
/ Thursday 13th May2010, 7.00pm


/ Committee Room, Sutton Valence Village Hall


/ Eileen Riden, Maurice Stancombe, Phil Taylor, Peter Green, Eve Poulter
Clerk – Mrs Janet Burnett
In Attendance: PCSO Richard Kirby

The meeting wasopened with a prayer

1.Apologies for absence:

Roger Peverett – Holiday

Decision: Accepted


Personal Interest:Cllr Taylor– Allotments

Cllr Stancombe – Village Hall


Cllr Riden expressed agreement to be elected as Chairman having being proposed by Cllr Poulter seconded by Cllr Stancombe and carried unanimously.


Declaration of Acceptance was signed by Cllr Riden.


Cllr Stancombe expressed agreement to be elected as Vice Chairman having being proposed by Cllr Riden seconded by Cllr Taylor and carried unanimously.


Declaration of Acceptance was signed by Cllr Stancombe


The following representatives to outside bodies were agreed:

KAPCCllr Stancombe

Youth CentreCllr Riden

Village HallCllr Poulter

C.A.BCllr Green


It was agreed that this would be carried forward to the next meeting


The minutes of 8/4/10 and21/4/10were approved and signed.

10.Matters Arising

  • NALC – Localism conference 2/7/10 in Bristol and 9/9/10 in York - £105.75

Action: Cllr Stancombe to liaise with Cllr Riden

11. The clerk reported the resignation of Cllr Gordon Dent. The Council expressed their regret at this resignation and asked the Clerk to write and thank Gordon .


12.1 Planning

  • The following decision made by MBC were reported:
  • 10/0234 Little New Barn Farm, New Barn Rd – Withdrawn
  • 09/1814 Round Oak Farm, Heniker Lane – stationing of a mobile home – Approve with conditions
  • 09/2263 – Four Wents Orchard – Erection of a triple garage – Approve with conditions
  • The following planning applications were considered and recommendations given:

  • MA/10/0556
/ Four Wents Orchard, Chartway St ME17 3JA / Erection of barn for storage of agricultural machinery and hay
Recommendation: / No Comment
  • MA/10/0647
/ Lower Farm, Babylon Lane ME17 3ER / Removal of existing domestic stables and erection of new stable block and alterations to existing access.
Recommendation: / No Comment
  • MA/10/0701
/ The Starlings, Forhsham Lane, ME17 3EW / Application to renew extant planning permission 05/0570 for a further three years
Recommendation: / No Comment
  • MA/10/0667
/ Warmlake Business Estate / Construction of 5 new units & addition to 1 existing unit
Recommendation: / Refuse / Accident blackspot & possible increase of speed limit on A274
  • MA/10/0669
/ Forsham Farm, Forsham Lane / Proposed extension to agricultural building
Recommendation: / No Comment
  • MA10/0616
/ Linden Lea, Headcorn RD / Erection of a single storey side extension, front entrance & porch
Recommendation: / No Comment / :

The meeting was closed for Clerk to report on ongoing enforcement cases

12.2 Finance

  • CAF Account due to mature 28/6/10.

Decision: Re-invest

  • Bank balances as at:- 31/3/10

47871.36Co-Operative Community Account

15553.64Investment Bond Number 1

10338.94Investment Bond Number 2

10102.16Charities Aid Foundation 9110226775

10064.64 Charities Aid Foundation 9110095273

  • The following items of income were noted:

1000.00MBC – Grant for toilet

22000.00MBC – Concurrent Functions

8.77Interest Co- op Account No 2

15.17Interest CAF Account

  • The following payments were agreed at this meeting:-

30035960.00Kevin Funnell – Internal Auditor

3003613078.11 Came & Co - Insurance


30036371.51Roger Bruce (64.00 hourly rate, 7.51 cleaning products)

