25 to 27 May 2004
WTO Public Symposium
Centre William Rappard
154, rue de Lausanne
1211 Geneva, Switzerland


Room CR (Council Room)
07.30 –09.30 / Badge Collection
Lobby Council Room
Centre William Rappard
  • Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi – WTO Director-General
  • Pascal Lamy – EU Trade Commissioner
  • The Hon. Clement J. Rohee M.P. – Minister of Foreign Trade and International Co-operation, Guyana
  • Niall FitzGerald – Chairman and CEO, Unilever
  • Victoria Tauli-Corpuz – Executive Director, Tebtebba Foundation and member of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization
  • Eveline Herfkens – UN Secretary-General's Executive Coordinator for the Millennium Development Goals

12.30 - 15.00 / BREAK
Room CR / Room W / Room D / Room F
15.00 - 18.00 / 14.00 – 17.00
(2) "A Fair Globalization"
Organizers: Global Unions
14.00 – 15.45
"POLICY COHERENCE – The report of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalisation"
Moderator: Giampiero Alhadeff - Solidar
* Guy Ryder – General Secretary, ICFTU[1]
* Eduardo Varela – Mission of Argentina, Geneva
* Bettina Doeser – DG Trade, European Commission
* Marita Hutjes – NOVIB, Netherlands
15.45 – 17.00
"POLICY COHERENCE INITIATIVES: Growth, Trade and Employment"
Moderator: Mike Waghorne – Public Services International
* John Evans – TUAC[2] , OECD
* Neil Kearney - ITGLWF[3] / 14.00 -18.00
(4) "What is Africa's role in the Multilateral Trading System?"
Organizer: ICTSD[4], AITIC[5]
Opening: Beatrice Chaytor – ICTSD Governing Board Member
Roundtable I"Africa and the Trading System: Between Multilateralism, Bilateralism and Regionalism"
* Sisule Musungu – South Centre, Geneva
* Peter Naray - ITC[6]
* Géo Govinden – Permanent Mission of Mauritius, Brussels, Belgium
Roundtable II"Africa in the Trading System: Facilitating Strategic Integration"
* Samuel Gayi – UNCTAD
* Iba Mar Oularé – Permanent Mission of Senegal, Geneva
* Hezron Omare Nyangito – KIPPRA[7], Kenya
* Falou Samb - AITIC
Roundtable III"Building Trade Policy Capacity in Africa"
* Mena Hassan – WTO
* Nicolas Imboden – IDEAS Centre
* Chandrakant Patel - SEATINI
(1) "Trade in Agriculture"
Organizers: WTO
Moderator: Larry Elliot – Guardian, Economic Editor
* H.E. Miguel Santiago Campos – Secretary for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, Argentina
* Mary Minch - Director, DG Agriculture, EC
* Jack Wilkinson – President, International Federation of Agricultural Producers
* Joachim von Braun – Director-General, International Food Policy Research Institute, US
* Ignasi Carreras – Executive Director, Intermon OXFAM / (3) "CapacityBuilding – Innovative Ideas for Humane and Sustainable Development"
Organizers: HSUS[8]
Moderator: Mary Estelle Ryckman – Assistant USTR for TradeCapacityBuilding
* H.E. Francisco Lima – Ambassador of El Salvador to the WTO
* Adolfo A. Franco – Assistant Administrator, USAID
* Patricia A. Forkan - Executive Vice President, HSUS
* H.E. Ronald Saborio, Ambassador of Costa Rica to the WTO


