Course Expectations - The Living Environment-Mr. Tardif

Dear Parent/Guardian & Student,

Welcome to the new school year! I sincerely hope your summer was fun, safe, and relaxing. I have the pleasure of guiding your student through the science of the Living Environment on route to a successful year at LackawannaHigh School. The success of your student hinges just as much on your support and guidance as it does mine. In fact, even more so since you’re the most important and influential teacher in your student’s life!

The combined efforts of the student, teacher, and family are only as effective as mutual communication. In view of this, open and direct communication is strongly encouraged. In order to achieve a safe, productive and dynamic learning environment, expectations have been established which have been discussed in class and are detailed below.

The Regents Living Environment

The Living Environment is a required course in the four-year science sequence needed for graduation. It is the study of life, that is, Earth’s organisms, their function and interrelationships. This course consists of a variety of topics, including Genetics, Genetic Engineering, Human Physiology, Evolution and Ecology. These topics will be discussed in class.

Notebooks are essential. It is necessary for students to have a record of the information they have learned in class. The maintenance of a satisfactory notebook that can be collected upon demand by the instructor is a MANDATORY requirement. A daily review of that information will result in better retention and therefore, learning. It also serves as a source of study for tests and quizzes.

In addition to class learning, this course includes a Laboratory requirement. Each student is scheduled to attend two lab periods per six-day cycle. Lab activities supplement and reinforce classroom learning. The teacher will present details of lab activities and requirements in lab class.

Students are expected to:

  1. Arrive to class on timeand ready to learn!
  2. Work to the best of your ability!!
  3. Participate in class activities, discussion
  4. Take notes during class
  5. Study daily-Review of class material helps retention
  6. Demonstrate courtesy, maturity, and consideration
  7. Avoid creating discipline problems
  8. Make up missed work
  9. Seek assistance from the teacher if student is having difficulty with subject material.

Grades are based upon the following:

1. Tests3-4 per marking period40 %

2. Quizzes1-2 per week20%

3. Class Activities/Labs10%

4. Homework/participation/attendance daily30%

Student Name ______(please print)

We (parent/guardian/student) have thoroughly read and agree to the Living Environment Expectations Contract that has been explained by Mr. Tardif. We understand that our student will be responsible for the items included in this contract as well as the overall school policies here at LackawannaHighSchool.

Signed: Student ______Date______
