APSA General Council Meeting Agenda

November 17th, 2014 at 1700 (ECHA 2-420)

Access Councillors’ Report here

1.Call to order (1700)

2.Roll call (2 min)

Alyssa Schmode

Cassandra Woit

Dan Burton


Brad Snodgrass

Katie Swan

Kimiko Spence

Siobhan Gallivan


Bryan hodgson


Phoebe Hsu

Joey Ton

Karlson Kennedy


Daniel Leung

Scott Wakeham

John Hung


Kevin Thai

Helen Marin


Katie Hamelin

Sam Turner


Dr. Michael Doschak

3.Additions to the agenda (1 min)

4.First and second motion to approve agenda (1 min)

Motion:To approve the agenda for December 1st, 2014. First by Bryan, seconded by Alyssa.

5.Review of Minutes from November 17th, 2014 (1 min)

Motion:To approve previous meeting minutes from November 17th, 2014. First by Brad, seconded by Alyssa.

New Business:

6.Teens for Jeans - EmanSaleh (5 min)
Access proposal document here

This is a campaign done every year by "Do Something Canada", a student organization that carries out different campaigns to raise awareness in different areas such as bullying, homelessness, etc. Teens for jeans is trying to raise awareness about the growing number of homeless teens and young adults. Approximately 6000 young people in Canada experience homelessness every night and as many as 1.3 million Canadians have experienced homelessness at some point in the past 5 years.

We wouldn't think this is happening in Canada but it is! So what Teens for jeans does is they accept jeans as donation because the number one thing teens in homeless shelters ask for is jeans, because they are durable, fashionable, last a long time and doesn't need to be washed as frequently.

Any jeans that are collected are taken to your local Aeropostalestore, who then distribute them to a shelter within a 30-50 mile radius of the store. Because we will be working in community pharmacies, we should focus on some community awareness rather than strictly help awareness. In order to help more, we could also donate order things like hats and coats to homeless shelters that need them. The campaign started november 11th and ends February 15th.

There is a little competition, whichever university gets the most donations receives a $5000 grant and a concert by the Banffs. Thinking of starting it this year to see what the response is and then go forward.

*Used items are expected, at least in okay conditions. Aeropostalestores accepts the jeans and Eman would accept other items to donate to homeless shelter

*Maybe incorporate that to the CSC committee with it. We could do a couple booths in SUB once a week for people to bring in donations; it's just the first year and so it's not big scale yet and we aren't looking to be the top university

*Could also bring it up to HSSA and involve other faculties in the future; start with the health care faculties this year and then spread it out

*The CSC committee would be open to supporting this idea and because it's going on during January and February when nothing is going on, so we can focus a lot of time towards this

*Maybe put out a large box and then allow people to just fill it up as they pass

7.uALberta CAPS Calendar (Double booking) - Katie (5 min)

November is a busy time for fourth year students as future employers contact APSA to set up information sessions. An email was received from CAPS saying they had an information sessions double booked, which was taken care of. Due to that we discussed the option of a calendar system with the faculty; Not sure who would run the calendar whether it would be fourth year class rep or the recruitment director. They just wanted to have the idea brought up and have a discussion with some members of APSA during business hours as they can't come to meetings. They want to discuss how they can work their recruitment into APSA's recruitment events to avoid the issue of double booking.

*Would it be better to share our calendar with them; our calendar has all our APSA events but what they want is to just to share a calendar that has the employer/interview sessions for the whole year

*Could have it put under the fourth year portfolio to introduce themselves to CAPS, keep in contact and create/maintain a separate recruitment calendar

8.Council of Faculty Associations - Brad (5 min)

Motion:Be it resolved that APSA Council amend the constitution to include a new position for APSA General Council. The new General Council position will be for a Students’ Union Pharmacy Representative, and the position will begin after the election of the next successful candidate in 2015. (TABLED until changeover meeting)

All the presidents of the faculty associations met this past week and one thing that came up was how the their SU representative is incorporated; some are more involved than others. Ours have never had the role of sitting on a general council meeting, and especially this year it would have helped, so I thought it should be brought forward.

motion. secondsiobhan.

