PowerBatt Continuous Sales Reporting

Report type No.2: PowerBatt traction battery performance report

Structure and content of:

PowerBatt traction battery performance report



1. General details

2. Executive summary

3. Testing details and achieved technical results

4. Qualitative assessment

5. Economic benefits

6. Action plan


The presented performance report is a tool aiming to support the PowerBatt sales team in advanced customer relationship management using integrated business planning together with technical and operational performance monitoring.

PowerBatt traction battery performance report is produced upon the completion of testing phase with perspective customer. It shall serve as the ground for laying out the preliminary business scenario and inducing the establishment of long term relationship with the client.

It aims to deliver the following results:

  • Evaluate the pilot testing of PowerBatt traction battery treatment in customer specific environment
  • Clearly outline the technical benefits and monetary savings of using PowerBatt in client’s battery operations
  • Recordimproved battery performance and calculates savings on reference batteries
  • Outline forthcoming business scenario and plans cooperation steps
  • Build customers’ trust in PowerBatt team’s technical and business competence and prepares ground for continuous business

The following sections deal with the structure and content of the performance report together with an illustrative example of presented report.

1. General details

Specification about the client interaction containing data about:

  • Information about the interaction (e.g. “Testing of PowerBatt treatment on traction batteries“)
  • Client company name
  • Names of client staff involved (BDM, Technical manager etc.)
  • Names of PowerBatt assigned staff
  • Place and date of performed testing

Report illustration No.1

2. Executive summary

Outline of key findings and results of client interaction, mainly:

  • Key technical data (number, type and age of batteries tested)
  • Outline of change in performance of tested batteries after PowerBatt treatment
  • Outline of PowerBatt costs vs. prolonged battery life in %
  • Stating of other performance and reliability benefits
  • Environmental benefits (expected CO2 savings)

Report illustration No.2

3. Testing details and achieved technical results

This crucial part of the performance report outlines the technical advancement and economic benefits resulting from the use of PowerBatt on tested batteries. The first step is to provide an overview of pilot testing together withobtained technical results for each of the testedbatteries covering the following aspects:

  • Type of tested battery
  • Manufacturer
  • Age of battery
  • Nominal voltage and ampere hours
  • Change in maximum difference between individual cell voltage levels (difference between weakest and strongest cell), the lower the number, the more stable the battery is
  • Change in maximum difference between individual cell acid density levels (difference between weakest and strongest cell), the lower the number, the more stable the battery is
  • Change in Batter capacity, indicatingthe ampere hours removed from the fully charged battery before and after PowerBatt and achieved improvement in %

Report illustration No.3

4. Qualitative assessment

This section analyses potential areas of improvement in client’s battery portfolio operations. It needs to provide an unbiased view on the processes related to use and maintenance of batteries.

Notably, it is important to lay-out the recommendations using a proactive language, addressing issues as opportunities for improvement rather than problems. This approach shall eliminate unnecessary erosion of relationship between PowerBattteam and client’s internal technical staff.

The following aspects can be included in qualitative assessment:

  • Staff dedication to battery maintenance (examples):

-There is a dedicated battery maintenance personnel

-Battery maintenance is one of several other servicing responsibilities of personnel

-No staff dedication to battery maintenance


  • General state of batteries, their condition, cleanliness etc. (examples):

-Batteries appear clean/ dirty

-Electrolyte is dispersed on the surface

-Electrodes are mechanically damaged

  • Mode of use:

-Assessment of charging and discharging patterns

  • Servicing intervals and levels

Report illustration No.4

5. Economic benefits

Economic benefits for customer resulting from the application of PowerBatt are calculated using the following approach:

Cost of new battery – cost of PowerBatt application during 2/3 of battery lifespan

The fundamental principle based on the long-term research of Battery Gurus is that:

PowerBatt doubles the lifespan of properly treated batteries at a fraction of new battery costs (around 5-7% p.a.)

Note: To achieve the claimed benefits, batteries must be properly treated with PowerBatt throughout last two thirds of their lifespan

Report illustrative example No.5

6. Action plan

This section outlines the scope and steps of business cooperation between PowerBatt Distributor and B2B client following the pilot testing. Properly prepared action plan serves as a business relationship and facilitation tool, which manages expectations of the client. Furthermore, it shall help the BDM to follow the recommended sales cycle.

Action plan following thepilot projectshall cover the following:

  • Main areas:

-Cooperation phases

-Portfolio and extent and age of batteries treated

-Who will be responsible for treatment

-Training of client staff and provision of Help-Desk support

-Expected sales cycle duration

  • Other aspects to be considered:

-Defining the scope of monitored batteries, with two options:

-All of treated batteries shall be monitored (this option is applicable when the client has a service documentation programme, with regular measurement of capacity)

-Selection of reference batteriesfor monitoring (typically 2-5)

  • Defining who, when, how often will execute the performance testing

Report illustrative example No.5


  • There is no need to push the client into full-on implementation of PowerBatt. It is often better to start with a smaller portfolio to show direct, realistic and positive results. Continuous build of trust in product performance will lead to greater order volumes
  • Best practice shows that this Phase 1shall last approximately 3 months, if this phase lasts significantly longer, you can end inoverselling. Therefore professional presentation of achieved results is critical in order to move to subsequent phases