Roscoe Riley Rules #5

Don’t Tap-Dance on Your Teacher

Chapters 1~4

Listening Activity

•  Listen to the sentence and check True or False.

1  Roscoe really needed crutches.

2  Roscoe thought there was no such thing as just-for-boys stuff and

just-for-girls stuff.

Listen to the sentence and choose the correct answer.

3  What did Roscoe’s dad say?

a)  Girls can do anything boys can do.

b)  Animals can do anything humans can do.

c)  Boys can do anything girls can do.

4  When was the first time for Roscoe to hear about Emma’s tapping shoes?

a)  during dinner time b) while watching TV c) during show-and-tell

5  What did Dewan bring for show-and-tell?

a)  a ferret b) a guinea pig c) a hamster

6  What kind of collection did Roscoe bring?

a)  a weird stuff collection

b)  a funny stuff collection

c)  a noisy stuff collection

7  What was the newest addition to Roscoe’s Noisy Stuff Collection?

a)  Mr. Megacone b) Mr. Megaphone c) Mr. Megatoy

•  Listen to the sentence twice and fill in the blanks.

8  Do not pretend to need crutches.

9  Maya brought her grandpa’s artificial leg to another show-and-tell.

10  I brought something from my noisy stuff collection.

Chapters 1~4

Writing Activity

1  Write about Roscoe’s collection. Please refer to the Word and Phrase Box above.

Roscoe brought a noisy stuff collection. He always brought noisy stuff for show-and-tell. They were drum, a guitar, and a horn.

2  Describe a collection you have or one you know about. You may refer to the Word and Phrase Box above.

I have Maple story’s sticker collection. They are colorful and shiny. I also have the picture cards and I love to see them.

Chapters 5~8

Listening Activity

•  Listen to the sentence and check True or False.

1  On the carpet, tap shoes sounded like normal shoes.

2  Wyatt thought guys didn’t tap-dance.

Listen to the sentence and choose the correct answer.

3  Who was Ms. Bunelli?

a)  a baby sitter b) a tap dancer c) the library lady

4  What was the DVD about, which Roscoe’s class watched?

a)  an amazing basketball player

b)  an amazing tap dancer

c)  an amazing soccer player

5  Why did Roscoe’s parents hesitate letting him take tap dancing lessons?

a)  because Roscoe was a boy

b)  because Roscoe quit everything he started

c)  because Roscoe’s sister wanted to have tap shoes

6  Who was Roscoe’s tap teacher?

a)  Miss Trixie b) Emma c) Ms. Diz

7  What was Roscoe’s favorite step?

a)  STOMP-STOMP-CLAP b) twinkle toes c) the pachyderm

•  Listen to the sentence twice and fill in the blanks.

8  Emma tapped and twirled, and we all clapped for her.

9  I absolutely promise I won’t quit this time.

10  It was nice to have the addition of our fine new gentleman tapper.

Chapters 5~8

Writing Activity

1  What was Roscoe’s new hobby? How did he feel about it? Please refer to the Word and Phrase Box above.

Rosce’s new hobby was tap-dancing. He was the only boy but, he was so excited about tap-dancing.

2  What hobbies do you have? Describe your hobbies. You may refer to the Word and Phrase Box above.

I enjoy playing soccer. There are boys and girls mixed together in my team. I am so excited when we win games.

Chapters 9~12

Listening Activity

•  Listen to the sentence and check True or False.

1  Mrs. Herman was having a birthday party.

2  Mrs. Herman was starting the new class.

Listen to the sentence and choose the correct answer.

3  What was the sign-up sheet for?

a)  a talent show

b)  a movie show

c)  a magic show

4  What were Roscoe and Emma planning to perform?

a)  a circus b) a tap dance c) a play

5  Which part was Roscoe planning to perform for the talent show?

a)  the mouse b) the gentleman c) the elephant

6  What did Mr. Oshkosh tell Roscoe about himself?

a)  He was a nurse. b) He was a doctor. c) He was a teacher.

7  Why did Roscoe feel bad when Emma was worried about dancing alone?

a)  because Emma hated Roscoe

b)  because Emma was a great dancer

c)  because Roscoe’s crutches kept Emma from dancing

•  Listen to the sentence twice and fill in the blanks.

8  I thought about what injuries I needed.

9  My conscience was going to give me trouble on this one.

10  Let me remind you that it takes a lot of courage to step on stage in front of an audience.

Chapters 9~12

Writing Activity

1  How was Roscoe injured? Please refer to the Word and Phrase Box above.

Roscoe injured his leg so he had crutches with him. He wasn’t really in pain because he was pretending.

2  Have you ever been injured? What happened? You may refer to the Word and Phrase Box above.

I was riding a bike and fell off. I broke my arm and had to go to the hospital. It was painful.

Chapters 13~14

Chapters 13~14

Listening Activity

•  Listen to the sentence and check True or False.

1  Roscoe watched Emma dancing behind the curtain.

2  Emma stopped dancing during the elephant music.

Listen to the sentence and choose the correct answer.

3  What did Roscoe say when he joined Emma on stage?

a)  You are terrible! b) You need me! c) I’m cured!

4  Where did Roscoe fall?

a)  on the table

b)  on the floor

c)  on the stage

5  Why did Roscoe keep tapping after he fell?

a)  because it was not dangerous

b)  because the show must go on

c)  because Mrs. Herman asked him to

6  To whom did Roscoe say he was sorry?

a)  his mother b) Mr. Oshkosh c) Max

7  What did Dewan and Gus both ask Roscoe about?

a)  how they could buy shoes

b)  how they could save money

c)  how they could sign up for tap lessons

•  Listen to the sentence twice and fill in the blanks.

8  I leaned on my crutches and crossed my fingers.

9  I knocked over her coffee cup and crumbled her cookies.

10  He said he had a feeling I would make a full recovery.

Chapters 13~14

Writing Activity

1  Write about Emma and Roscoe’s performance. How did they feel? Please refer to the Word and Phrase Box above.

Roscoe and Emma performed a tap dance. Roscoe was afraid and he was hiding behind a curtain, but started to dance with excitement.

2  Describe a performance you once had. How did you feel? You may refer to the Word and Phrase Box above.

I performed in a piano contest. I was very nervous, but I had fun because I played my favorite song.