Room CR I / Room CR II / Room W / Room D / Room E / Room A
10.00- 13.00 / (5) "WTO Agricultural Negotiations: Addressing farmers' needs"
Organizers: International Farmers' Coalition for Fair and Equitable Agricultural Trade Rules at the WTO
Moderator: Jacques Bourgeois – Swiss Farmers Union
* Heidi Bravo – Swiss Farmers Union
* Désiré Proqué – ROPPA
* Robert Friessen – Canadian Federation of Agriculture
* Hyungsung Hwang – National Agricultural Cooperative Federation of Korea
* Ricardo Serra Arias - COPA-COGECA, EU
* Raul Montemayor – Federated Free Farmers' Coop, the Phillipines
* Ichiya-Takuo – Ja Zenchu, Japan
* Kari Redse Haskjold – Norwegian Farmers Union / (6) "Regional Trade Agreements: Challenges and Opportunities"
Organizers: WTO
Moderator: Guy de Jonquières - World Trade Editor, Financial Times
* H.E. Alejandro Jara – Ambassador of Chile to the WTO
* Carlos Primo Braga – Senior Adviser, International Trade Department, The World Bank / (7) "South – South Co-operation"
Organizers: CUTS – CITEE[9]
Moderator: Dr. Razeen Sally – LondonSchool of Economics
* H.E. Luiz Felipe de Seixas Correa – Ambassador of Brazil to the WTO
* H.E. Toufiq Ali – Ambassador of Bangladesh to the WTO
* Lakshmi Puri - UNCTAD
* Werner Corrales – Senior fellow, ICTSD
* Nagesh Kumar – Director General, Research and Information System for Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries, New Delhi / (8) "Environmental Requirements and Market Access: An update on policy and practice – inside and outside the WTO"
Organizers: UNCTAD, STIC[10], IISD[11]
Moderator: David Runnalls – President, IISD
"Overview of the State of Play"
* Tom Rotherham – IISD
*Nigel Garbutt - EurepGAP
*Pierre Hauselmann – ISEAL Alliance
"Gaps in the Policy Framework"
* Ulrich Hoffmann – UNCTAD
* Steven Porter – CIEL
*Paulo Ferracioli – Head, INMETRO[12]
* Shashi Sareen – Director, Indian Export Council
* Claus Sorensen – DG Environment, European Commission
* Ritu Kumar – Exec. Director, STIC / (9) "Does the WTO still enjoy priority?"
Organizers: UNICE[13], BDI[14]
Moderator: Peter Naray – International Trade Center
* Reinhard Quick – UNICE
* Rodolphe Munoz – University of Liege
* T.S. Vishwanath – Confederation of Indian Industry
* Herbert Oberhänsli – Nestlé SA / (10) "Environmental Goods and Services: Towards a Meaningful Outcome for Sustainable Development"
Organizers: ICTSD
"Environmental Good and Services"
* Sudhakar Dalela - Permanent Mission of India to the WTO
* Marta-Pia Hernandez – Permanent Mission of Nicaragua to the WTO
* Ronald Steenblik – OECD
*Tom Crompton – WWF, UK
"Some Tools for a meaningful Sustainable Development Outcome"
* Kevin Gallagher – TuftsUniversity
*Vicente Paolo Yu – South Centre
*Sitanon Jesdapipat – Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
13.00 – 15.00 / BREAK
Room CR I / Room CR II / Room W / Room D / Room E / Room A
15.00 - 18.00 / (11) "Development Perspectives of the WTO's post-Cancun Agenda"
Organizers: TWN[15]
*H.E.LuisFelipeSeixasCorrea -AmbassadorofBraziltoWTO)
*MartinKhor -ThirdWorldNetwork
*MeenakshiRaman-TWN / (12) "Developing countries in a changing trading system – issues and challenges"
Organizers: WTO
Moderator: H.E. Ransford Smith - Ambassador of Jamaica
* Dr. Nagesh Kumar – Director-General, Research and Information Systems, India
* Dr. Razeen Sally – Head, International Trade Policy Unit - London School of Economics
* Dr. Matthew Slaughter – Ass. Professor, Tuck School of Business, DartmouthUniversity / (13) "Agricultural negotiations:Formula for Market Access, Special Products and a Special Safeguard Mechanism"
Organizers: CIDSE[16], Oxfam International
Moderator: Celine Charveriat – Oxfam International, Geneva
* H.E. Felipe de Seixas de Correa – Ambassador of Brazil to the WTO
* Representative of Indonesia
* Devinder Sharma – Forum on Biotechnology and Food Security, India * Luisa Bernal – South Centre / (14) "Trade and Biodiversity – The Need to Find Common Ground"
Introduction: Achim Steiner – Director General, IUCN
Moderator: Simon Upton – Chair OECD Roundtable on Sustainable Development
"Agricultural Biodiversity"
*AlejandroNadal–Professor, ElColegiodeMéxico
"Invasive Alien Species"
* Richard Tarasofsky – RIIA
* Paul Martin – Permanent Mission of Canada
"Access and Benefit Sharing"
* Leonardo Cleaver de Athayde – Permanent Mission of Brazil
* Tom Jacobs – Head, ICC Taskforce on Access and Benefit Sharing / (15) "CSR and the WTO: Towards a Fairer Globalization or 'Misguided Virtue'?"
Organizers: Geneva Social Observatory
Moderator: Katherine Hagen – Director, Geneva Social Observatory
* Auret van Heerden – Executive Director, Fair Labor Association
* Bruce Moats - VP Public Affairs, Levi-Strauss & Co + Kenan Institute Study Group on CSR
* Hugh Pullen – DG Trade, European Commission
*Dwight Justice – ICFTU
* Tricia Feeney – Director, Rights and Accountability in Development / (16) "Multilateral Competition Framework: Where and how?"
Organizers: CUTS –CCIER[21]
Moderator: Pradeep Mehta - Secretary-General, CUTS
* Philippe Brusick- Competition and Consumer Policies Branch, UNCTAD
* Frederic Jenny – Conseil de la Concurrence,France
* Robert Anderson - WTO Secretariat
* Phil Evans – Consumer Association, UK
* Taimoon Stewart – University of West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago
* Patrick Krauskopf – Competition Commission, Switzerland
* Josef Drexl – Professor, University of Munich


