Higher Education Coordinating Council


October 6, 2015

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or upon conclusion of business

Florida Virtual Campus, Innovation Park

1753 W. Paul Dirac Drive ú Tallahassee, Florida 32310

Dial in: 888-670-3525/Pass Code: 2485005088

I.  Introductions Thomas G. Kuntz, Chair

II.  Approval of Minutes

o  August 13, 2015 (as amended) Meeting

o  September 10, 2015 Conference Call

III. Finalizing for 2015 - in preparation for the final report: Continuation of the work of the council and designated members, including consequent meetings of subgroups assigned by Chair Kuntz.

·  Rec. # 4 - Chris Hart, IV - Aligning, prioritizing and incentivizing education funding to

better meet industry talent needs.

• Information Presentation: Complete Florida Plus Program - The state initiative established in Florida Statutes 1006.735 to meet the need for a user-friendly and innovative way to assist individuals in creating career plans and prepare for the job search.

• Rec. # 3 - Susan Pareigis (with Al Latimer) - Postsecondary student internships/teacher externships and private matching grant programs –Part of the recommendation for collaboration between business community and the education system.

o  An update that will include the status of any proposal for a single portal, expanding an existing portal, or other ideas affected by the feasibility of collaborative efforts, operating funds and/or development of an entirely new resource.

§  Two motions have been proposed and are pending consideration.

·  Rec. # 1 - Marshall M. Criser, III and Ms. Madeline Pumariega - Define sector specific metrics to align with statewide higher education policy and fiscal goals.

A motion was passed by the council on June 26, 2015.

·  Rec. # 2 - Dr. Ed Moore - Increase number and proportion of transfer students earning degree credit.

o  R2S Discussion & Deliberation Document

Page 2, October 6, 2015


IV. Next meeting date - For review and the finalizing of annual report

o  November 10, 2015 – 10:00 a.m. at Turlington Building, 325 W. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - for final consideration of annual report

V.  Further Discussion

VI. Public Comment