(Don’t forget to take a picture)

(Taken from 50 things to do before you're 11¾ National Trust). / Think about the people we have looked at that live in a castle. Choose one of them and find out more facts about them.
Year 1 – At least 4 facts
Year 2 – At least 8 facts
To be completed by 16/10/2015