Thrive Trafford Pro-Bono Bank - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Thrive Trafford Pro-Bono Bank?

The Thrive Pro-Bono Bank is a pool of responsible professionals and business leaders with varied skills, knowledge and experience. The bank creates a network of responsible business professionals who work and live in Trafford, who can share their expertise with the voluntary sector- and each other.

The Bank provides an easy and flexible way to volunteer your time. Joining the Pro-Bono Bank gives you access to a wide range of volunteering opportunities which:

  • Can support you to develop new skills
  • Is a small commitment which is flexible
  • Utilises your skills and knowledge to create a positive impact in the local community

What kind of volunteers are we looking for?

The Pro-Bono Bank is designed to encourage professionals to share their skills, and to support them to develop new ones. These can be any skills from customer service to monitoring and evaluation.

We are particularly looking for volunteers with professional skill sets that can support the voluntary sector to develop. Areas of expertise such as communications and marketing, legal and financial advice and business planning skills are invaluable to support community organisations to change and grow.

How much time do I have to commit?

There is no minimum or maximum commitment. As a volunteeryou will only be contacted with opportunities that fit your expertise and experience and youcan decide whether you are able to assist.

How experienced do I need to be?

There is no minimum experience requirement for joining the Pro-Bono Bank. We recognise that each individual will bring with them different knowledge, skills and experience and will work with you to find a suitable opportunity to utilise these.

Am I obliged to take on an opportunity which Thrive contacts me about?

No, not at all. We will contact you with relevant opportunities and it is then up to you to decide whether you are interested, and how much time you may be able to commit. The Pro-Bono Bank is there to enable you to take up interesting volunteering opportunities, which fit with your skill set and time.

I am looking to develop my skills in a certain area, can you help?

Definitely. The idea behind the Pro-Bono Bank is that it not only provides support to voluntary sector organisations, but also supports professionals to develop outside of the work place. We can help to create volunteering opportunities, as well as match existing ones. Previous volunteers have, for example, designed and delivered a training session on their area of expertise to support them to develop planning and presentation skills.