Location: Peoria at 9:45am


Administration: Dean Rowe

Chicago: Gautam Vangipuram, Bo Gustafsson, Hari Iyer, Brian Bamberger, Nikolai Arendovich, Shuvani Sanyal, Mary McCauley, Matthew Durst, Amy Brown, Sean Munoz

Peoria: Riana Riffle, Daniel Liechti, Kerry Storms, Jin Lee, Mindy Colgrove, Jason Lang, Meghna Motiani, Matt Chia

Rockford: Alexis Gumm, Maria Saavedra, Aaron Jannings, Robert Horsley, David Gordon, Mina Tanaka, Kory Blank, Ellen Gordon, Kendall Marszalek, Tim Feldheim

Urbana: Jean Lee, William Fernandez, Sam Irving, Sonali Khurana

Excused Absence: Frank Lee, Jenn Baldwin, Lindsay Schwartz, Jarna Shah

I.  Guest Speakers:

  1. Dean Sara Rusch, Regional Dean of Peoria
  2. Tour of Jump Trading Simulation and Education Center
  3. UICOMP vision: lead collaboration to improve health
  4. Presentation about the Peoria campus
  1. Dr. Timothy Murphy, CCSP Faculty Chair (via videoconference)

II.  Approval of the Minutes from January 11th meeting

III.  Executive Board Report

  1. President – Brian Bamberger (Chicago)
  2. College Executive Committee - Please see Treasurer's report for updates from the February Meeting. Next College Exec is April 16. I will be presenting on Golden Apple/HiM recipients, updates on the Medical Economics Survey, and a "State of the College" report. Dean Azar would like each campus to recognize faculty for their excellent teaching.
  3. Please encourage students at all sites to take the Medical Economics survey (accessible here: We have 148 respondentsthus far (97 Chicago, 24 Rockford, 27 Peoria, 0 Urbana). Survey closes on Monday, March 24.
  4. A special thank you to graduating M4s for their work on UMSC this year and previous years.
  1. Vice President – David Gordon (Rockford)
  2. Thank you for doing such a good job attending the meetings this year!
  1. Secretary – Mindy Colgrove (Peoria)
  2. Email me at if you did not receive emails sent on the UMSC listserv.
  1. Treasurer – Amy Brown (Chicago)
  2. Try to order food through the preorder form so that we don’t have to wait so long for reimbursement with receipts afterward
  3. College Exec is really excited to see the admissions videos we are doing for each of the campus. UIC has sound experts if we want the videos to be professional quality.
  1. Historian/Webmaster – Jin Lee (Peoria)
  2. Any documents/forms/PowerPoints that you want up on the UMSC website can be sent to Jin.
  3. There are links on the website for financial aid, Campus Care, and other information important to all sites.
  1. OSR Representative – Mindy Colgrove (Peoria), Bo Gustafsson (Chicago), Robert Horsley (Rockford)
  2. The next OSR meeting will be April 26-29 in San Diego, CA.
  3. We are going to leave elections up to the local student governments in the fall to ensure that each campus has a representative.
  4. The Humanism in Medicine award packet is due at the end of May.
  1. Advisor – Dean Linda Rowe (Peoria)
  2. The Board of Trustees has voted to change student fees for the upcoming year. There will be a 1.83% increase. Health Service Fees were lowered. Service fees, general fees, and insurance went up slightly. You can look at the fees and tuition approved for the upcoming year on the main UIC admissions website or the cost of attendance section of the financial aid website.
  3. The Dean’s office in Chicago is working to obtain lists of what expenditures can be split up among the campuses from the increased tuition.
  4. We are waiting to hear back from the LCME after addressing their feedback.
  5. Student feedback on the Social Media guidelines is welcome. They are meant to guide students and to notify them that social media can be a venue for violating professionalism. Be careful about violating HIPPA and privacy rights. Do not identify yourself as speaking on behalf of the college. The college respects your rights to free expression as long as you are not violating any rights. If you have more insights into this, email Brian Bamberger, Dr. Timothy Murphy (CCSP faculty chair), or CCIA. Provide feedback from classmates by the first week of April.

IV.  Site Reports from Regional Student Council Presidents

A.  Chicago (Hari Iyer)

i.  Still doing renovations for the new classrooms. This is going well.

ii.  M3s are going through the M4 curriculum lottery. This is going smoothly right now.

iii.  Had a mean 231 on step 1 after their study program. This is the highest scores they’ve had in Chicago.

B.  Peoria (Jason Lang and Meghna Motiani)

  1. SGA sponsored programming/updates:

1.  Radden Educational Institute financial planning session for M4 students

2.  Dialogue with the Deans: Jump Trading Simulation & Education Center; AAMC survey for graduating students

  1. UICOMP upcoming events:

1.  Step 1 Panel to give advice to M2s about the Step 1 exam

2.  AOA Visiting Professor from SLU to talk about wellness, humanism, patient safety from 4/9-4/10

3.  Blood drive on 4/7

4.  Second annual research day on 4/21

5.  Match celebration on 3/21

  1. UICOMP academic structural changes
  1. No academic structural changes

C.  Rockford (Alexis Gumm)

i.  Our formal was last night (Friday March 14) so we are a little tired this morning.

ii.  Our new dean, Dr. Green, starts on Monday, March 17. He is coming to us from George Washington University. He will be speaking at our next Rockford government meeting- April 9.

iii.  We are getting ready for match day- March 21.

