Biology 30

·  Complete the test on the scantron and circle the answers in your book. Write the numeric response on the scantron.

·  Complete the written reponse on the pages provided.


Use the following information to answer the next question.


Match each of the events that occur in oogenesis numbered above with the stage at which it occurs, as given below.

Event: / 1 / 3 / 4 / 2
Stage: / Interphase / Metphase I / Anaphase I / Anaphase II

(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following information to answer the next question.

1.  According to the information on whiptail lizards, the somatic cells of offspring produced from the whiptail lizard’s unfertilized eggs would have a chromosome number of

A.   n

B.   2n*

C.   4n

D.   n + 2

Use the following information to answer the next question.

2.  The sex and the condition of the individual whose karyotype is shown above are given in rowC

Use the following diagram to answer the next two questions.

3.  In the life cycle of a moss plant, genetic variation can occur during the processes represented on the diagram above by the numbers

A.   1 and 2

B.   2 and 3

C.   2 and 4*

D.   3 and 4

4.  In moss plants, spores and gametes are similar in that both are

A.   diploid cells

B.   haploid cells*

C.   produced by mitosis

D.   produced by meiosis?

Use the following information to answer the next two questions.

5.  A reasonable hypothesis to explain these results is that the mutation in the mitochondrial DNA that caused KSS in the man first occurred in the

A.   mother’s oocytes*

B.   man’s somatic cells

C.   man’s spermatocytes

D.   mother’s somatic cells

6.  Both males and females can be affected by mitochondrial mutations, but only females can transmit genetic mutations to their offspring. For this inheritance pattern, which of the following rows identifies the contributions to the zygote made by the sperm and by the egg? A

Use the following information to answer the next question.

7.  In this study, the manipulated variable was the

A.   amount of mitochondrial DNA tested

B.   time of migration from one continent to another

C.   amount of variation in mitochondrial DNA base sequences

D.   geographic location of subjects whose sample of mitochondrial DNA was tested*


Given that the diploid number for horses is 64, what is the number of chromosomes found in a horse’s somatic cell and what is the number of chromosomes found in a horse’s gamete cell?

Number of Chromosomes / 64 / , / 32
Cell Type / Somatic Cells / Gamete Cells

Use the following additional information to answer the next two questions.

8.  The row below that identifies process 1 and process 2 isC

9.  The row below that identifies the chromosome number at the first stage and the chromosome number at the second stage isC

Use the following information to answer the next two questions.

Mature Human Oocyte / Human Sperm

10.  The difference in size between the human oocyte and sperm is mostly due to the

A.   difference in magnification of the two photographs

B.   distance that the sperm must travel in order to reach the oocyte

C.   amount of cytoplasm present in the oocyte as compared with that in the sperm*

D.   number of chromosomes in the nucleus of the oocyte as compared with the number in the sperm

11.  The nucleus of a human oocyte would normally be

A.   diploid and contain 23 chromosomes

B.   diploid and contain 46 chromosomes

C.   haploid and contain 23 chromosomes*

D.   haploid and contain 46 chromosomes

Use the following additional information to answer the next question.

12.  This evidence best supports which of the scientists’ hypotheses about gender determination?

A.   The presence of a Y chromosome causes maleness. *

B.   The lack of a second X chromosome causes maleness.

C.   The presence of two X chromosomes causes femaleness.

D.   The Y chromosome is not involved in gender determination.

Use the following additional information to answer the next question.

13.  This partial human karyotype represents the last six chromosome pairs, in numerical order. The karyotype presented is that of a

A.   male with trisomy 21*

B.   female with trisomy 21

C.   male with Turner syndrome

D.   female with Turner syndrome

Use the following information to answer the next three questions.

14.  Which of the structures numbered above was replaced by the beads in the experimental setup?

A.   1

B.   2

C.   3*

D.   4

Use the following information to answer the next question.

Numerical Response

Identify the stages in the conifer life cycle, as numbered above, that correspond with the letters that represent these stages on the diagram.

Stages: / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
Diagram / A / B / C / D

(Record your four-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following additional information to answer the next question.

