Midterm Study Guide – Thursday (12/17) @ 12:30pm in Room F-2

Chapter 2 (p. 30-34; 38-43)

1.  Define/understand isotopes, valence electrons, & ions

2.  Know difference between 4 bond/interaction types; which are strongest

a.  Covalent – sharing of electrons

i.  Non-polar covalent – sharing of electrons is equal (e.g. carbon dioxide)

ii. Polar covalent – unequal sharing due to one atom being more electronegative (e.g. water)

b.  Ionic – bond formed when electrons are transferred from one atom to another (e.g. NaCl)

i.  Define electronegativity; which elements have greatest electronegativity

c.  Know what a hydrogen bond is, why it forms, who it forms between

3.  Define chemical reactions, reactants, products, & chemical equilibrium

Chapter 3 (p. 46-56)

4.  Know the 4 emergent properties of water & why they occur, define hydrophilic/hydrophobic

5.  Define acid & base (how H+ affected), pH scale; predict pH changes w/ & w/o buffers (carbonic acid)

Chapter 4 (p. 58-66)

6.  Define/recognize organic molecules, hydrocarbons, & 7 functional groups (p. 64-65)

7.  Know characteristics of ATP; how it stores energy

8.  Be able to read structure diagrams of molecules

Chapter 5 (p. 68-85)

9.  Define polymer/monomer; which classes form polymers; describe dehydration & hydrolysis reactions

10.  Lipids:

a.  Discuss functions/characteristics of lipids (fat, phospholipid, steroid, ester linkage)

b.  Describe structure of fats; why hydrophobic; difference b/w saturated & unsaturated fatty acids

c.  Describe structure of phospholipids (amphipathic)

11.  Carbohydrates

a.  Discuss functions/characteristics of carbs

b.  Define mono-, di-, polysaccharide, glycosidic linkage

c.  Discuss characteristics of starch, glycogen, cellulose, glucose

12.  Proteins

a.  Discuss functions/characteristics of proteins

b.  Describe general amino acid structure

c.  Define polypeptide, peptide bond, denaturation, chaperonin; know 4 levels of protein folding

13.  Nucleic Acids

a.  Discuss characteristics of DNA & RNA (know differences)

b.  Know 3 parts of a nucleotide & 5 bases (A,G,T,C,U); complementary pairs

Chapter 8 (p. 152-160)

14.  Describe general characteristics of an enzyme (structure, function, cofactors, conenzymes)

15.  Discuss factors that affect enzyme activity (substrate/enzyme concentration, temp/pH,

competitive/noncompetitive inhibitors, allosteric regulation/cooperativity, feedback inhibition)

Chapter 6 (p. 94-124)

16.  Differentiate b/w prokaryotic/eukaryotic cells (kingdoms/domains/structures on p. 100-101)

17.  Know description/functions of nucleus, nuclear envelope, nuclear lamina, chromosomes, chromatin, nucleolus

18.  Know how ribosome is formed, what it’s made of; where located; define transcription & translation

19.  Name structures of endomembrane system & how system works

a.  Know difference b/w two types of ER & what their functions are

b.  Know structure of Golgi (two faces), its functions

c.  Discuss lysosome function (autophagy & phagocytosis)

d.  Know the three vacuoles & what each does

20.  Describe structure & function of mitochondrion, chloroplast, & peroxisomes

21.  Discuss what cytoskeleton is; distinguish b/w three fibers of cytoskeleton; roles of each

a.  Describe general interaction b/w dynein & microtubules

b.  Describe general interaction b/w myosin & microfilaments

22.  Know what a cell wall is, composition of plants/fungi, function

23.  Discuss structure/function of ECM & four intercellular junctions (who has them)

Chapter 7 (p 125-140; 768-771 on water potential)

24.  Know different molecules that make up cell membrane (functions/characteristics); characteristics of molecules that pass freely across membrane & which need help

25.  Understand fluidity of membrane (movement of PLs, temp effect, cholesterol’s role, fatty acid’s role)

26.  Define & give functions of integral & peripheral proteins, glycoprotein & glycolipid

27.  Know two types of transport proteins (carrier & channel) & how each works

28.  Define/understand diffusion, concentration gradient, & passive transport

29.  Define water potential & understand how to calculate it (from lab & lecture)

30.  Know isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic & what happens to cell (w/ & w/o cell walls) when placed in diff. solutions; know lyse (lysis), turgid, flaccid, plasmolyze

31.  Understand facilitated diffusion & active transport

32.  Describe 2 electrogenic pumps work & purpose (Na+-K+ & Proton pumps); how cotransport works

33.  Describe functions of exocytosis, endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis

Chapter 12 (p. 228-243)

