Name: Mohammed A. Kalkhan, PhD Nationality: USA

Business Address:

Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NESB-B236) Phone: (970)-491-5262, Fax: (970)-491-1965

Colorado State University E-mail:

Fort Collins, CO 80523-1499, USA


1994- Doctor of Philosophy (Forest Biometrics – Remote Sensing-GIS Applications), Colorado State

University, USA.

1980- Master of Science (Forest Menstruation), University of Mosul, Iraq.

1973- Bachelor of Science (Forestry) with a minor in General Agricultural Sciences. University of

Mosul, Iraq.

Continuing Education (Short Course – Workshop Training)

  • Advanced ERDAS-IMAGINE March, 1994
  • Advanced Arc Info -GIS June, 1996
  • Advanced Grid – Arc Info- GIS June, 1996
  • Spatial Statistical Modelling July, 1999
  • ENVI-IDL January, 2004
  • NASA Ecological Modelling April, 2005
  • Fire Incident ARCTOOL April, 2005
  • Designing Aquatic Resources Surveys: Sampling Design-Statistics September, 2005
  • FLAME (Software), Fire Science for the Fire March, 2006
  • Measuring Canopy Fuels and Assessing Crown Fire Potential March, 2006
  • Use of Flam Map for Fire and Fuels Planning March, 2006
  • FARSITE (S-493) - Fire Area Simulator Software April, 2006
  • Hyper spectral Image Processing and Feature Extraction:
  • Maximizing geospatial Information May, 2006
  • Modelling Patterns and Dynamics of species occurrence August, 2006
  • R for Statistics- Multiple linear regression using R By Example August, 2006
  • Fuel Assessment Techniques Using LANDFIRE Data (FOR 438) December, 2006
  • Wind Wizard: A New Tool for Fire Management Decision Support March, 2007
  • FRAGSTATS Software: Analysis of Landscape Structure April, 2007
  • IDL Programming Techniques April, 2007
  • Making SAR Accessible May, 2007
  • Thermal Remote Sensing May, 2007
  • Looking Above the Terrain Model: LIDAR for Vegetation Assessment May, 2007
  • Cyber infrastructure Workshop (CI-Team), NSF, Washington DC July, 2007
  • Agent-Based Modelling, Institute for Society, Landscape, and April, 2008
  • Ecosystem Change (ISLEC), Colorado State University
  • NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Joint Science May, 2008
  • Human Research Protection, Colorado State University July, 2008
  • Using ENVI- Feature Extraction and Change Detection, Boulder, CO August, 2008
  • Climate Change in Western Lands, USDA-ARS, Cheyenne, WY September, 2008
  • Introduction to Epidemiologic Simulation Modelling,
  • USAD-EPHIS-Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO January, 2009
  • Moderator (Chair Session Meeting)
  • Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium (Remote Sensing Technology): Unifying Knowledge
  • for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere, Adam.s Mark Hotel, Denver, Colorado, September, 20-24, 2004.
  • The First Conference on Fire, Fuel Treatments and Ecological Restoration: Proper Place, Appropriate

Time, (Chair poster sessions), April 16-18 2002, Marriot Hotel, Fort Collins, CO

Ecosystems and Remote Sensing: In: IEEE 1998 International Geosciences and Remote Sensing

Symposium (IGARSS-98), July 6-10, 1998, Seattle, Washington, USA.

  • Spatial Point Patterns, Processes, and Cellular Automata. In: Second International Symposium of Spatial

Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, May 21-23, 1996, Fort

Collins, Colorado, USA.

  • Remote Sensing- Environment I: ACSM/ASPRS Technical Sessions ACSM/ASPRS Annual Convention

& Exposition, ASPRS Technical Papers, February 27- March, 1995, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Graduate Student Committee Memberships (Colorado State University):

Research Interest:

Biometrics (natural resource applications), landscape (structure-analysis-modelling), remote

sensing, GIS, invasive species, biodiversity assessment, ecological forecasting and modelling,

wetlands ecosystem, spatial statistics, sampling methods and designs, sustainability, land use and

land cover change, determination of uncertainty, mapping accuracy assessment, agricultural

(Cropping, health monitoring, assessment, precision farming, water resources, soils), fire ecology-

Characteristics-behaviour, burn severity-fire effect and fuel modelling, ecology-global change,

Environmental, risk assessment-analysis, and health-clinical studies.

