OCTOBER 1, 2002

The Faribault County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at the Courthouse in the City of Blue Earth at 9:00 a.m. on October 1, 2002. The following members were present: Paul Meyer, Ralph Prescher, Barb Steier, and Tom Warmka Commissioners. Commissioner Loren Lein was absent. Auditor John Thompson and County Attorney Brian Roverud were also present.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Warmka.

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

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Meyer/ Steier motion carried unanimously to approve the synopsis and the official proceedings of September 17, 2002.

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Steier/Meyer motion carried unanimously to approve agenda of October 1, 2002.

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The calendar was updated. Committee reports were presented.

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During public comment Blue Earth/Faribault County Extension Director Kent Thiesse and Regional Extension Educator Shirley Doering met to introduce 4-H Program Coordinator Nicole Jabs.

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Sheriff Scott Campbell presented a picture of World War I inductees that was donated to the county.

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Treasurer Dave Frank met regarding ISTS business.

Steier/Prescher motion carried unanimously to approve the following ISTS loans: Richard Brandt on Parcel No. 04.014.0200 in Clark Township for $2,481.20; Brad Zierke on Parcel No. 02.106.1400 in Blue Earth City Township for $4,567.53; John Roper on Parcel No. 02.106.1600 in Blue Earth City Township for $5,828.76; Howard Hinrichsen on Parcel No. 02.106.1700 in Blue Earth City Township for $6,042.88; Wayne Ankeny on Parcel No. 02.106.1800 in Blue Earth City Township for $4,675.56; Mike Verdoorn on Parcel No. 02.106.3400 in Blue Earth City Township for $5,484.28; David Amundson on Parcel No. 02.106.3500 in Blue Earth City Township for $6,108.32; and Jack Heinitz on Parcel No. 02.106.3600 in Blue Earth City Township for $6,638.64.

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Soil and Water Director Michelle Stindtman met regarding office business.

Prescher/Meyer motion carried unanimously to approve designating $300 to the Blue Earth River Basin Alliance for a feasibility study and business plan analysis for the eleven counties and eleven SWCDs within the Blue Earth River Basin and authorize the chair to sign the agreement.

Prescher/Steier motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 02-CB-39 authorizing application for the Upper Maple Watershed Project and designating Michele Stindtman as the project representative. Commissioners Meyer, Prescher, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


BE IT RESOLVED that it hereby designates Michele Stindtman, Water Plan Coordinator, as the project representative for the Upper Maple Watershed Project proposed Clean Water Partnership/319 Implementation Project.

The project representative shall have the authority to represent Faribault County in all matters that do not specifically require action by Faribault County.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the project representative designated above is hereby authorized to submit to the MPCA a Clean Water Partnership/319 Project Implementation Financial Assistance Application for the Upper Maple Watershed Project.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the total project cost of the Upper Maple Watershed Project is expected to be $1,074,654.50 ($299,821.75 CWP Grant funds, $238,462.75 Local Cash funds, $400,000.00 Loan funds, $136,370.00 In-kind funds). Faribault County would be responsible for the total project costs with the assistance from any contributing sponsors as detailed in the application. Faribault County is aware of and supports the loan requested in this application. Faribault County recognizes these loans must be secured with a general obligation promissory note.

A grant, if awarded, could provide up to fifty percent (50%) of the total project costs. A loan could cover all or part of the total project costs and could be used to match all or part of a Grant.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that submittal of an application does not obligate Faribault County to accept a Grant and/or Loan if so offered.

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Recorder Nancy Huff met regarding office business. The board toured the Recorder’s office.

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Public Works Engineer John McDonald met regarding office business.

Steier/Meyer motion carried unanimously to accept low bid on SP 22-598-05 from Dunininck Bros. Inc. for $204,495.25. Other bids received were $233,659.75 from Minnowa Construction Inc.; $239,948.00 from M & K Bridge Construction; and $247,072.99 from Structural Specialties, Inc.

Meyer/Prescher motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 02-RB13-40 on Bridge No. 22597. Commissioners Meyer, Prescher, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, the County of Faribault has applied to the Commissioner of Transportation for a grant from the Minnesota State Transportation Fund for the construction of Bridge Number 22597 over County Ditch Number 31 located on County Road 102 Rome Township; and

WHEREAS, the amount of the grant has been determined to be $39,001.05 by reason of the lowest responsible bid.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Faribault does hereby affirm that any cost of the bridge in excess of the grant will be appropriated from the funds available to the County of Faribault, and that any grant monies appropriated for the bridge but not required, based on the final estimate, shall be returned to the Minnesota State Transportation Fund.

A construction update was given.

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Economic Development Exploratory Committee met to discuss their recommendation. Committee chairman Larry Anderson of Frost and several others met to discuss the recommendation from the committee to create a combined economic development and Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) board.

Prescher/Meyer motion carried unanimously to accept the report and recommendation of the Economic Development Exploratory Committee.

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Meyer/Steier motion carried unanimously to approve request from J. Krussow to attend Collection Connection October 10th in Austin; B. Blakesley to attend Onsite Sewage Treatment workshop Dec. 12 & 13 in Austin; D. Killion and R. Gaines to attend medication delivery class Oct. 24 at Windom; C. Anderson to attend APCO fall conf. Oct. 23 & 24 at Mankato; and D. Killion to attend jail training Oct. 10 at Marshall.

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Meyer/Prescher motion carried unanimously to pay bills totaling $66,328.86 as follows:





DITCH FUNDS 2,844.11

$ 66,328.86

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The meeting was recessed to October 15, 2002.


Tom Warmka, Chairman John Thompson, Auditor

