This session is aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils (Year 3,4,5, & 6 – ages 8 - 11)
This activity will last 1 hour or more
The purpose of this unit is to introduce pupils to typical bugs and bacteria that can be found in and around food products; particularly chilled foods and the importance of hand washing before, during and after food preparation.
What’s so special about chilled foods? Whether a pizza, ready meal, bag of leafy salad, sandwich or soup, chilled foods have one thing in common: They are all kept fresh by being kept chilled. They do not contain preservatives
It is helpful if the children have:
ü  Learnt about hand washing in terms of general personal hygiene
ü  Developed ideas through discussion / VOCABULARY
In this unit, children have opportunities to use words and phrases related to:
ü  Hygiene;
ü  Hand washing;
  • 2.1 Pictures of Bugs
  • 2.2 Pictures of bacteria
  • 2.3 Hand wash poster; 1 per group
  • 2.4 Handy facts
  • 2.5 Hand washing experiment cards
  • 2.6 Hand washing Secret Code
  • 2.7 Changing procedure in food production
  • 2.8 Assembly Ideas
Food a Fact of Life Resources
  • Food safety PowerPoint
  • Personal Hygiene PowerPoint
  • Health & safety Checklist
  • Examples of protective clothing
  • Glo-germ gel
  • Hand wash
  • Bowl of water, soap & hand towelx4
  • Thermometer x 4
  • Stopwatch x 4
  • Glo-light [UV light only to be used by the teacher and not shone into anyone’s eyes]
  • Paper, pens, blu-tac
  • Food Storage activity sheet
  • Hygiene in the Kitchen

At the end of this unit
Most children will: recognise some germs that could affect foods; know how important hand washing and food hygiene is.
Some children will not have made so much progress and will: know about germs and understand about hand washing.
Some children will have progressed further and will: recognise some germs that could affect foods; know how important hand washing and food hygiene; understand how easy it is to contaminate food.
·  Understand more about germs and what they can do to our food
·  Understand how hand washing can stop the spread of germs and disease
·  Be aware of how factories keep the food they make safe.
·  Realise the importance of good hygiene practices, including the correct way to wash our hands. / Introduction
·  Explain that ready to eat chilled foods are eaten without cooking so should be clean and free from germs and bugs.
·  Show the children how the chilled food industry pay close attention to food and personal hygiene
·  Show pictures of bugs and germs as the children name them; explain about how the germs can make us ill. Symptoms of food poisoning. (Resource 2.1 & 2.2)
·  Discuss the importance of good hand washing. (Resource 2.3)
·  See if the children know how bugs and germs get into factories.
·  Using the examples of protective clothing dress up some of the children explaining the different garments and the order they are put on. (Resource 2.7)
·  Use the gel on a pupil’s hands to show contamination. Get him/her to wash his/her normally, then use UV light to show how much they missed. [UV light only to be used by the teacher and not shone into anyone’s eyes]
·  Explain that that would be dangerous in a factory and that today we are going to investigate the best way to wash our hands to get rid of germs.
·  The children could design a poster to advise factory staff about the best way to wash their hands.
Activity - Split the class into 4 groups
·  Group 1 - Temperature
·  Group 2 - Time
·  Group 3 - Method
·  Group 4 - Cleaning Agent
See instruction sheet and group work cards
(Resource 2.5)
·  Discuss each group’s findings and put the best finding from each group to find the ultimate hand cleansing method.
·  Demonstrate how to wash hands properly.
·  Ask the pupils to remember the best method to make a poster.
Take home activity / extension work
·  Create a poster to show factory workers in a food factory the best way to wash their hands. (Resource 2.4)
·  Complete Hand Washing Secret Code Sheet (Resource 2.6 / ·  Know the names of bugs and germs.
·  Know about food contamination
·  Know how to wash their hands thoroughly
·  Understand about temperature controls when chilling. / The key message of this scheme of work is to show the children that in the chilled food industry hygiene is extremely important for the consumer’s health and well being.
Food poisoning can be very dangerous and bad for a company’s business.
It is also important that the children realise the importance of how to store chilled foods correctly at home.
Assembly Ideas (Resource 2.8)
Handy washing Hints – demonstrates
  • The right conditions for the ultimate hand cleaning method
  • The correct procedure for hand washing
Introduction – explain that the pupils have been learning about the importance of hand hygiene in the prevention of the spread of germs for factory workers a chilled food factory.
Poem / Reflection – a small group of children could write a short poem focusing on caring for ourselves and others.
Pupil Performance – In small groups children perform 4 short scenes:
  • Temperature
  • Time
  • Method
  • Cleaning Agent
The pupils should demonstrate the correct hand washing procedure.

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