Society Memberships:

  • 2006-Present International Association of Wildlands Fire (IAWF),
  • 2005- Present American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS),
  • 2004-Present National Geographic Society (NGS),
  • 2003-Present International Association for Landscape Ecology, USA-IALE,
  • 2000-Presnt Ecological Society of America (ESA),
  • 1984-Present American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS),
  • 1984-Present Society of American Foresters (SAF),
  • 1993-Present The Honor Society of Agriculture (Gamma Sigma Delta), USA.
  • 1992-1993 President, ASPRS Colorado State University Student Chapter, USA.
  • 1991-1992 Secretary and Treasurer, ASPRS Colorado State University Student Chapter, USA.

Computing Experience

  • Over twenty years experience with computer software: Knowledge and advance uses of

. GIS technologies, Arc/Info, supplied by ESRI, Inc. Experience programming in AML,

  • GRID, and familiarity with ArcView and ArcMap/ArcGIS, GRASS, Quantum GIS,


  • . Experience with Remote Sensing (Data acquisition, image analysis, interpretation,

thematic mapping accuracy, geospatial-geostatistical model-map products), Knowledge


  • . Statistical packages: S-plus, R-Stat, SAS, SYSTAT, MINITAB, SPSSX, BMDP, other.

. Office work: Excel, Access, Lotus, Quattro Pro, Word, WordPerfect, Dbase-Rbase,

PowerPoint, Publisher, Graphic design-Adobe, and in image manipulation.

  • . Fire-Fuel Data Analysis: Behave-Plus, FARSITE, FLAME, FlamMap, WindWizard,

LANDFIRE, Fire Incident ARCTOOL, other.

Professional Experience:

-10/08- Present Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (GDPE) faculty, Colorado State University, Fort

Collins, CO.

-1/08-Present Research Scientist/ Scholar III- Associate Professor of Biometrics-Spatial Statistics-

Geospatial Information Sciences, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NREL),

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

-1/03-12/2007 Research Scientist II- Assistant Professor of Biometrics- Spatial Statistics- Geospatial

Information Sciences, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NREL), Colorado State University, Fort

Collins, CO.

-2000-Present Affiliate Faculty, Department of Geosciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins,


-1997-Present Affiliate Faculty, Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Watershed Stewardship, and

faculty member - advisor for Interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Geospatial

Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

-9/98-12/2002 Research Scientist – Faculty of Biometrics- Spatial Statistics- Geospatial Information

Sciences, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NREL), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

-7/94-8/98 Research Associate- Biometrics-Geospatial Information Sciences, Natural Resource

Ecology Laboratory (NREL), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

-6/91-6/94 Research Associate, College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

-8/92-12/92 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Forest Sciences, Colorado State University,

Fort Collins, CO.

-8/91-5/92 Computer Laboratory Assistant, College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

-5/90-2/ 91 GIS-Computer Analyst, Kucera International, Inc. Photogrammetric Consultants, Willoughby, OH.

-11/88-3/90 Research Associate, Remote Sensing Laboratory, School of Forestry and Wood Products,

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.

-5/87-7/88 Research Associate (Statistical Consultant), College of Nursing, University of Utah, Salt

Lake City, UT.

-1/88-3/88 Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.

-1975-1982 Faculty-Lecturer, Department of Forestry, College of Agriculture and Forestry,

University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq.

Consulting: Lockheed Martin, Inc., Geospatial Technology Division, Las Vegas, Nevada:

Developed a geospatial statistical model-thematic map applications for wetlands and depressional wetlands functionality in the coastal area of Texas, USA. The outcome was used for environmental impact assessments (EIA) and strategic environmental

Assessments (SEA) in relation to land use and land cover changes, urban growth/sprawl, And policy decisions

Parametric, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico: Advice on the selection of remotely sensed data, how to integrate field data, and to design sampling protocols with linkage to Remote sensing/GIS for landscape assessment, vegetation-forest fuel loading modelling, and fire ecology applications at Taos-Pueblo, New Mexico.