Room CR I / Room CR II / Room W / Room D / Room E / Room A
10.00 - 13.00 / 9.30 -11.00
(18) "Trade, Tourism and progressive poverty alleviation"
Organizers: World Tourism Organization
Moderator: Geoffrey Lipman, Special Adviser to SG of World Tourism Organization
* Francesco Frangialli –Secretary General, World Tourism Organization
* Anil Kumarsingh Gayan – Minister of Tourism and Leisure, Mauritius
* Ralf Corsten – President, Berlin Messe Gmbh
* H.E. Alejandro Jara – Ambassador of Chile to the WTO
(17) "The future of multilateralism"
Organizers: WTO
Moderator: Herbert Oberhänsli, Nestlé SA
* Johan Norberg – author of "In Defence of Global Capitalism"
* Philippe Legrain – author of "Open World: the Truth about Globalization" and former adviser of WTO DG Mike Moore
* Brian Hocking -
Professor of International Relations, Coventry University, UK / (20) "How to improve the functioning of the WTO in the short and in the longer term?"
Organizers: European Commission, BDI
Moderator: Erfried Adam – Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung
* Dr. Guido Glania – BDI
* Céline Charveriat – Oxfam International (tbc)
* Kobsak Chutikul – National Parliament of Thailand
* Dr. Richard Senti – Professor, Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung ETH Zürich
* Representative of the European Commission / (21) "Localisation within Globalisation: Better Protecting Geographical Indications to favour Sustainable Development"
Organizers: ORIGIN[22]
"GIs contribution to Sustainable Development"
Intro: *E. Barham – Assistant Professor, Unversity of Missouri
* Zoubida Charrouf – Argan Oil Producers, Morocco
* Jean-Jacques Bret – Director, Comité Interprofessionnel du Comté (FR)
* Agnes Nyaga – VP Origin for Africa & Kenyan Tea Board
"The case for better GI protection in the DDA framework"
Intro: Brigadier Anil Adlakha – VP ORIGIN & All Indian Rice Exporters Association
* Dawnine Dyer – NapaValley Vintners, US Association
* Stefano Fanti – Parma Ham Consortium, Italy
* Feng Li Ming – Camus Cognac, China / (22) "Agricultural Subsidies: What are we actually talking about?"
Organizers: IATP[23], ROPPA[24], Coordination SUD, CSA[25], IUF[26]
Moderator: Alexandra Strickner, IATP Geneva
* Daniel Ugarte de la Torre – University of Tenessee, US
* Jacques Berthelot – Agronomist, France
* Ndiougou Fall – President, ROPPA, Senegal
* Benedicte Hermelin – Research and Technological Exchange Group, France
* R. Dennis Olson – IATP, US / (23) "The IMF's role in supporting the Doha Development Agenda"
Moderator: Stuart Robinson- anc. Professeur, HEI Genève
* H.E. Toufiq Ali – Ambassador of Bangladesh
* Hans-Peter Lankes – Division Chief, Policy and Development Review Department, IMF
11.00 – 13.00
(19) "Freer Trade: What does it mean for developing countries?"
Organizers: OECD[28]
Guy de Jonquières – Trade Editor, Financial Times
* H.E. Adrian Macey – Ambassador of New Zealand to the OECD
* Kenneth Heydon – Deputy Director, OECD Trade Directorate
* Howard Chase – European Roundtable of Industrialists
* H.E. Alejandro Jara – Ambassador of Chile to the WTO
13.00 – 15.00 / BREAK
Room CR I / Room CR II / Room W / Room D / Room E / Room A
15.00 - 18.00 / (24) "Challenging the Market Access Agenda, Ineffective S&D and the Flawed Accession Process"
Organizers: Focus on the Global South
Moderator: Rashid Kaukab- South Centre
* H.E. Nathan Irumba – Ambassador of Uganda
* Aileen Kwa – Focus on the Global South
* Jacques-Chai Chomthongdi – Focus on the Global South
* Devinder Sharma – Forum for Biotechnology and Food Security
* Dr. Ajit Singh – Professor, University of Cambridge
