Intercultural Communication: Globalization and Social Justice, 2nd edition

Cultural Interview Paper Instruction

Assignment Description:

This assignment asks you to write a paper with a fellow classmate. You will interview each other using the three definitions of culture and intercultural praxis (Chapter 1).

There are three primary goals for this assignment:

1. For you to examine how your culture has shaped who you are and reflect on your positionality in relation to other people.

2. For the instructor to understand your cultural background and positionality.

3. For the instructor to assess your writing skills, comprehension skills, and ability to follow instructions.


1. You and your classmate will interview each other using the following questions:

a. Questions about culture:

i. Can you share an example of your culture as a shared meaning?

ii. Can you share an example of your culture as a site of contested meaning?

iii. Can you share an example of your culture as a resource?

b. Questions about positionality:

i. Based on “positioning” in intercultural praxis, how do you see yourself positioned in U.S. society and/or the world?

ii. How does your positionality shape your experience, values, and/or beliefs?

iii. How is your positionality different from and/or similar to your partner’s?

Paper Format:

- 5–6 pages

¨ 1-inch margin

¨ 12-size font

¨ Times New Roman

¨ APA style citation (Title page, in-text citation, a list of references)

¨ Add a creative essay title

Paper Organization:

Introduction (1 page)

¨ Begin your introduction with an opening statement that catches the reader’s attention. You may use a quote, proverb, rhetorical question, or thought-provoking statement to draw the reader into the topic of your essay.

¨ Briefly introduce yourself and your partner.

¨ End your introduction with a clear thesis statement and a preview of main points.

Section 1: Examples of Culture (2 pages)

¨ In Section 1, you will organize the examples of culture shared by you and your partner.

¨ Briefly define the definition(s) of culture as a site of shared meaning, a site of contested meaning, and/or culture as a resource. (**Provide definitions of culture that you are sharing examples of).

¨ Discuss the examples from you and your partner’s culture. Provide examples from your own culture and cultural experience. Be specific, descriptive, and analytical of how your example illustrates the particular definition of culture.

¨ You do not have to share all examples from all three definitions; pick and choose the most interesting and important examples.

¨ Provide an appropriate transition sentence before moving to the next main point.

Section 2: (2 pages)

¨ In Section 2, you will organize your findings regarding your and your partner’s positionality.

¨ Briefly explain “positioning” and “positionality” from Chapter 1.

¨ Discuss how you and your partner are positioned in society or in the world. Be specific, descriptive, and analytical of your own/your partner’s positionality.

¨ Also discuss how you and your partner are positioned in relation to each other.

Conclusion (1 page)

¨ Briefly summarize the two sections you discussed.

¨ Briefly reflect on your experience learning each other’s culture and positionality. What do you take away from learning about each other?

¨ End your essay with a memorable statement, connecting back to your opening statement in the introduction.

Your paper will be evaluated on:

¨ Careful adherence to the instruction

¨ Effective collaboration with your partner

¨ Clarity and quality of writing

¨ Demonstrated comprehension of key concepts

¨ Clear and effective use of examples