Reviewer Journals: International J. of Remote Sensing, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (PE & RS) J. of the American Society for Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing, Forest Science, Transaction on Geosciences and Remote Sensing (TGRS-IEEE),

Ecological Application, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Diversity and Distribution, MADRO.O, Rangeland Ecology and Management, Ecology, Forest

Ecology and Management, Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, Landscape Ecology, and Intelligent Information Systems.


Books: Landscape Simulation Modelling: A Spatially Explicit, Dynamic Approach,

Editors: Robert Costanza and Alexey Voinov (2004 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

Proposals: NASA- Earth Science Application Division,

USDA-Agriculture Research Service (ARS),

US Civilian Research and Development Foundation,

National Park Service, & EPA- Landscape Ecology Division,

Editor The First Conference on Fire, Fuel Treatments and Ecological Restoration: Proper Place,

Appropriate Time, Aril 16-18 2002, Marriot Hotel, Fort Collins, CO.

Collaborate USGS-NPS Mapping, NASA, USDA- Agriculture Research Service (ARS) on (Informal) research program to develop predictive spatial models and maps for Leafy spurge at Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota, using hyperspectral imaging from NASA EO-1 Hyperion (Space), NASA AVIRIS (High altitude aircraft), ARS (CASI- Low altitude aircraft).

USGS- NPS- BOR (Vegetation-fuel mapping program). Assist in sampling designs, Mapping accuracy assessment protocol, geospatial information, and spatial statistical Modelling-mapping.

Member of Consortium for Advancing the Monitoring of Ecosystem Sustainability in the America (CAMESA- June 2007- Present)

Program Planning Committee (Member)

Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere, Denver, Colorado, September 20-24, 2004.

2003 - Present NASA-USGS Invasive Species Tasks.


-1977-1980 Scholarship for MSc program, University of Mosul, IRAQ

-1983-1986 Scholarship for PhD programs, University of Mosul, IRAQ

-1987 National Collegiate Natural Sciences Awards (NCNSA), USA

-1987 Scholarship, Department of Geography, University of Utah

-1987 Graduate Research Fellow, University of Utah

-1988-1990 Graduate Research Assistantship, School of Forestry and Wood Products, Michigan

Tech. University

-1990 Excellence in Teaching Award, Garrettsville Christian School, Ohio

-1992-1993 Graduate Assistantship, Department of Forest Sciences, Colorado State University

-1992 Teaching Assistantship, Department of Forest Sciences, Colorado State University

-1993 The Honour Society of Natural Resources (Xi Sigma Pi), USA

-1992-1993 ASPRS-Rocky Mountain Region certificate of recognition as President of ASPRS

Colorado State University Student Chapter

-1993 ACSM/ASPRS certificate of recognition as outstanding volunteer service during the 1993

ACSM/ASPRS Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana

-1998 Certificate of Recognition as outstanding, North America Science Symposium: Toward a

Unified framework for inventorying and monitoring forest ecosystem resources

2004 Certificate of Recognition as outstanding, Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium


Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere,

Consortium for Advancing Monitoring of Ecosystem Sustainability in the Americas.

-2009 International Travel Award for Research and Collaboration: Office of International Program

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Research Experience(1994-present):

-2006-2008 Principal Investigator, Proposed integration of the global organism and monitoring

System with invasive species forecasting system using an early adopters approach, USGS.


-2006-2007 Principal Investigator, Research, Design, develop, and Implement Technology in Support

of the NPS Vegetation Mapping Inventory, NPS-Vegetation Mapping Program. $66,301.

2007-2009 Principal Investigator, Using the GODM Cyber infrastructure to involve citizen scientists

in moving from data isolation to data integration. Co-PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS). NSF $900,000.

-2006-2007 Principal Investigator, Invasive species survey and report, USGS, $109,690.

-2006-2008 Principal Investigator, National biological information infrastructure invasive species

Information node, USGS, $95,467.

-2006-2007 Principal Investigator, Testing early detection toolkit, database, and predictive modeling

for invasive species on USFWS Refuges, USGS, $67,860.

-2005-2006 Principal Investigator, Fire Severity & Fuels/Vegetation Map Updates in Burned Areas,

National Park Service – Grand Teton National Park (GRTE). $70,030.