* Jane Kelsey – ARENA, University of Auckland / (25) "The impact of women in small, medium and micro enterprises on increasing trade under the WTO Agreements"
Organizers: CBC[29], GWIT[30]
Moderator: H.E. Mary Whelan - Ambassador of Ireland
* Carlos Braga – World Bank
* Barbara Mowat – Impact Communications Ltd.
* Christine Agimba – Chair, OWIT[31], Kenya
* Anh-Nga Tran-Nguyen – UNCTAD Gender Focal Point / (26) "The GMO dispute – rules, risks and reality"
Organizers: FOE International[32]
* Liana Stupples – Policy and Campaigns Director, FOE Int. and Bite Back Campaign
*Vandana Shiva – Director, Research Foundation for Science and Technology, India
* Alice Palmer – Programme Director, FIELD, UK
* Martin Khor – Director, Third World Network (tbc)
* Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziahber – Director General, Environmental Protection Authority, Ethiopia (tbc)
* Lori Wallach – Public Citizen, US (tbc) / (27) "Trade, Technology and Development"
Organizers: International Policy Network (IPN)
Moderator: Julian Morris – IPN
* Johan Norberg – author of "In Defence of Global Capitalism"
* Margaret Karembu – University of Nairobi
*AnatoleKrattiger–Professor,CornellUniversity / (28) "Environment and Governance – what role for the WTO?"
Organizers: European Commission
*Rupert Schlegelmilch – DG Trade, European Commission
* Tom Crompton – WWF UK
* Vice Yu – South Centre
* Charles Arden-Clarke - UNEP / (29) "How to apply Green Box payments for higher animal welfare standards in a non-trade distortive manner: Some international case studies"
Organizers: WSPA[33], RSPCA[34], Eurogroup for Animal Welfare
* David Wilkins – WSPA
* David Bowles – RSPCA
* Christina Kaul – Eurogroup
* Nico Bondt – University of Wageningen, NL
* Representative of Agra CEAS Consulting, UK
* Representative of European Commission


[1] International Confederation of Free Trade Unions

[2] Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD

[3] International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation

[4] International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development

[5] Agency for International Trade, Information and Cooperation

[6] International Trade Centre

[7] Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis

[8] Humane Society of the US

[9] CUTS Centre for International Trade, Economics & Environment

[10] Sustainable Trade and Innovation Centre

[11] International Institute for Sustainable Development

[12] Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality

[13]Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe

[14] Federation of German Industries

[15]Third World Network

[16] Coopération International pour le Développement et la Solidarité

[17] World Conservation Union

[18]IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy - Working Group on Environment, Trade and Investment

[19] Center for International Environmental Law

[20] Royal Institute of International Affairs

[21] CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment & Economic Regulation

[22] Organisation for an International Geographical Indications Network

[23] Institute for Agricultural and Trade Policy

[24] West African Farmers Organization

[25] Collectif Strategie Alimentaire

[26] International Union of Food workers

[27] International Monetary Fund

[28] Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

[29] Commonwealth Business Council

[30]Geneva Women in International Trade

[31] Organization of Women in International Trade

[32] Friends of the Earth International

[33] World Society for the Protection of Animals

[34] Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals