Rogue Community College

Instructional Services

Full-time Classroom Faculty

Administrative Evaluation

Instructor Date


Administrative Appraiser

The purpose of the summative faculty evaluation is to provide for a comprehensive, ongoing management assessment of the faculty member's continuing professional development and contribution to students, the department, and Rogue Community College in the fulfillment of its mission. The Standards on which evaluation is based were derived from standards developed by the American Association of Higher Education and locally adopted by RCC instructional faculty. Each of the 11 standards has an expanded definition and a set of suggested practices that exemplify the standards.

Premise: These are the values that define our professional responsibilities and duties at Rogue Community College and are those for which we are prepared to be accountable.

Assessment of faculty achievement of these standards is based on observable job behaviors, student and/or staff input, documentation provided by the faculty member, and discussions at the administrative review.

Outcomes of the summative assessment include (a) improved faculty performance, (b) revisions in workload assignments and professional development plans, (c) plans for improvement, and (d) recommendations for contract renewal or non-renewal.

Evaluation Scale

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

Examples of Evidence:


q  Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI)

q  GIFT (formerly SGID), if submitted

q  Course Outlines, Syllabus, Course Materials

q  Peer Observation

q  Portfolio entries exhibiting work quality

q  Administrative Review and Discussions with other RCC staff

q  Administrative Observation

q  Other Evidence, as appropriate


Standard #1. Skills in Establishing Rapport and Trust. Effective faculty create an environment of tolerance and trust in which students can gain the most information for their academic, career or life decisions.

Practices that exemplify the standard:

§  receptive to student needs and concerns, knowledge of referral sources, makes referrals as needed

§  office hours are posted promptly and noted on syllabi

§  available during office hours and scheduled appointments

§  available via telephone, web or e-mail as appropriate

§  maintains advising (and career advising) knowledge to act as an effective student advisor

§  participates in “Save Our Students”

§  uses active listening; respects confidentiality

§  aware of impact of words, observations, and behaviors on students

§  aware of power differential that exists between students and teachers

§  maintains appropriate boundaries

§  respects diversity in the student population

§  supports students' rights, freedoms, and responsibilities, informing students and acting as an advocate, as appropriate

§  establishes a sense of trust, open communication, mutual respect, and confidentiality

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

Comments Evidence

Standard #2. Classroom Management Skills. Effective faculty are able to guide class exercises and discussions, using a combination of techniques, while maintaining control of the class.

Practices that exemplify the standard:

§  maintains control of classes; promptly resolves problem behaviors; appropriate use of referrals

§  syllabi clearly outlines classroom academic and behavioral expectations, including academic integrity

§  starts each learning session with a review of previous relevant material

§  explains the learning outcomes to be accomplished during the current session

§  closes each session with a review, however brief, of how new material relates to the overall outcomes and previews what comes next

§  maintains appropriate and accurate web material

§  effectively and safely operates classroom and laboratory resources as appropriate

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

Comments Evidence

Standard #3. Application of Learning Theory. Effective faculty apply learning theory in the design and delivery of course content. They make use of a variety of teaching methods and classroom aids to enhance student learning.

Practices that exemplify the standard:

§  communicates learning objectives and proficiencies; course syllabi and outlines are accessible and understandable

§  takes active steps to keep students engaged in the material, including keeping participation level high

§  stimulates discussion; checks to see if students understand before presenting new material

§  paces instructional delivery in a manner that maintains student interest and involvement

§  explains and reinforces student responsibility for learning

§  maintains high standards for all student performance

§  employs a variety of teaching techniques appropriate for varied learning styles

§  employs teaching strategies which promote critical thinking and problem solving

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

Comments Evidence

Standard #4. Evaluation Skills. Effective faculty provide students with opportunities to measure their educational progress, both in and outside of the class.

Practices that exemplify the standard:

§  communicates specific methods grading and criteria

§  sets and maintains high standards for student achievement

§  supports students as they prepare for tests with study guides, review sessions, etc., helping them achieve the high standards that are set

§  develops, administers, and interprets assessment instruments for appropriate instructional objectives: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation

§  complies with departmental assessment guidelines as appropriate

§  provides a variety of opportunities and methods for measuring student progress

§  promotes academic integrity with procedures that prevent acts of academic dishonesty

§  sensitive to student self-esteem when giving evaluative feedback

§  evaluates and returns students' work promptly

§  assesses ILOs in identified courses, using scoring rubrics

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

Comments Evidence

Standard #5. Skills in Managing Time. Effective faculty use time efficiently. This may mean adjusting the lesson quickly, promptly resolving disruptions or distractions, or using a student-involving technique when student interest wanes. Effective faculty organize activities and time through careful planning prior to initiating classroom activities.