-2005-2006 Principal Investigator, Geo-Spatial Statistics Modelling-Mapping Support for National

Park Service, National Park Service, Fire Program. $65,587.

-2005-2006 Principal Investigator, USGS- Biological Resource Division, A Plan to Develop Invasive

Plant Species Sampling and Management Tools: Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska,


-2004-2008 Principal Investigator, Biological Resource Division, USGS, ISS Tamarisk and Emerald

Ash Borer Mapping Research. Co-PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS). $598,064.

-2004-2007 Principal Investigator, National Park Service- Grand Teton National Park (GRTE),

Bureau of Reclamation, Center for Biological Informatics, Vegetation Mapping Program,

USGS, Fuel Mapping of Grand Teton National Park: Integration of Geostatistics - Spatial

Information and Field Pixel Sampling. $217,668.

-2004-2007 Principal Investigator, NASA-Fingerprinting Native and Non-native Biodiversity in the

United States. Co-PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS). $1,092,702.

-2001-2006 Principal Investigator, USGS. Database Development and iterative sampling to address

Invasive species in the national wildlife refuge system. Co-PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren

(USGS). $465,675.

-2004-2005 Principal Investigator, USGS- Biological Resource Discipline. Development of the NBII

Invasive Species Information Node (ISIN), $113,874.

-2002-2005 Principal Investigator, Biological Resource Division, USGS, „One if by land, two if by

sea….Document, mapping, and predicting the invasion of non- native plants, animal, and

diseases in the USA species. Co-PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS). $256,005.

-2002-2003 Principal Investigator, Biological Resource Division, USGS, Determining present and

future impacts of coal bed methane (CBM) development in Powder River basin, WY and MT potential impacts on vegetation diversity. Co-PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren. $17,344.

-2002-2003 Principal Investigator, USDA Forest Service, Development and comparative analysis of

fuel loading disease / disturbance models: Joint Venture Agreement. $14,500.

-2000-2002 Principal Investigator, Biological Resource Division, USGS. Predicting exotic species locations in Rocky Mountain National Park. Co-PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS).


2000-2005 Principal Investigator, BLM: Landscape assessment of native and exotic plant diversity and microbiotic crusts in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument: Landscape assessment. Phase II. Co-PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS). $510,000.

Research Experience(1994-present):

2001-2004 Co-Principal Investigator, National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)-Joint Fire Science Program: Spatial interaction among fuels, wildfire, and invasive species. PI: Dr. Philip

N. Omi (CSU), Co-PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS). $250,000.

2002-2005 Co-Principal Investigators, NASA-USGS, Carbon Cycle Science and related

opportunities. PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS). $428,959.

2001-2005 Co-Principal Investigators (Collaborators), NASA: Predicting regional-scale exotic plant

invasions in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, PI: Dr. John L. Schnase, Co-

PI: Dr. James A. Smith, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Co-PI: Dr. Thomas J.

Stohlgren (USGS). $715,000.

2001-2005 Co-Principal Investigators (Collaborators), NASA: Biotic prediction: Building the HPCC

Infrastructure for Public Health and Environmental Forecasting, PI: Dr. John L. Schnase,

Co-PI: Dr. James A. Smith (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center), CO-PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS). $2,756,851.

1999-2002 Co- Principal Investigator, National Park Conservation Association: Vital signs/ State of the Parks. Principal Investigator: Dr. Dan Binkley (CSU), Co-PI: Dr. Thomas J.

Stohlgren (USGS). $460,000.

1998-2000 Co-Principal Investigator, BLM: Developing a Multi-scale Vegetation and Micro biotic Crust Sampling Program for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS), Co-PI: Dr. J. Belnap (USGS), and Dr. Robin M. Reich (CSU). $400,000.

1994-2000 Co-Principal Investigator, USGS: Landscape-scale Gap Analysis - A Complementary

Geographic Approach to Land Management. Principal Investigator: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS), Co-PI: Dr. Michael B. Coughenour (CSU), Dr. Dan Binkley (CSU),

and G. W. Chong (USGS). $765,000.

