Learn Sheffield
Expression of Interest Form

Ref 039DIMENSIONS 2018(and Create a Canape Competition) - Expression of Interest: by January 2018

Learn Sheffield is seeking interest from schools in an opportunity to express an interest in taking part in the DIMENSIONS exhibition of Art, Craft, Design and Technology. Receive teacher support and possibly future CPD along with access to collaborative networks. Also take part in the 'Create a canapé competition!

Response Deadline (Expressions to by
Friday 22 December 2017 (January 2018 start)
Phase or Sector: / Foundation - KS5
Geographical Area of interest : / Sheffield City Region
Type of school improvement activity: / Art and Design and Design and Technology teacher support and possible future CPD. Developing networks for collaborative planning and support across the Sheffield City Region.
DIMENSIONS is an exhibition of Art, Craft, Design and Technology work from school pupils across the Sheffield City Region. A place where the subjects are celebrated, bringing together local teachers and schools and raising awareness of what can be achieved.
Scope of work possible:
for example, ‘modelled’ teaching / support with planning, assessment & environment / in class coaching and feedback / lesson study groups/ leadership of networks etc / Support with planning and resources. Possibility of extending to subject specific CPD for D&T and Art and Design teachers. Once a strong network is established there are possibilities for all of the adjacent activities.
The core aim is to celebrate, support and help develop Design and Technology and Art and Design Education provision in schools.
Create a Canapé Competition - enrichment/after school or possible mini Scheme of Work based around designing and making canapés for an event.
Availability: / Available to all Sheffield City Region schools - any phase. The exhibition will include individual examples of GCSE, AS and A Level Art and Design and Design and Technology work. These are typically the physical/practical outcomes, shortlisted by the teacher. Each school to submit up to 10 pieces of work. Foundation to KS3, submit a short description (1 paragraph) of the project and photographs of the outcomes.
For Food: Create a Canapé Competition…
Open to Year 9, 10 and 11 pupils.
Design and make two recipes for Canapés. One for a specific diet and one of your choice. Enter your designs for shortlisting. If selected you will be invited to Sheffield Hallam Specialist Facilities and work with professional chefs to make your canapés for the opening night of DIMENSIONS 2018.
Cost to schools: / None but the work is required to be delivered and collected to and from Sheffield Hallam University.
Additional contextual information / The exhibition and entering of work is evolving each year. It started as having a few examples of school pupil work within the Sheffield Institute of Arts degree show in 2014. In 2017 it became a stand-alone show and was housed in the prominent position of the SIA Gallery in the Head Post Office building in Central Sheffield, gaining recognition from the general public and academics accommodated in the building. 2017 featured 12 schools - in time it is hoped that all Sheffield City Region schools can feature work in the show. 2018 plans to involve a minimum of 20 schools. In 2018 the show may run alongside Sheffield Design Week (SDW) in October. This will draw in greater footfall and feature in all of the SDWmarketing material. A series of widening participation and outreach activities will be run alongside the show.
The core aim is to celebrate, support and help develop Design and Technology and Art and Design Education provision in schools. Through the exhibition a network of D&T and A&D teachers is developing. Combine this with the resource, experience and contacts of the academics within the SIA and this could lead to Sheffield being at the forefront of Art, Design and Technology teaching in the country.
In 5 years it's planned that DIMENSIONS is recognised regionally and is a date on every school calendar - the go-to event for seeing the best work produced and coming together as a creative community - celebrating these subjects in schools but achieving much more in the process.

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