Practices that exemplify the standard:

§  arrives on time; utilizes the allocated class time

§  revises classroom activities, when necessary, to maximize learning in each session

§  leaves adequate time to replace classroom furniture, vacating classrooms on time for subsequent classes

§  responds on time to administrative requirements: grades, schedules, surveys, reports, annual professional development forms and self-assessment, as required

§  available to students for consultation, maintains office hours, and keeps appointments

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

Comments Evidence

Standard #6. Skills in Creating an Effective Learning Environment. Effective faculty members establish and maintain the correct psychological and physical learning environment from the onset of the course and actively promote and encourage student completion of coursework and programs.

Practices that exemplify the standard:

§  communicates to students their responsibility for achieving learning objectives and identifies expectations during the first class meeting;

§  reinforces these expectations throughout the term

§  promotes student retention through contact with students on their academic performance

§  when students or the learning environment go off task, takes action to get things back on task, recalling students’ attention to learning tasks

§  aware of impact of words, observations, and behaviors on students

§  creates a physical environment that assists learning, including accommodations for students with special needs

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

Comments Evidence

Standard #7. Adaptability and Flexibility. Effective faculty are sensitive to the importance of the learning environment. They adapt to change with a minimum impact upon their effectiveness. They are sufficiently flexible to utilize alternative teaching methods, as needed.

Practices that exemplify the standard:

§  can teach effectively in various settings and locations

§  able to take advantage of unanticipated circumstances as learning opportunities, maintains composure in these situations

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

Comments Evidence

Standard #8. Subject Area Knowledge and Continuing Professional Growth. Effective faculty stay current in their discipline through reading, continuing their formal education, participating in seminars and professional organizations and other activities.

Practices that exemplify the standard:

§  maintains current, approved professional growth plan and presents evidence of completion of annual goals

§  makes changes in delivery, based on continuing intellectual and professional development, to optimize student learning

§  reflects on one’s own teaching, is aware of teaching strengths and weaknesses, and takes action accordingly

§  regularly attends and participates in departmental, committee, and college-wide meetings

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

Comments Evidence

Standard #9. Course Conceptualization and Integration. Effective faculty have a conceptual understanding of the contribution their courses and department provide to the comprehensive instructional plan of the college. They are able and willing to integrate their courses into the wider scope of learning objectives required by students with diverse educational and career objectives. As appropriate, faculty demonstrate the ability to effectively advise students with regard to academic and enrollment procedures, professional-technical and transfer courses and program requirements, and career options.

Practices that exemplify the standard:

§  understands how his/her program and course content fit into the college's overall instructional plan

§  can formally (or informally, for adjunct faculty) advise students how courses fit within the collegiate curriculum

§  works with department chair and faculty to be sure course material is appropriate and integrated

§  maintains standards and outcomes that are supportive in other departments

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

Comments Evidence

Standard #10. Presentation Skills. Effective faculty are competent oral and written communicators in all instructional venues and activities. They exhibit high levels of language and communication skills, both in their oral presentations and written materials. Faculty communicate in a fashion that enables them to maximize their delivery of course content in an interesting, informative manner. Faculty bring enthusiasm and commitment for learning to their students.

Practices that exemplify the standard:

§  acts as a model for effective, collegiate-level oral and written communication

§  maintains professional behavior with students throughout the term of instruction

§  models collegiate-level inquiry and thinking skills, inspiring students to achieve

§  upholds department and collegiate standards for student performance

§  promotes lifelong learning and an enthusiasm for the content being taught

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactor

Comments Evidence

Standard #11. Respect for Colleagues and the Teaching Profession. Effective faculty serve their department and the college. This service includes taking appropriate responsibility and accountability for departmental planning, curriculum and other academic development activities, departmental governance, and program and course evaluation. Faculty member participates in professional growth and development, and other collegial academic and scholarly activities - including actively serving on college standing and ad hoc committees.

Practices that exemplify the standard:

§  regularly attends and participates in college-wide committees and meetings

§  participates in departmental curriculum and program development and evaluations

§  deals with departmental and college-related issues in an appropriate manner

§  works effectively in teams and generously respects, credits, and values the contributions and decisions of others

§  willingly participates in processes designed to resolve conflicts and grievances

§  actively participates in Program/Department Evaluation, providing input into assessment of the core theme Advance Student Learning

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

Comments Evidence


Overall Comments:


Areas to Improve (include measures):

Faculty Member's Comments:

Reminder to all faculty: All copyrighted articles, worksheets, excerpts, etc., used more than one time, must have publisher permission to use a second time. Please check with our librarians regarding any questions concerning this or other copyright issues.

Faculty Member: ______Date: ______

Evaluator: Date: ______

Dean/Appropriate Manager: ______Date: ______