1996-1998 Co- Principal Investigator, Biological Resource Division, USGS. Developing a Multi-agency, Multi-scale Vegetation Sampling Program for the Central Grasslands: Phase 1.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS). $180,908.

2000-2003 Collaborative, NASA: An Integrated Multi-scale Investigation of Grazing Land

Management: Implications for Carbon Cycling. Principal Investigator: Dr. Richard T.

Conant (CSU). $343,855.

1999-2003 Collaborative, Colorado Division of Wildlife, The role of habitat in the decline of mule

deer in Colorado: Research and Adaptive Management at Landscape Scales. Principal

Investigator: Dr. N. Thomson Hobbs (CSU), Co-PI: Dr. David M. Theobald (CSU), Co-

PI: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS), and Dr. Michael B. Coughenour (CSU). $810,000.

1998-2003 Collaborative, USAID - Collaborative Research Support Program Project Title:

Integrated modelling and assessment for balancing food security, conservation and

Ecosystem integrity form. Principal Investigator: Dr. Michael B. Coughenour (CSU), Co-

PI: Dr. James E. Ellis (CSU), and Kathy Galvin (CSU). $2,050,409.

1998-2002 Collaborative, NSF/Ecological Studies. Ecosystem Function, Landscape Heterogeneity,

and the Biodiversity of Plant Species, Life-forms and Multiple Uses in the Serengeti-

NgoroNgoro Region, Tanzania. Principal Investigator: Dr. Michael B. Coughenour

(CSU), Co-PI: Dr. James E. Ellis (CSU). $798,359.

1998-2001 Collaborative, NSF. Regional Analysis of human welfare, environment, policy, and

community-based conservation in northern Tanzania. Principal Investigator: Dr. Kathy

Galvin (CSU), Co-PI: Dr. James E. Ellis (CSU). $210,643.

1997-2002 Co-Investigator, USGS: Rapid Assessment of Exotic Plants on Department of Interior

Lands in the Central US. Principal Investigator: Dr. Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS). Co-PI:

Dr. J. Detling and Dr. C. Allen (CSU). $250,000.

Teaching Experience:

-1999- 2005 Teaching NR512- Spatial Statistics Modeling for Natural Resource Applications.

-1995- 2005 Team teaching in F321- Forest Biometry and NR421-Natural Resource Sampling,

Department of Forest Sciences, College of Natural Resources, with Dr. Robin M. Reich.

-1992 Teaching Assistant NR322- Introduction to GIS, Department of Forest Sciences, College

of Natural Resources, with Rocky Coleman.

-1988 Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, University of Utah, GEOG688-Special

topic in physical geography using remote sensing, aerial photointerpretation, and GIS.

-1975-1982 Lecturer, Department of Forestry, College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of

Mosul, Iraq. Classes taught: Forest Mensuration, Forest Biometry, Forest Management and Planning,

Experimental Designs and Analysis, Forest Machinery, Mapping and Land Survey, Potogrammetry and


Short Course

2006 –Present USDA Forest Service Remote Sensing Application Center (RSAC) at Salt lake City,

Utah: Integration of geospatial modeling and Mapping for Natural Resource Application,

October 30-November 3, 2006.

USDA- Cochran Fellowship Program, Agricultural Statistics and Remote Sensing, Designed in Conjunction with: National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS),

Colorado State University, October 27 – November 20, 2007, Fort Collins, CO.

Publication (Textbook): Kalkhan, M. A. 2010. Geostatistics: Spatial Information Modeling and Mapping for Natural Resources, Ecological, and Environmental Applications, Publisher:

Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, NY. (Ready by Spring 2010 for release to public) Publications (peer-review journals):

Pongpattananurak. N, R. Reich, C. Aguirre-Bravo, R. Khosla, and M. A. Kalkhan. 2009. Modeling the

Spatial Distribution of Soil pH In the State Of Jalsico, Mexico. Forest Management and Ecology

(In Review)

Kalkhan, M. A., E. J. Stafford, and T. J. Stohlgren. 2007. Rapid plant diversity assessment using a pixel

nested plot design: A case study in Beaver Meadows, Rocky Mountain national Park, Colorado,

USA. Diversity and Distribution, 13:379-388.