30036413.00Cllr Green – Land Registry fees

30036540.00Les Apps – Litter clearance 25/3 & 8/4

30036540.00Les Apps – Litter clearance 22/4 & 6/5

300366103.77Clerk Expenses

300366796.52Clerk Wages

300367227.00P.B. Group – News Letter

30036835.00ACRK – Annual Subscription

30036935.59South East Water – Bower Hall allotments

300370119.84South East Water – War Memorial playing fields

300371164.78Southern Electric

30037236.92Intelligent Solutions

3003735.50S.VVillage hall – police surgery

30037437.52Roses & Compost – J.Gunnery

30037510.71Roses – P. Taylor

300376376.00P.WaringHarbour – mow & collect rough grass in area 2

  • The Councillors reviewed the new insurance policy. After a short discussion it was agreed that the gate at Bowhalls and barrier post at the Harbour should not be included on the policy and it be agreed as it was.
  • 31st March 2010 Audit Return – The Clerk reported that these accounts had been signed off by the internal auditor. The accounts were approved by the Council and signed by the Chairman and Clerk as responsible financial officer. The annual governance statement was completed and approved by the Council and signed by the Chairman and Clerk. The Chairman thanked the Clerk
  • Review of the effectiveness of the system of Internal Audit -A review of the system of internal audit was carried out and the decision made to continue with two independent internal audit visits a year, and to the appointment of Kevin Funnell the internal auditor for a further year.
  • Review of the system of Internal Control -A review of the system of Internal Controls was carried out and decision made to approve the Statement of Internal Control for the year ended 31st March 2010.
  • Concurrent Functions end of year certificate completed by Clerk agreed by the Council and signed by the Chairman
  • End of year P35 has been completed and receipt of submission received
  • Bank Reconciliation – Statementagreed to bank reconciliation and signed.

Performance against Budget2009/10 It was agreed that £12250.00 be ring fenced for 2009/10 invoices not yet received and additional 2010/11expenditure. The 2010/11 Performance against Budget was agreed with the small over budget expenditure on subs and insurance written off to contingency.

12.3 Open Spaces

  • War Memorial Play Area
  • MBC Play ground Report– All satisfactory and Low Risk
  • Football
  • It was agreed that there were too many teams playing on the small pitch. As blue eagles under 13’s were playing on the pitch already it was agreed that the under 12’s contract would not be renewed.
  • Senacre under 13’s were given permission to play next season.

Both of the above teams have local connections

  • The clerk was asked to inform the relevant manager that no food preparation should take place in the container and that a risk assessment is to be obtained.
  • It was agreed that the contract needs to be revised .
  • The Clerk was asked to contact Groundsman and arrange for the rollers and piles of earth to be removed.
  • Tennis Courts/ClubThe clerk was asked to contact the tennis club and start negotiation re a lease.
  • Harbour Play Area
  • MBC Play ground Report – All satisfactory and Low Risk
  • Allotments
  • Shed at Bowhalls - The Clerk was asked to contact the person who has items stored in the shed ask that it be cleared or the Parish Council will have to clear it and pass on the bill.
  • The Harbour
  • New stand pipe The Clerk has obtained arevised quote for £300.00 on the basis that the trench will be dug by the Community Pay Back Team. This includes a vandal proof tap. This was accepted.
  • Clerk reported writing to allotment holder who has still not paid and has given 30 days to return contract and payment or the assumption would be made that it was not wanted.

13. Sub Committee Reports:-

13.1 Communications

  • Parish News Letter – It was agreed that future editions of the news letter would be printed on buff coloured paper

13.2 Parish Enhancement Group

Dog Mess – A parishioner hasoffered to supply for free and put out dog bags. The Council were concerned that these would be littered about and felt that responsible dog owners would already be using their own bags.

13.3 Police Liaison Group

  • The following crimes were reported 8/4/10 – 9/5/10
  • 09/05/2010 Burglary other than dwellingSouth lane
  • 27/04/2010TheftNorth street
  • 23/04/2010-24/04/2010Theft South lane
  • 21/04/2010Burglary other than dwellingNorth street
  • 19/04/2010TheftHeadcorn
  • 08/04/2010Criminal damageWarmlake cross roads
  • 08/04/2010TheftNorth street
  • Surgeries– future dates 22/5, 28/6, 24/7, 20/9
  • PCSO of the year. The Council asked the clerk to nominate PCSO Kirby for an award for his hard work and enthusiasm.

13.4 Roads and Transport Group (inc. Lighting)

13.5 Jubilee Sub Committee

May Fair– Cllr Riden reported that because of a lack of helpers and local interest this has had to be cancelled. It was agreed that the future of the jubilee committee would need to be discussed. Cllr Riden expressed her regret that the children who had been practicing the may pole dance would now not be able to perform.


  • Heart of Kent Hospice – request for donation

Decision:£50.00 agreed

  • KentCounty Agricultural Society – request for donation

Decision: Refuse

  • ACRK - KentVillage of the Year 2010 – Deadline for application 30/6/10


  • Gardeners - request to use the Parish Council tables

Decision: Allow

  • Clerk has received a request for a bbq to be used outside the village hall on either 24/7/10 or 1/8/10. They are booking the hall.


  • Clerk has received a request from a hall hirer to allow the children from the party to play football on the field

(20 children and will be bringing own goals)



15.1Village Hall Improvements: -

  • Storage and long term use of the hall - The Council agreed the quote for £950.00 but the Clerk to liaise with hall committee before proceeding.

16. Date of next meeting – 10/6/10

Meeting closed:10.20
