Year 7 History assessment

Copy and complete the following sentences:

1)  Evidence provided by eye-witnesses, artifacts from the time of an events and photographs are all ______Sources.

2)  Evidence provided by people writing after an event, a reconstruction and replicas are all types of ______sources.

Place the following years into the correct chronological order:

1066AD 55BC 2002AD 579BC 772AD 2020BC

Read the following sources and then answer the questions that follow:

Source A

Edward, King of the English, loved William like a brother or son. The king was old, so he decided to make certain that William would be the next English King, as he had previously promised. He therefore sent Harold to William. This was so that Harold could swear an oath that William would be the next king. (William of Poitiers, 1070)

Source B

Angels led the soul of King Edward to heaven. On his deathbed that wise king had promised the kingdom to Harold, a great noble. This was because Harold had always been wise and loyal in word and deed: he carried out all the king’s commands and done what was needed. (Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,1066)

These two sources relate to events that happened in the year 1066. You will be studying these events in detail later in the year.


1)  Read Source A. Who was promised that they would be the next King?

2)  Read Source B. Who was promised that they would be the next King?

3)  What possible reasons are there for these two sources disagreeing about such an important promise?

4)  These two sources offer a very brief introduction to the events of 1066. If you were asked to write a report about these events what would you need to do next? Use as many examples as you can to illustrate that you understand the skills used by a historian.

Self Assessment: Name______Class 7______

Please complete the following sentences. These will help your teacher to understand how you are approaching the work that is set:

I have learnt that when looking at evidence a historian should

I have learnt that there are many words and abbreviations used by historians, for example

Please tick or cross each statement box

I like working on my own o

I prefer to work in pairs o

I like working in groups o

I like to learn by reading about something o

I enjoy watching short video’s about events o

I enjoy working on projects o

I always try to answer questions in as much detail as I can o

I quote from source material in my answers o

I like researching things on my own and making presentations

about my findings o