California AgriculturalCommissioners And Sealers Association

Quantity Control Trust Fund


Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Grant funds can only be used for significant quantity control cases. A significant quantity control case is one that will provide a substantial benefit to the general public in California or to a large number of its residents.

Return Original grant application to:

Kurt Floren (TrustChairperson)

12300 Lower Azusa Road

Arcadia, CA 91006-5872

Applicant: John Gardner

Agency: California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association

Address: 777 E. Rialto Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0720

Phone Number: 909 387-2115Fax Number: 909 387-2449

Amount Requested: ____ $15,375______

Explanation of Reasons or Need for Grant:

Subvention of costs to attend Handbook 133 training provided by NIST in Sacramento on August 12-16, 2013. Reimburseable costs include $100/day/person, meal cost of $55/person/day, travel cost of $250/person with mileage reimbursable if exceeding 50 miles one way at the rate of $0.55/mile. Total anticipated participants is 15.

This training provides advanced inspection procedures for quantity control verification and persons receiving training will be available to assist in training other inspection personnel throughout the state.

Reimbursements will be paid by CACASA and CACASA subsequently reimbursed in a like amount from the Trust. The amount requested represents the maximum reimbursement authority.

Agreement and Representations

1.The funds will only be used for the purposes described in the application

2.The grant funds will be used to augment and not supplant the agency’s existing budget. Grantee represents that funds are not readily available from other sources.

3.In the event grant funds are used to investigate or facilitate the investigation of amatter which results in prosecution or litigation, any settlement of the matter, to the extent permitted by law, will provide for full reimbursement of the amount of the grant to the trust.

4.The CACASA Quantity Control Trust Fund is a “Revolving Trust fund for the purpose of advancing funds necessary for investigation, equipment and consultants on a case by case basis. The trust shall be reimbursed before any settlement funds are used for any other purpose.

5.The grantee will seek to recover all costs which are or may be authorized by law if grantee obtains a favorable judgment after the trial or appellate decision, and to reimburse the trust from such cost recovery, regardless of whether the grant funds were used for costs which are recoverable under Code of Civil Procedure section 1033.5, Penal Code section 1202.4 or any other provision of law, before any money or other consideration received pursuant to the judgment or decision is used for any other purpose.

6.The grantee represents that his/her office is authorized to accept grant funds under applicable law pertaining to its budget.

7.The grantee will notify the Trust Chairperson of litigation results, including any settlement, judgment or other resolution within 30 days of such settlement, judgment or other resolution.

8.The grantee will maintain sufficient records for auditing purposes to substantiate any expenditure.

9.The grantee will cooperate with the Trustees and their agents in providing all information and documents concerning the use of trust funds as the Trustees reasonably request.

10.The grantee will comply with all additional requirements the Trustees impose.

11.Approval of this application does not constitute trustee endorsement of the project.

12.Unused or excess funds must be returned to the Trust within 60 days after the conclusion of the investigation, litigation, for which the grant was requested or within 60 days after the purchase of non-case specific goods or services.

Date:Mar. 22, 2013 Signature of Applicant

Date:Signature of Co-applicant