Professors on the Go!

Chapter 3

The Marketing Environment

  1. Key Concepts

Microenvironmental forces

  • List the six actors in the company’s microenvironment. Next, go to the Wal-Mart Web site at scroll down to Investor Relations section, and click on the most recent annual report. How many of the six microenvironment actors can you find? Briefly describe each.
  • Get in groups in class and role-play bringing a new product to market that the R&D department has just developed. There should be a person for each of these roles: R&D, Marketing, Finance, Purchasing, Suppliers, and a Marketing Intermediary. Each should argue from their own point of view and for the needs of each of their organizations. Report your findings and your impressions to the class.
  • What does a marketing intermediary do?
  • How many publics can you name for your college or university?
  1. Key Concepts

Macroenvironmental forces

  • A wag once said, “You can watch the size of the Cadillac market shrink by just reading the obituaries.” In the context of the external environmental forces discussed in the chapter, what did this person mean? What has Cadillac done to counter this trend? From an environmental management perspective would you consider Cadillac’s actions to be reactive or proactive? Why?
  • There’s an old saying that, “two good marketing people can make up for one bad technology decision.” Is it a certainty that a company will lose out on new opportunities if it does not keep up with new technology? Explain your position. Can you think of an industry segment where technology may not play an important role?
  • Manic Panic ( is one of the more popular brands at Hot Topic (Real Marketing 3.1) Tish and Snooky, two sisters from the Bronx, opened their shop in New York’s East Village business district because, “there was no other store or company that catered to...musicians, punks, Goths, club-kids, performers, dancers, models. and just about anyone who likes a little wild style.” Using the macroenvironmental forces and recent trends as the basis for your answer, explain why you believe Manic Panic has been successful. Would your answers be the same if you were explaining the success of Vera Wang, the New York City based clothing designer/retailer? Why?
  • Collect ten advertisements and comment on how they apply to the cultural environment (use the areas suggested by the chapter as a place to begin). What effect do cultural values and beliefs have on consumption? Relate this approach to what you learned about the marketing concept and value delivery in the previous chapters.
  • Do you think the Internet should be regulated? Why or why not? Do you buy online? Why or why not?