Meeting Minutes

Destination Hopland Board Meeting

February 13, 2013 8:30am Piazza Campovida

1. Call to Order: Chris Nelson called the meeting to order 8:40am

Attendees: Gary Breen, Julie Golden, Cassandra Mortier, Chris Nelson, Deanna Starr; Steve Brutocao, Jason McConnell were absent.

2. Public Comment:

Alison de Grassi from VisitMendocino gave an overview of the Olive Oil festival that VMC is sponsoring on Earth Day, 4/20/13. Olive oil producers and wineries producing olive oil will be invited. The event is free to consumers and is tentatively being held at Olivino and Yvonne Hall attended and suggested that DH would give financial support for marketing this event; possibly the printing for the flyers which have cost $0.15 and we printed 10,000 for $500. The California Olive Oil Council/VisitMendocino are currently the sponsors. VMC has been approached by SF Travel to be on their website. VMC will cover ¼ of the cost but needs 5 businesses to “buy in” for $5000. He would like this buy-in from DH.

Ross Beck from Real Goods also attended because his company is also sponsoring the 2nd year of his Earth Day event and expects 1500 people. He has invited all of the wineries to pour wine, it’s a fundraiser for Real Good’s Institute.

John Cessano: 1. Guinness McFadden has requested that DH Agendas and Minutes be sent to him each month. 2. Requests that the DH Board accepts written comments on Agenda items be accepted.

Scott Willoughby from Seebass Vineyards presented his offer to help collect data related to Passport. His wines will not be available for 2013 Passports because they don’t have wine ready to bottle this year.

3. Catrina Scott’s Report

She is working 13 hours a week and could work more. Keeping in touch with Stacy Clark, DH’s Graphic Artist to update the Passport. Asked if we wanted to keep the Mobile App. Gary will call Josh to see where we are on this contract. We need the “PUSH” application turned on and it needs to be updated. We could spend $150 for his time.

MOTION: Chris made the motion to pay $150

NOTES FROM March 2012: Mobile and IPAD App – CrowdCompass: Josh Metz is also soliciting on DH’s behalf a bid from APP writers to create an APP Event “Destination Hopland” for Passport and Second Saturday advertising.

Motion: Gary Breen made a motion to approve a preliminary budget of $3K to spend on building this APP with CrowdCompass. Steve Brutocao seconded the motion. 5 voted to approve.

4. Review of Minutes from January 7, 2013

Two amendments: Attendee update, Steve Brutocao was in attendance; Motion to approve minutes was made and seconded by Cassandra, but actually seconded by Julie. Cassandra made the motion to approve the amendments and Deanna seconded and all voted to approve.

5. Treasurer’s Report

See attached report from Deanna

6. Marketing Updates

DH’s Mobile App needs to be updated and we need to approve a $1000 fee for the 2013 annual use. We discussed the need to charge the lodging, restaurants and SIP for being listed but since we have less than 1000 users we decided to forgo until we have a higher use. Catrina will work with Josh Metz to update the contents and Keith Aisner to mail details about how to use the APP to DH members via our newsletter.

MOTION: Julie made the motion to approve the $1000 renewal fee for running the DH Mobile App for 2013 (April to April) Deanna seconded the motion, all voted to approve.

Member communications We will communicate with the DH members via member newsletters, monthly minutes and agendas from the board meetings, notes from the quarterly general meetings and phone calls. All members are welcome at the Quarterly meetings and invited to present and garner support for their marketing ideas. Members are also welcome to attend the monthly board meetings and present at the Public Comment section at 8:30am every second Wednesday.

Wine Tour Packages Chris and Cassandra worked on a few packages: general wine tasting tour, wine and casino package and the Casino was willing to give away some free play; organic wine and olive tour; winemaker private VIP level package. They are working to gather available dates from the winemakers

Billboards The cost is $30,000 in Sonoma; $12,000 in Mendocino. Jason is working on this project.

Highway Cleanup Signs Gary offered to put DH on the signs and will bring the US Hwy 101 map next month.

Welcome to Hopland Signs Gary is working on the design for signs to be on the south end of Hopland.

Banners Gary will have them up by Passport from the Santa Rosa Awning Company with Sunbrella fabric so they should be stronger and last longer and look like Healdsburg. The pricing will be presented in a few weeks time.

Jack London Square and Linden Street Beer Gary suggested that DH attend one of the summer events to pour and sell wine.

Olive Tasting April 20, 2013

MOTION: Gary made the motion to provide $500 towards printing the flyer for the Olive Oil event occurring on April 20th at Olivino with the request to put the DH member map with the legend showing which members that will pour olive oil and give orchard tours on Sunday April 21st on the back of the piece. Julie seconded the motion, all voted to approve.

Passport Reimbursements

We will compile a list of expectations for participating members that need to be met in order to receive DH reimbursements. i.e. If you don’t send in your paperwork you will not receive your food/entertainment reimbursement

Next Board meeting March 13, 2013 piazza de campovida