15.  Based on the results of this research, the structure or molecule that does not appear to be necessary for mitosis is

A.   DNA

B.   a spindle

C.   centrosomes*

D.   microtubules

Use the following additional information to answer the next question.

16.  The phase that is delayed and the phase where the chromosomes line up at theequator are, respectively,

A.   telophase and anaphase

B.   metaphase and prophase

C.   interphase and telophase

D.   anaphase and metaphase*

Use the following information to answer the next two questions.

17.  Down syndrome is a trisomy disorder that can be caused by the presence of three copies of chromosome 21. Which of the following chromosome combinations identifies Down syndrome?

A.   46 chromosomes consisting of 45 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome

B.   46 chromosomes consisting of 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes

C.   47 chromosomes consisting of 45 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes*

D.   47 chromosomes consisting of 44 autosomes and 3 sex chromosomes

18.  A genetic abnormality such as Down syndrome can be diagnosed by using the cells obtained during amniocentesis to create a

A.   karyotype*

B.   therapeutic gene

C.   DNA fingerprint

D.   recombinant vector

Use the following information to answer the next question.

19.  Which structures in the life cycle of the Ulva are haploid (monoploid)?

A.   Zoospores and the zygote

B.   The sporophyte and the zygote

C.   Zoospores and the gametophytes*

D.   The sporophyte and the gametophytes

Use the following information to answer the next four questions.

20.  In humans, what process must have occurred to obtain the cells at U?

A.   Mitosis

B.   Meiosis*

C.   Fertilization

D.   Differentiation

21.  In humans, what process occurs between U and V?

A.   Mitosis

B.   Meiosis

C.   Fertilization*

D.   Differentiation

22.  In humans, what process must occur before cell V forms cells W and X?

A.   Mitosis*

B.   Meiosis

C.   Recombination

D.   Nondisjunction

23.  In humans, cells Y and Z represent individual cells that

A.   are two eggs

B.   will no longer divide

C.   will become a 4n cell

D.   could develop into identical twins*

Use the following information to answer the next question.

Numerical Response


The phases of mitosis in the sequence in which they occur are:

_____ , _____ , _____ , and _____.3214

(Record your four-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

24.  Organisms that lack a true nucleus are called

A.   prokaryotes *

B.   eukaryotes

C.   protista

D.   fungi

25.  As organisms grow in size the cells of that organism must

A.   specialize

B.   differentiate

C.   grow in size

D.   grow in number*

26.  Sex cells are collectively referred to as

A.   somatic cells

B.   haploid cells

C.   autosomes

D.   gametes*

27.  If total number of human chromosomes is 46 then the diploid number is

A.   92

B.   46*

C.   23

D.   2

28.  Which of the following is not a part of interphase

A.   Growth (or Gap) 1

B.   Growth (or Gap) 2

C.   DNA Synthesis

D.   Mitosis*

29.  The splitting of a i cell into two ii cells comes occurs through the process of iii .A

i / ii / iii
A.   / parent / daughter / cytokinesis
B.   / parent / parent / cytokinesis
C.   / parent / daughter / cleavage
D.   / parent / parent / cleavage

Use the following answers to complete the 9 next questions

You can use the answers more than once

Answer / Mitosis Phase
A / Interphase
B / Prophase
C / Metaphase
D / Anaphase
E / Telophase

Using the labels provided in the above table identify each of the stages of mitosis described below

30.  Chromosomes migrate to opposite ends of the cellsD

31.  Nuclear membrane reformsE

32.  Chromosomes first become visible during this stageB

33.  Centrioles migrate to opposite poles. B

34.  Spindle fibers dissolve E

35.  Centromeres anchor to the spindle fibresC

36.  Chromosomes are most visible at this stageC

37.  Centromeres divideD

38.  Chromosomes composed of sister chromatids migrate towards the centre of the cellC

Written Response

39.  Outline the development of sperm and eggs in the human reproductive system. In your outline clearly describe but do not limit it to the items below:

A.   the stages of mitosis and meiosis and the role they play in gametogenesis.

B.   the similarities and differences between the two gametogenesis events.

C.   the products in the two developmental processes

Include at least on diagram in your discussion.





















































