D.  Urbana (William Fernandez)

  1. Blood drive the last couple days.
  2. Raised $4500 recently to go toward spring formal and a gift for the incoming M1 class.
  3. Formal will be mid way through April
  4. Had a married physician couple come talk about two-physician marriages and a speaker talk about how the ACA will affect students in their careers.
  5. Construction on the 3rd floor is loud. The entire floor is being renovated for more study space and technology.

E.  MSP Urbana (Sam Irving)

  1. Annual research day coming up.

V.  College Committee Reports

A.  College Committee on Student Promotions/CCSP

  1. The minutes of the CCSP meetings are confidential.

B.  College Committee on Instruction and Appraisal/CCIA

i.  Four task forces have been formed with students on each committee. There have been discussions on how we evaluate, such as the mini CEX. CCIA wants to take a more proactive role overall.

ii.  CCIA is talking about instituting an annual review to prepare faculty for teaching as many of the faculty members are volunteers and there is no standardization.

C.  College Committee on Admissions/CCA

i.  We’re done screening applications now, but we still have interviews until late March/early April.

ii.  The video contest still needs videos from Rockford and Urbana.

D.  College Committee on Student Awards and Scholarships/CCSAS

i.  CCSAS had a meeting in February, where we offered another round of scholarships to the next batch of candidates. In terms of those who have accepted, most decisions are still pending.

ii.  Will have one more meeting.

E.  Foreign Exchange Committee/FEC

i.  Main goal of FEC: to share opportunities to study and work internationally across all 4 campuses and make it easier to do a rotation or summer program internationally

ii.  Webpage update:

1.  Jean has done an amazing job updating the FEC website (!diy/c12og)

2.  She has also created a Facebook page for international students who are currently studying here at UIC as well as UIC students that want to connect with them: The idea of this Facebook group is that it will be a great way for current students to connect with students coming from abroad and be more like “mentors” to them during their time here at UIC. Hopefully we will also upload a student events calendar of some sort onto this Facebook page.

iii.  VSAS:

1.  VSAS (Visiting Student Application Service) is creating an International pilot program (GLO: Global health Learning Opportunities instead of VSAS), and University of Illinois is part of the pilot!!! Dr. Tekian knows more about this and when this will be implemented, but it should make finding and applying for international rotations much easier and available to all students

iv.  Making changes to the M4 course catalog:

1.  Bola talked to Dean Rowe at the Peoria campus about adding international rotations to the M4 course catalog.

v.  We are looking for students who have already done international rotations to share their experiences and potentially their contact information to share with students who are interested.

F.  College Committee on Research/CCR

i.  No update

VI.  HPSC Update

A.  Travel and Project grants available for Peoria, Rockford and Chicago students. Up to $300 for travel to a far-away clerkship or research symposium. Project grants assist with events that involve all UIC health professional students. Interviews do not count. These are not available for Urbana students because of the fee structure.

B.  Go to the HPSC website for more info ( or contact Amy Brown.

VII.  Old business

A.  Humanism in Medicine

i.  Overall candidate: Rockford – Dr. Vivek Kantayya Family Medicine

ii.  Other campuses please recognize your respective candidates as well

B.  Video Contest

i.  The purpose is to help students applying to UIC to choose among the sites when filling out their preference cards.

ii.  We are still trying to get videos from Rockford and Urbana

iii.  We recommend working with campus relations representatives at each campus

C.  Medical Economics

i.  Encourage students to fill out the survey

VIII.  New business

A.  Elections

i.  President – David Gordon (Rockford)

ii.  Vice President – Kerry Storms (Peoria)

iii.  Treasurer – Amy Brown (Chicago)

iv.  Secretary – Daniel Liechti (Peoria)

v.  Historian/Webmaster – Jin Lee (Peoria)

vi.  OSR Primary Rep – Bob Horsley (Rockford)

B.  Constitutional amendments

vii.  Typos/reordering/clarifications: passed

viii.  Meeting location/format options:

1.  voted to continue the 2 meetings in person and 2 via video conference with adjustment of the rotation schedule

2.  the motion to require committee reps to attend all scheduled UMSC meetings did NOT pass

3.  the motion to allow the location of a UMSC meeting to be changed by a majority vote was NOT passed

ix.  OSR selection clarification: voted to have the selection of an OSR rep fall under the responsibility of the local student governments (on whatever schedule they choose – i.e. spring vs. fall)

x.  Ad hoc committees/appointed positions: voted to include Ad hoc UMSC committees rather than specific committees already listed

xi.  FEC revision: voted to update responsibilities assigned to FEC

C.  Survey/email requests

xii.  We are all bombarded with requests to forward emails. How should we handle filtering these?

xiii.  One option is to send a monthly email digest of everything received. Some people don’t like the idea of a long digest, so it was suggested that we put categories on the digest.

xiv.  Another option would be to post opportunities about scholarships, etc. on blackboard.

xv.  Vote on blackboard only, digest email, single emails, or optional listservs: