Board Meeting November 21, 2013

Board Members Present: Ackerman, Brabandt, Gessner, Johnson, Olson

Staff Present: Kaup

President Deborah Johnson called the meeting to order at 4:15 PM.

The agenda was approved as printed.

Roger Brabandt moved and Lisa Olson seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2013 meeting. Motion carried.

Ryan Akerman moved and Susan Gessner seconded the motion to approve the November 2013 budget expenditures of $135,679.92, November 2013 Memorial Fund Expenditures of $2,154.64 and the financial report as printed. Motion carried.

Director’s Report

1. Activities/Programs (October):

Programs: Story Hours (22), Kid Flicks (1), LEGO Club (1), Guys Read (1),

CLC (8), Head Start Visits (3), Ask (4), Moon Presentations (3), Balloon Science (1),

Lego Club (1), Teen Programs (6), Tech Talks (3)

2. Financial Report: Budget Expenditures November 15, 2013 $135,679.92

Memorial Expenditures November 15, 2013 2,154.64

Fund Balance November 15, 2013 $285,297.86

Memorial Fund Balance November 15, 2013 50,795.73

Copies of the financial report were provided.

3. Friends Activities: The Fall Book Sale brought in approximately $2,150.

The Friends annual membership meeting was held on Friday, November 15,

12:00 Noon at the Grand Hotel. The Friends approved $2,500 to purchase an After-

School Edge.

AfterSchool Edge is for children 6 – 12 years old. Designed for out-of-

classroom use the educational programs, which are correlated to Common Core and

state standards, span seven subject areas. The 50 education titles with over 2,000

activities are preloaded on a computer that features engaging graphics and intuitive


Donations the Friends gave to the Library during the last year (Oct. 2012 – Sept

2013) include: Poetry Contest $299, BookPages for general public $300, Teen

Programs $1,149, Children’s Programs $700, Summer Reading Program $1,914,

Equipment $2,719, Books & Materials $12,329, Electronic Resources $8,330,

Promotion and Marketing $1399, and Movie Licensing $505.

4. Library Christmas Social: The Christmas Social sponsored by the Friends of the

Library will be held on Wednesday, December 18 from 3:30 – 5:30 PM. We will

have holiday music, cider, cookies and coffee.

5. Library Christmas Party: The Library Christmas Party for staff, volunteers and

board members will be held on December 7, at 6:00 PM in the Library Imagination Station.

Chicken and ham will be provided by Royal Fork with those attending bringing potluck.

6. Hazardous Mitigation Grant: The City Council approved the request of the Library

Board to provide matching funds of $43,337 from Sales Tax Major Projects for the

Hazardous Mitigation Grant.

Lisa Olson moved and Susan Gessner seconded the motion to approve the director’s report. Motion carried.


a.  Carpet East Mezzanine: Ryan Ackerman moved and Rodger Brabandt seconded the motion to approve the bid for $4,972 from of I Keatings for the purchase and installation of carpet. Motion carried.

b.  RFQ for Architect: Ryan Ackerman moved and Lisa Olson seconded the motion to approve the RFQ (Request for Qualifications) for Architect and Engineering Services for the Hazardous Mitigation Project. Motion carried.

c.  Self-Checkout Station: Greta Guck presented information on the proposal to purchase a self-check out station. Funds to purchase the station would come from the 2013 budget ($9,000) and the Friends of the Library ($4,153). The RFID project of which the self-checkout station is part of was also discussed.

The board table consideration of the self-checkout station until the December meeting.

The board requested information on the service agreement and whether the Friends of the Library would be consider assisting with the RFID project.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM.


Roger Brabandt, Secretary