Revision Date: 06/23/2014 Rev # 8

Safety Attribute Inspection (SAI) Data Collection Tool
4.3.1 Pilot Operating Limitations / Recent Experience (OP)
Revision#: 8 Revision Date: 06/23/2014


Scope of Element:

Purpose (operator's responsibility): To ensure Pilot Operating Limitations/Recent Experiencerequirements areapplied properly.
Objective (FAA oversight responsibility): To determine if the operator's Pilot Operating Limitations/Recent Experience:
·  Meets all applicable requirements of Title 14 of the Code of the Federal Regulations (14 CFR) and FAA policies,
·  Incorporates the safety attributes, and
·  Identifies any shortfalls in the operator's Pilot Operating Limitations / Recent Experience Procedures.

Specific Instructions:

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A.005, Exemptions and Deviations
C.054, Limitations and Provisions for Instrument Approach Procedures and IFR Landing Minimums
119.43, Certificate holder's duty to maintain operations specifications.
121.135, Manual contents
121.434, Operating experience, operating cycles, and consolidation of knowledge and skills.
121.438, Pilot operating limitations and pairing requirements.
121.439, Pilot qualification: Recent experience.
121.652, Landing weather minimums: IFR: All certificate holders.
121.683, Crewmember and dispatcher record.

Related CFRs & FAA Policy/Guidance:

Related CFRs: /
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FAA Policy/Guidance:
FAA Order 8000.88, PRIA Guidance for FAA Inspectors, chapters 1-3
AC 120-68, Pilot Records Improvement Act of 1996
The questions in this section of the SAI will help verify that the operator’s documented procedures identify who, what, when, where, and how those procedures are accomplished. These procedures must allow all personnel to perform their duties and responsibilities with a high degree of safety.
14 CFR part 121.135(a)(1)


The inspector shall accomplish the following tasks:
1 / Review the information in the Supplemental Information Section of this SAI.
2 / Review the duties and responsibilities for management and other personnel who accomplish the processes associated with this element.
3 / Review the documentation of the processes associated with this element.
4 / Review documented interfaces to identify interactions between related processes, interactions within this element process, and between one person, workgroup, or organization to another that the operator uses to accomplish this process.


