VESTRY MINUTES April 8, 2008

Members present: Rand Reasoner, Elizabeth Hart, Barbara Partridge, Carol Barker, Sue Ferron, Stuart Finke, Dan Hendrick, Steve Laslo, Bandele Oguntomilade, Dauna Packer, Bruce Schofield, and Amanda Somdal.

Member present in spirit: Greg Michael and Marsha Hunt

The March minutes were accepted.

Adat Y’shua Ha Adon’s Rental Agreement – Report from Bandele and Dauna

Contract use specifies 36.5 hours per week

Actual hours of use is 75 hours per week

Addition use equals 38.5 hours per week

This is approximately twice the amount of use than contracted.

The facilities use is contracted for about 12,000 square feet, but usage is about 18,000 square feet per week.

Recommended rate to charge Adat is between $3000 to $4306 per month. Recommended deposit for cleaning is $2000. Rand and George Packer will negotiate with Adat. Anything less than $3000 per month must be approved by the Vestry. Bandele and Dauna were both commended for their thorough investigation of this issue.

Delegates to the Annual Convention of the Diocese of Los Angeles – Bandele Oguntomilade, Barbara Partridge, Carol Barker, George Packer, and Elizabeth Hart. Alternates are Ray Gallie and Amanda Somdal.

Finance Report -- Steve Laslo

March was a good month financially because of Easter. Second Mile Giving needs to be added in.

Report on Parish Growth -- Stu Finke

Stu brought in a threefold pamphlet from another Episcopal church for our consideration. We could easily prepare something similar for PoP and have copies in the pews for newcomers.

Signature cards

Elizabeth Hart and Barbara Partridge are elected to be signatories on the bank accounts as well as present signers Rand Reasoner and Steve Laslo.

Stewardship – Carol Barker

Carol reported on a stewardship convention she attended. The Stewardship Committee will meet to discuss a Celebration Sunday.

Youth ministry –

Sue brought up suggestions for the youth – adopt a child, more intergenerational events, communion in church for children with families. Dauna suggested the adults go to kid’s games, get involved in what they’re involved, have a youth choir

Sue accepted a position on the Youth Committee.

Alpha – Rand

The Alpha Course first meeting had twenty persons attending plus guests. Tracy Beck and Kathy Carlson are running the course.

Picnic -- June 8th – End of Sunday School celebration

Retreat follow-up: Sue will post lists on the internet Yahoo group.

Stewardship – Carol -- Alternative Christmas Faire – Dec 7th and 14th

Deaf ministry – Amanda – writing a grant to have a deaf ministry Lynn will work with Amanda on the writing by June 1st.

Dauna and Bandele – brochure for weekly insert will be done in two months. More personal participation in the Food Pantry. More regular food drives. Cereal, tuna, peanut butter. Dauna recommends the First Sunday be Tuna Sunday where we can donate a can of tuna to the Food Pantry.

Bandele – Direct mail campaign for the neighborhood. (Alpha plus) Two events that would appeal to outsiders per year. Optional – something for working age group. Ten Talents Group. Being Christian in business environment. Talents list -- make business directory.

Stu – Information table involving Vestry members for coffee time. Anne has offered to do Harvest Feast this fall and Stu will work with her.

Dan – The Patio will be redone to smooth the area and eliminate puddles with a drain line. The goal is by the end of summer. We will need to work on the hill to eliminate weeds. There will be another work party in May. Michelle Schofield will continue to investigate Stations of the Cross. Placement to be determined.

Steve – Will continue to work on finances and will continue to coordinate with his wife Jo on the holiday baskets.

Bruce – Will work on a design for the patio area as well as landscaping. He will have a base map of the property by the end of 2008.

Rand – Will continue the Natural Church Development project. In Lent 2009, he will teach a series on balancing the spiritual forces within individuals with the goal of personal self-evaluation.

Sue – Will work on a Service Day in November where church members can volunteer to work on different projects on a Saturday.

Barbara – Will start in July on the 50th anniversary party for the church which will be the end of May 2009. Before the party, will establish a “prep kitchen” in the FamilyCenter with a refrigerator, microwave, and sink.

Elizabeth – Is cooking for Alpha and will oversee the Finance Committee audit of the books.

Adjourned at 9:15 p.m.