34.  Describe binary fission of prokaryotes

35.  Discuss what happens in interphase (G1, S, & G2 phases), know what G0 phase is

36.  Understand chromosomal structure after S phase

37.  Describe structures of mitotic spindle

38.  Discuss each stage of mitosis (prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase) & cytokinesis

39.  Describe mechanism of each cell cycle checkpoint (G1, G2, & M)

40.  Discuss how external factors can affect cell cycle

41.  Describe characteristics of cancer cells

Chapter 13 (p. 248-260 & section 15.4: p. 297-300)

42.  Define all terms under ‘Cell Terminology’ in notes

43.  Give general description of each reproductive life cycle

44.  Describe stages of meiosis & how genetic variation can arise

Chapter 14 (p. 262-279, stop at genetic testing)

45.  Discuss the findings of Mendel’s pea experiments from both mono- & dihybrid cross

46.  Recognize/understand genetics terminology & generation names (P, F1, F2)

47.  Understand/solve genetics problems using monohybrid/dihybrid/test crosses/law of probabilities

48.  Describe/understand traits that are…sex-linked, incompletely dominant, codominant, multiple allelic, pleiotropic, epistatic, polygenic

49.  Be able to read pedigrees & predict the cause of a disorder from a pedigree

Chapter 15 (p. 286-302)

50.  Describe the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

51.  Understand sex determination in humans, sex linked traits, & X inactivation

52.  Understand Morgan’s fruit fly experiments (sex linkage & gene linkage)

53.  Be able to read/use common nomenclature of fruit fly alleles (b+ is wild type/gray body, b is mutant/black body)

54.  Calculate percent recombination in fly crosses & use data to create a linkage map (order of genes)

55.  Understand genomic imprinting & extranuclear DNA

56.  Be able to calculate chi-squared

Chapter 22 (p. 452-467)

57.  Know/understand Darwin’s 4 observations & 2 inferences; Discuss steps to evolution (mutate, natural selection, evolution); Read/ understand Natural Selection: A Summary (pg 460)

58.  Explain evidence of evolution: artificial selection, fossil record, structural homology, comparative embryology, molecular homology

59.  Describe what homologous/vestigial/analogous structures are & convergent evolution

60.  Be able to read a phylogenetic tree (chapter 26)

Chapter 23 (p. 469-485)

61.  Define genetic variation, population, gene pool, & gene frequency

62.  Explain Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (know 5 assumptions) & be able to use the equation

63.  Explain process & effects of genetic drift, founder effect, bottleneck effect, gene flow

64.  Discuss how only natural selection leads to adaptive evolution (relative fitness)

65.  Explain three selection types (directional, disruptive, stabilizing)

66.  Understand sexual selection, sexual dimorphism, intrasexual & intersexual selection

67.  Discuss significance of & modes for preservation of genetic variation

Chapter 24 (p. 488-504)

68.  Understand microevolution, macroevolution, speciation, & Biological Species Concept

69.  Describe two modes of speciation (allopatric & sympatric) w/ examples

70.  Explain 8 reproductive isolating mechanisms (p. 490-91)

71.  Describe concept of Punctuated Equilibrium (vs. Gradualism)

Chapter 53 (p. 1170 – 1191)

72.  Define/recognize organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere, biotic/abiotic factors (ch 52)

73.  Define population density & dispersion; understand how to calculate population size

74.  Know three types of dispersion & possible reasons for each

75.  Describe exponential growth (J-curve), logistic growth (S-curve), carrying capacity

76.  Discuss limiting factors on a population, density dependent & density independent factors

77.  Describe survivorship curves & 3 types

78.  Define life history (3 factors it involves) & discuss K-selection & r-selection

79.  Calculate population change rates & percentages

80.  Read an age structure pyramid & predict future growth/social issues

81.  Discuss steps/reasons for demographic transition

Chapter 54 (p. 1194-1215)

82.  Describe/recognize what ecological niche is (fundamental & realized); generalist & specialist species

83.  Discuss/recognize types of intraspecific & interspecific interactions (competition, predation, herbivory, parasitism, mutualism, commensalism)

84.  Describe competitive exclusion theory & resource partitioning

85.  Recognize/understand the different mechanisms of prey defense (coloration & mimicry) & predator adaptations; define coevolution

86.  Define/understand species richness, relative abundance, & theory of island biogeography

87.  Define/understand dominant, invasive, keystone, foundation species in a community

88.  Recognize what a disturbance is & describe process of primary & secondary terrestrial succession (characteristics of pioneer species, early, mid, & late successional/climax plants)