Special Board Meeting of Directors – Minutes

January 20, 2009, 6:30pm

Complex Meeting Room

1.  ROLL CALL – 7:50pm

Present: / Joe Jakubowski, John Wieringa, Carl Thompson, Dave Otto, Mike Berry, Belinda Weiler, Alf Langdon,
Absent: / Michele Gilmar, Mike Collins, Dale Ropp



Woodstock Minor Hockey Association Board Minutes


THAT the amended minutes of the 01- Nov-2009 Board of Directors Meeting of the Woodstock Minor Hockey Association BE APPROVED.

Motion: John W. Second: Carl T. APPROVED

Woodstock Minor Hockey Association Special Board Meeting Minutes


THAT the minutes of the 16-Nov-2009 Board of Directors Special Meeting of the Woodstock Minor Hockey Association BE APPROVED.

Motion: John W. Second: Carl T. APPROVED


4.1 We have continuing issues with Equipment room access. Other equipment room access incident this one was a Rep Coach running out of game sheets. He contacted Dave Otto 45mins before game time and anyone that had a key was away. Discussion regarding coaches mail boxes and if they are still being used?

4.2 Carl is recommending that office computers continue to be serviced by the person that built them due to the warranty. The computer was fixed last week and now is broken again and is not in the office again as of last night.


5.1  SPONSORSHIP – J. Wieringa

5.1.1 John is making motion on behave of Michele regarding the young referee that was cut in a past Renegade’s game.


THAT Woodstock Minor Hockey Association donate $100 to financially assist in the recovery of Mr. Brown the Ref that was cut in the Renegades game


A small gesture of support from the hockey community with WMHA being part of that community and also a small partner of the Renegades.

Motion: John W. Second: Belinda W. APPROVED 6-0

5.2 EQUIPMENT – A. Langdon

5.2.1 Has no report


5.3.1 Has had a Novice coach suspended for 3 games and WMHA can not appeal because the suspension is under 6 six games. Coach has a history of being over vocal and will be given a warning from the Director. Some concerns about the official that made the call have also surfaced and the Director is to further investigate and report back to the Board in Feb’s meeting.


5.4.1 Sad to report we had an Atom player passed away on Jan 1st.

Seth Hamacher was honored by all the teams in Atom HL with the wearing of black arm bands and a small tribute before each game.

5.4.2 More discussion regarding tournament style playoffs for H.L.

5.4.3 H.L. Committee needs to meet and decide on the direction that they recommend to the Board.

5.5 CONSITUTION COMMITTEE – D. Otto, J. Jakubowski

5.5.1 Discussion was had regarding constitutional change and reform and asking the membership for some constitutional input.


THAT the board post the proposed new version of the Constitution for membership review and input 90 days in advance of the AGM or a Special Constitutional meeting.


The current version of the Constitution needs to be revamped and revised.

(a) One person will read it one way and another person will read it totally differently which has lead to many debates over the years at WMHA.

(b) Certain important elements are missing and some sections currently should not be in the Constitution which has handcuffed the Board in decision making.

(c) The current version needs a table of contents and could be laid out much better to make it easier to find information.

(d) This newer black and white version would prevent future Boards from using their interpretation of the day to serve in the ruling and decision making.

Motion: John W. Second: Dave O. APPROVED


Motion to allow the chair of the conduct committee to move forward as requested.

Motion: Belinda W. Second: Carl T. APPROVED


6.1 Discussion was had regarding Police checks. Pat is to make a police check audit and then report back to the Directors so they can follow up and give the out standing a final warning deadline. The next board meeting will be the deadline.

6.2 Discussion on creating a Nominations Committee, Alliance Hockey recommends that we do away with the practice of nominations from the floor at the AGM.


THAT a WMHA Nominations Committee be allowed to initiate research on a Nominations Policy.

Rationale of the Board:

§  Currently WMHA does not have a policy on this.

§  Alliance Hockey recommended an end to allowing nominations from the floor.

§  Current method wastes time at the AGM meeting as many people are nominated in jest.

§  Current method allows people to become swept up in the AGM moment and then after getting elected end up getting cold feet and quit.

§  Current system also allows inexperienced hockey people and people not suited for Board governesses to get nominated and even elected.

§  Association members should know prior to the AGM the candidates that are running for election.

Motion: Dave O. Second: John W. APPROVED

6.3 Discussion was had regarding $2.00 membership. The Board is in majority agreement that we need a membership application process before $2.00 memberships are accepted.

6.4 Discussion to hold representative tryouts earlier, possibly before Labour Day weekend.

6.5 Discussion to input player stats on website. The website enables each team to have their own password protected micro-website. Individual teams to decide whether to track and maintain their own team’s stats.

6.6 Discussion regarding Alliance Report. One of the recommendations is to make an effort to be transparent with staff and the membership and allow communications to occur among all more freely and openly.


THAT WMHA accept the Alliance recommendations and post them on the WMHA website with the Boards response to the listed Alliance recommendations and amended Alliance Disclosure Report for membership review.

Motion: Mike B. Second: John W. APPROVED 6-0


THAT WMHA put in place a Personnel Committee to handle any employment management issues in the future. This new Personnel Committee will act as a buffer between the Executive and WMHA employees, such as Refs, Timekeepers and office staff.

Motion: John W. Second: Belinda W. APPROVED

6.7 Board discussion regarding employment contract issues.


Motion to go in camera.

Motion: Mike B. Second: Belinda W. APPROVED


Motion to go out of camera.

Motion: Mike B. Second: Belinda W. APPROVED


THAT starting May 1st, 2010 the paid office hours of the Administrative Coordinator will be reduced to on average 15 hours per week and those hours will be set by the Board of Directors to suit the needs of the Association and that the person that is employed by the WMHA as the Administrative Coordinator must have a signed employment agreement in order to be employed by WMHA and that employee must adhere to the employee manual.


A signed Employment agreement protects both parties and will give future Boards the ability to better manage the position, reduce liability and control costs going forward.

Motion: John W. Second: Mike B. APPROVED 5-0

6.8 Board discussion regarding certain member conduct issues.


THAT the Board agrees to send a warning letter to three members that are under conduct review stating that one more violation under Constitutional By-law 5.5 and the Code of Conduct in the Manual of Operations will result in membership suspension.

Motion: John W. Second: Mike B. APPROVED 5-0


Motion: Carl T.