*this person would attend every general council meeting and their SU meetings; Means an increased responsibility

*SU meetings are pretty relaxed and they understand and we might be more lenient with this new position to accomodate

*It may be a deterrent because some dont run for APSA because they are more interested in SU and want to make a bigger difference

*We used to have it as a requirement to have them come to at least one meeting

*It will help to strengthen the relationship with the SU; there is a large disconnect with the SU and it would be a benefit to have someone on both sides to keep us up to date

*There is nothing wrong with changing the expectation and not creating an entirely new position, but the position is often unfilled

*Should look into the current responsibilities and work that into our constitution and then add on our expectations

*The roles of the other representatives are: some of them sit on their council, some look in and some do not even connect

*We could get the opinion of the current rep and then work it into the constitution

*There are two different position that represent us in the SU, so maybe look at dividing the work between the two

Motion:To table discussion point 8 in order to consult with current individual in the role. Seconded by Alyssa. Motion carries.

9.Mr. Pharmacy 2014 - Helen (5 min)

Thank everyone that helped Helen and the CSC committee during the show. We had a lot of people come out and raised over 25, 000 dollars and right now we are just waiting to see how much the theatre will charge for expenses to know the full amount we will be able to donate to Movember.

Usually, the faculty gives 3000 dollars to cover the theatre, but that has increased to $3450 but don't know if you should take from the Pharmachoice donation to support the event or increase the amount from the market modifier. It's recommended just paying from the donation, have the next VP External add it to the budget, and have whatever is not spent will go to the donation

*Another option is to just include the $450 as an overage. Will just make note of it now and then bring it forward at the AGM

10.Silent Auction & CSC Update - Kevin (5 min)

Everything sold except the CSHP backpack and CSHP backpack + banff seminar so we will try and auction it off in the APSA office. Everything has been picked up except the two alley cat gift cards, one of the gift baskets, wireless headphones, Rx files, and gift card and the pasta machine, I have emailed everyone who has not picked up. They lose the item if they have not picked up by the end of the week.

*The square worked well and really sped things up. We did $3177 in credit card sales and after the Paypalfee, $3069 was deposited into our bank account

*Items to be picked up and not yet paid for, can't be paid by either cash or cheque

Total raised: $3582

11.Video Shooting & Editing Services - Daniel (2 min)

The intro video with the contestants really added a lot to the show, Jordon Hon took time out of his busy schedule to work on it. He did it as a favor but he spent at least 3 hours shooting and 7 hours editing to have it ready in time for the show and did the same of orientation.

*The suggested price is going by an estimation of time at a rate of $15 dollars an hour so $250 is based on his total time spent. It would be good opportunity to build up a rapport to do future promotional videos and he wouldn't be opposed to helping; we couldn't depend on him all the time as he is a student as well but as long as we give him notice.

*We could also give him the video footage that we took at Mr. Pharmacy and do a highlight show over christmas break

*Consider promotional videos for the budget coming out of the general APSA budget in a miscellaneous section so that it's available to everyone and we could use it for other resources

*Could also do a PQ segment about him

Motion: Be it resolved that APSA General Council acknowledgeJordon Hon for his video services rendered for Mr. Pharmacy 2014 (and Orientation 2014) with a financial gift of $250, and that Daniel Leung be reimbursed for $46.00 for complimentary Mr. Pharmacy tickets. Seconded by Cassandra. Motion carries.

12.PharmD Rep Update - Joey (2 min)

Thanks on behalf of PharmD for considering and including us in APSA, journal club and other events. I'll be going on rotation in January, so email me for any questions, but will be back for February and March as I'm teaching for part of my rotation.

*Try to have a weekly email for an update for now and re-assess later. The biggest update would be for PAM as we may be able to help out with clinics as pharmacists

13.APSA Changeover meeting - Humirah & Brad (5 min)

APSA changeover meeting this Friday from 1 until 4 and then dinner afterwards. Those unable to attend because of the specialty rotation presentations, we just have to be mindful that we still have quorum for business.

*We will be meeting at 1 o'clock and we will also have a christmas gift exchange with a $20 limit; room TBA but will email with agenda and updates

*Reservation at 4 o'clock at Chianti's and have team bonding there

Deadline to send updates is Wednesday evening, the agenda will be made that evening and then sent out

14.APSA bear (1 min)

Awarded to Helen for all her hard work during the semester to make Mr. Pharmacy fantastic

*APSA cookie awarded to Katie Swan for always helping out APSA council while preparing all the fourth years for their rotations

Motion: to adjourn meeting at 18:00. Firsty by Bryan, seconded by Alyssa. Meeting adjourned.