1.1 / Do procedures specify that a person may serve as a required crewmember of an airplane only if the person has satisfactorily completed the following requirements on that airplane type and in that crewmember position:
·  Operating experience;
·  Operating cycles; and
·  Line operating flight time? / Yes
No, Explain
Consult 121.434(a) for limited exceptions to this provision and 121.434(b) for detailed requirements that must be met in each of these areas.
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(a)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
Related Design JTIs:
1. / Check that the operator's manual has instructions and information that a person employed by the operator may not act as a required crewmember unless that person has satisfactorily completed, on that type airplane and in that crewmember position, the operating experience, operating cycles, and line operating flight time for consolidation of knowledge and skills.
Sources: 121.434(a)
2. / Check that the operator's manual has instructions and information that prohibit the operator's use of a required crewmember on an airplane unless the person has satisfactorily completed, on that type airplane and in that crewmember position, the operating experience, operating cycles, and line operating flight time for consolidation of knowledge and skills.
Sources: 121.434(a)
1.2 / Do procedures specify the following exceptions to the crewmember requirements for operating experience, operating cycles, and line operating flight time for consolidation of knowledge and skills required by 14 CFR part 121, section 121.434:
·  Crewmembers other than pilots in command (PIC) may serve in their respectivepositionsas provided in 14 CFR part 121, section 121.434;
·  Pilots who are meeting the PIC requirements may serve as second in command (SIC); and
·  Separate operating experience, operating cycles, and line operating flight time for consolidation of knowledge and skills are not required for variations within the same type of airplane? / Yes
No, Explain
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(a)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.3 / Do procedures specify that flight crewmembers acquiring the operating experience, operating cycles, and line operating flight time must:
·  Hold the certificate and ratings appropriate to the crewmember position and the airplane;
·  Have satisfactorily completed the appropriate ground and flight training for the airplane type and crewmember position; and
·  Have acquired the required experience in flight operations under 14 CFR part 121? / Yes
No, Explain
If the operator has not previously operated the aircraft, the required experience may be acquired during proving runs and ferry flights.
Updated: Rev # 4 on 03/03/2010
SRRs: 121.434(b)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.4 / Do procedures specify that for pilots in command (PIC) to acquire the required operating experience and operating cycles necessary to perform as PIC, they must:
·  Perform the duties of the PIC under the supervision of a check pilot who is serving as PIC and occupying a pilot seat; and
·  Be observed by an FAA inspector during one flight leg that includes a takeoff and landing if they are completing initial or upgrade training? / Yes
No, Explain
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(c)(1)(i); 121.434(c)(1)(ii)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.5 / Do procedures specify that for a transitioning PIC the check pilotmay occupy the observer's seat during the operating experience and operating cycles, if the transitioning pilot:
·  Has made at least two takeoffs and landings in the type airplane; and
·  Has demonstrated that he/she is qualified to perform the duties of a PIC on that type of airplane. / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(c)(1)(ii)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.6 / Do procedures specify that when acquiring the required operating experience and operating cycles, a Second in Command (SIC) must perform his/her duties under the supervision of an appropriately qualified check pilot? / Yes
No, Explain
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(c)(2)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.7 / Do procedures specify that for initial training, pilots must receive four operating cycles with the pilot flying the airplane for at least two of those cycles, and the following required hours as appropriate?
·  For Group I reciprocating-powered airplanes: 15 hours
·  For Group I turbopropeller-powered airplanes: 20 hours
·  For Group II airplanes: 25 hours / Yes
No, Explain
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(c)(3)(i)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.8 / Do procedures specify that for transition training, pilots must receive four operating cycles with the pilot flying the airplane for at least two of those cycles, and the following required hours as appropriate?
·  For Group I reciprocating-powered airplanes: 10 hours
·  For Group I turbopropeller-powered airplanes: 12 hours
·  For PICs in Group II airplanes: 25 hours
·  For SICs in Group II airplanes: 15 hours / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
This requirement does not apply for training programs that include an approved simulator training course.
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(c)(3)(ii)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.9 / Do procedures specify that for transition training conducted in a program that includes an approved simulator course, each pilot must receive at least four operating cycles with the pilot flying the airplane for at least two of those cycles, and the following required hours as appropriate?
·  For Group I reciprocating-powered airplanes: 15 hours
·  For Group I turbopropeller-powered airplanes: 20 hours
·  For Group II airplanes: 25 hours / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(c)(3)(iii)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.10 / Do procedures specify that flight engineers must receive the following hours of training?
·  For Group I reciprocating-powered airplanes: 8 hours
·  For Group I turbopropeller-powered airplanes: 10 hours
·  For Group II airplanes: 12 hours / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(d)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.11 / Do procedures allow flight crewmembers to substitute one additional takeoff and landing for each hour of flight to meet the operating experience requirements as long as the reduction does not exceed 50% of the flight hour requirement? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
This does not apply to those in Group II initial training and SIC pilots in Group II transition training.
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(f)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.12 / Do procedures specify that a pilot must acquire at least 100 hours of line operating flight time within 120 days after the completion of a proficiency check or any part of the flight maneuvers and procedures portion of a practical test? / Yes
No, Explain
121.434(h) contains exceptions to this requirement that are addressed elsewhere in this DCT.
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(g)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
Related Design JTIs:
1. / Check that the operator's manual has instructions and information that a pilot in command and second in command acquires at least 100 hours of line operating flight time for consolidation of knowledge and skills including operating experience within 120 days after the satisfactory completion of: (1) Any part of the flight maneuvers and procedures portion of either an airline transport pilot certificate with type rating practical test or an additional type rating practical test, or (2) A 14 CFR Sec. 121.441 proficiency check.
Sources: 121.434(g)(1); 121.434(g)(2)
1.13 / Do procedures specify that a pilot is not required to complete line operating flight time before serving as PIC or SIC if:
·  That pilot had qualified and served on a particular type airplane in operations before August 25, 1995; or
·  That pilot has previously served as SIC on the same type airplane? / Yes
No, Explain
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(h)(1); 121.434(h)(2)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.14 / Do procedures specify that if a pilot serves on another airplane typebefore completing the required 100 hours of line operating flight time on the newly qualified airplane type, the pilot must complete the operator's approved refresher training before serving as pilot on the newly qualified airplane? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(h)(3)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.15 / Do procedures specify that if the required 100 hours of line operating flight time are not completed within 120 days, the operator may extend the 120 day period to no more than 150 days if:
·  The pilot continues to meet all other applicable requirements of 14 CFR part 121, subpart O; and
·  Before the 120th day, the pilot completes the operator's approved refresher training or a check pilot determines that the pilot has retained an adequate level of proficiency after observing the pilot in a supervised line operating flight? / Yes
No, Explain
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(h)(4)(i); 121.434(h)(4)(ii)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.16 / Do procedures specify that the reductions in the operating experience hours are not subject to the reductions allowed by 14 CFR part 121, sections 121.405 and 121.409? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: 121.434(i)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.17 / Do procedures specify if the second in command (SIC) has fewer than 100 hours of flight time, and the pilot in command (PIC) is not an appropriately qualified check pilot, the PIC must make all takeoffs and landings at special airports and whenever the conditions listed in 14 CFR part 121, section 121.438 are present? / Yes
No, Explain
These conditions include:
·  Visibility below 3/4 mile;
·  Runway visual range below 4,000 feet;
·  Runway conditions that may adversely affected airplane performance;
·  Braking action on the runway reported to be less than "good";
·  Crosswind component in excess of 15 knots;
·  Windshear reported in the vicinity of the airport; and
·  Any other condition in which the PIC determines it to be prudent.
Updated: Rev # 4 on 03/03/2010
SRRs: 121.438(a)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.18 / Do procedures specify that either the PIC or the SIC must have at least 75 hours line operating flight time in aircraft type, unless a deviation has been granted by the Administrator? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
Updated: Rev # 3 on 12/03/2009
SRRs: A.005Exemptions and Deviations; 121.438(b)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.19 / Do procedures specify that flight crewmembers must accomplish at least three takeoffs and landings in the previous 90 days in the airplane type? / Yes
No, Explain
These maneuvers may be made in a simulator approved for the operator.
Updated: Rev # 4 on 03/03/2010
SRRs: 121.439(a)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
Related Design JTIs:
1. / Check that the operator's manual has instructions and information that the operator may not use any person as a required pilot flight crewmember, unless within the preceding 90 days, that person has made at least three takeoffs and landings in the type airplane in which that person is to serve. Any person who fails to make the three required takeoffs and landings within any consecutive 90- day period must reestablish recency of experience as provided in 14 CFR 121.439 paragraph (b).
Sources: 121.439(a)
1.20 / Do procedures specify if a crewmember has not met the recency of experience requirements, he/she must reestablish that experience under the supervision of a check airman by making at least three takeoffs and landings in the same type airplane? / Yes
No, Explain
These takeoffs and landings must include:
·  One takeoff with a simulated failure of the most critical powerplant;
·  One landing from an ILS approach to the lowest authorized ILS minimum; and
·  One landing to a full stop.
These maneuvers may be made in an advanced simulator or visual simulator approved for the operator.