2841 DeBarr Road, Suite 40

Anchorage AK 99508

phone: 907-336-6375

fax: 907-336-7211

Rhene Merkouris, M.D. ~~ Billie-Jo Severin, PA-C ~~ Jillian Woodruff M.D.

1st OB Appointment Health History and Genetic History

Name:______DOB:___/___/____ Age:______

1st day of last period:___/____/____ Father of baby’s name______

Will you be 35 years old or over @ delivery? Yes No

General History

Please fill out this form completely to the best of your ability

ð  Pregnancy history

o  # pregnancies including now______

o  # living children______

o  # miscarriages______

o  # abortions______

ð  Religious or cultural consideration for your care?

o  ______

ð  Have you recently traveled outside of the country: Yes No

o  If so, where?______

ð  Do you have a pediatrician, if so who: ______

ð  Hospital for delivery: Alaska Regional Providence

ð  Occupation:______

ð  Do you get your period every month: Yes No

ð  How long does your period last?______days

ð  How many days are between your periods: ______days

ð  How old were you when you had your first period? ______

ð  Were you using any birth control at conception: Yes No

ð  When was your last pap? ___/____/______

o  Any abnormal paps? Yes No

ð  What was your pre-pregnancy weight?______pounds

ð  Is blood transfusion acceptable in an emergency: Yes No

ð  Do you have cats at home: Yes No

ð  Have you had the chicken pox: Yes No

ð  Do you have any allergies, if so what?______

ð  Do you take any medications, vitamins or supplements? If so, what?

o  ______

ð  Have you ever used tobacco products? Yes No

o  If yes, how many packs per day:______

o  How many years have you smoked? ______

ð  Do you currently use any tobacco products? (i.e cigarretes, ecigs) Yes No

o  If no, when did you quit______

ð  How many alcoholic drinks per week ______

ð  Any alcohol, drugs or medication use since your last period? ______

ð  How much caffeine per day do you consume?______

ð  Do you currently or have a history of illicit drug use including MARIJUANA? If so, what?

o  ______

Details of Past Pregnancies

Date / How many weeks at delivery? / Length of Labor / Weight of baby & Sex of baby / Epidural or spinal anesthesia? / Vaginal or c-section / Hospital and Doctor / Preterm labor / Procedures used in labor. i.e episiotomy, vaccuum

Family History for Self and Family

Please indicate if the relative is on your mother or father’s side of the family

ð  Diabetes:

o  Self:______

o  Your family, if so who:______

ð  High Blood Pressure:

o  Self:______

o  Your family, if so who:______

ð  Autoimmune Disorders (i.e Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes, Grave’s Disease): if so, what?

o  Self:______

o  Your family, if so who:______

ð  Kidney Disease: if so, what?

o  Self:______

o  Your family, if so who:______

ð  Frequent UTIs:

o  Self:______

ð  Neurological Disorders or Seizures: if so, what?

o  Self:______

o  Your family, if so who:______

ð  Psychiatric Disorders (i.e Depression, Anxiety): if so, what?

o  Self:______

o  Your family, if so who:______

ð  Hepatitis or Liver Disease: if so, what?

o  Self:______

o  Your family, if so who:______

ð  Varicose Veins:

o  Self:______

o  Your family, if so who:______

ð  Thyroid Dysfunction: if so, what?

o  Self:______

o  Your family, if so who:______

ð  Trauma or Domestic Violence:

o  Self:______

ð  Blood Transfusion :

o  Self:______

ð  Pulmonary Disease (i.e asthma, TB) : if so, what?

o  Self:______

o  Your family, if so who:______

ð  Breast Issues: if so, what?

o  Self:______

o  Your family, if so who:______

ð  Any uterine abnormalities: ______

ð  History of infertility:______

ð  Any Surgeries or hospitalizations?

o  Bad reactions to anesthesia

Date / Surgery / Reaction to anesthesia (Yes or No, if yes what happened)

ð  Any other history:


Genetic History for Self, Partner and Families

ð  Are you from any of these heritages: None

o  Italian Greek Mediterranean Asian

o  Jewish Cajun French-Canadian African

ð  Neural Tube Defects (i.e Spina Bifida, chiari malformation) None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

o  Type: ______

ð  Thalassemia (blood disorder) None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

o  Type: ______

ð  Congenital Heart Defect (i.e septum defects) None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

o  Type: ______

ð  Down Syndrome None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

ð  Tay-Sachs Disease (blood disorder) None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

ð  Sickle Cell Anemia or Sickle Cell Trait (blood disorder) None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

ð  Hemophilia (blood disorder) None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

o  Type: ______

ð  Muscular Dystrophy None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

o  Type: ______

ð  Cystic Fibrosis or Carrier of Cystic Fibrosis None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

o  Type: ______

ð  Huntington Chorea None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

o  Type: ______

ð  Mental Retardation or Autism None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

o  Type: ______

o  Tested for Fragile X? ______

ð  Maternal Metabolic Disorders- i.e Type One Diabetes, PKU None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

o  Type: ______

ð  Any children with birth defects None

o  Your family:______

o  Partner’s family:______

o  Type: ______

Infection History

Infection Type
Hepatitis B Immunization or acquired Hepatitis B / Self
Immunized: ______
Exposure to TB (tuberculosis) / Self / Partner
Any history of genital herpes / Self / Partner
Rash or Viral Illness since last period / Yes
Which:______ / No
Any history of STIs, including HPV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, herpes / Self
Which type:______
Date:______ / Partner
Which type:______

Any Other Comments or Concerns ______

Patient Authorization:


Signature Date

Witnessed by:


Signature Date