The Fourteen Days I was an Undercover Elf

To teach the students about service and looking out for one another, I like to do “The Fourteen Days I was an Undercover Elf”. As part of this service project, students are assigned a classmate that they are to get to know better (get to know what this classmate likes and dislikes, what strengths this classmate has, what makes this classmate happy, etc.) Then for fourteen days, the student is to do anonymous acts of service for this classmate. Each student is not to tell anyone who their secret classmate is! I feel that this activity strengthens the unity in our classroom, helps each student feel special and cared for, and provides a wonderful opportunity for the students to learn what it means to provide heart-felt service. As we do this project I take the opportunity to teach the students about sincere compliments, heart-felt service, words versus actions, being a grateful receiver, looking out for one another, etc. I would love for parents to brainstorm ideas with their child as to how they can complete the below secret missions for their classmate. I also let the students know that I am a great source for getting ideas and help. For the last secret mission students are to make a home-made gift for their classmate. Please do not purchase a gift! If students have a difficult time with this or need supplies or ideas they may create a gift with me for their classmate. If you have any questions/concerns please contact me.

Thank you,

Mrs. Jarrett

See the back for the daily secret missions.

Secret Missions

Day 1 (Dec. 5th):Investigate your classmate. Figure out what your classmate likes and dislikes. Find out what they are good at and what they struggle with. Ask them questions in a secret questionnaire, ask their friends questions or secretly watch them to get to know them better! You will have to be creative to keep your classmate from discovering your identity! This will help you complete your missions on days 5, 6, 8 and 9.

Day 2 (Dec. 6th): Do a random act of kindness for your classmate (open the door for them, walk with them to class, sit with them at lunch, save them a spot in line, help them on a math problem, ect.)

Day 3 (Dec 7th): Write a nice note saying what you like about your classmate and secretly put it in their desk or cubby (disguise your hand-writing).

Day 4 (Dec. 8th): Make a heart-felt compliment to your classmate (make multiple compliments to your classmates to keep your secret classmate from discovering your identity!)

Day 5 (Dec. 9th): Write down three things you have learned about your classmate and stick it in their desk or cubby secretly. Disguise your hand-writing. This will let them know you have been secretly getting to know them better!

Day 6 (Dec. 12th):Draw a picture for your classmate or print off a picture your classmate will like and stick it in their desk secretly. Draw or print off a picture of something your classmate is interested in.

Day 7 (Dec. 13th):Do another random act of kindness for your classmate (open the door for them, walk with them to class, sit with them at lunch, save them a spot in line, help them on a math problem, etc.)

Day 8 (Dec. 14th): Find a way to make your classmate smile (tell them a joke, give them a compliment, sneak something special into their desk, ask them to play with you, write them a poem or story, etc.).

Day 9 (Dec. 15th): Create a word-splat for your classmate and secretly put it in their desk or cubby. To create a word-splat: 1. Write your classmates name in the middle of a piece of paper. 2. Write words around your classmate’s name that describe them, are things they like or things you have learned about them.

Day 10 (Dec. 16th):Catch-up day. If you forgot to complete any secret missions do them today!

Day 11 (Dec. 19th): Smile and have a conversation with your classmate today. Do this with a few other classmates to keep your identity hidden.

Day 12 (Dec. 20th):Do another random act of kindness for your classmate (open the door for them, walk with them to class, sit with them at lunch, save them a spot in line, help them on a math problem, etc.)

Day 13 (Dec. 21st): Write your secret classmate a Christmas card (it can be home-made!) Disguise your handwriting.

Day 14 (Dec. 22nd): Make a home-made gift for your classmate- do not purchase a gift. Examples: home-made sock snowman, paper snowflake, Christmas ornament, special pen/pencil, note-pad, bracelet, etc.) If you need ideas or help ask Mrs. Jarrett- We can make a gift together!

DaIlY Undercover Elf ChEcKlIsT

Daily Mission 1: Investigation / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 2: Random act of kindness / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 3: Nice note / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 4: Heartfelt compliment / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 5: Three things you’ve noticed / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 6: Draw or print picture / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 7: Random act of kindness / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 8: Make them smile / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 9: Word Splat / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 10: Catch up / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 11: Smile and conversation / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 12: Random act of kindness #2 / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 13: Christmas card / Complete Incomplete
Daily Mission 14: Homemade gift / Complete Incomplete