1 Write questions with the words below. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. Anne’s parents / live / in Ireland / when / she / marry / James Bonny

2. Anne / do / bad things / while / she / travel / with Calico Jack

3. Anne / wear / women’s clothes / while / she / work / as a pirate

4. Rackham / sail / around the world / when / he / die

2 Read the text. Then answer the questions in Exercise 1.

Anne Bonny

Anne Bonny was a wife and a mother, but she didn’t have an ordinary life. Anne was born in Ireland at the end of the 17th century, and her father was a lawyer. Her parents moved to North America and her father made a lot of money there. He worried about Anne because she was always in trouble.

Anne married a pirate called James Bonny, but she soon left James for another pirate – Calico Jack Rackham. Anne and Calico Jack stole a ship and worked as pirates together. Anne wore men’s clothes and her real identity was a secret. While they were travelling across the ocean, Anne and Calico Jack often fought other sailors and stole their things. They were very dangerous.

Anne’s life as a criminal ended in 1720. A soldier caught the pirates, and the police put them in prison. Rackham died in prison. But Anne wasn’t there for long. She returned to North America and lived a long and comfortable life. Many people never knew about her past.





3 Answer the questions about one of your parents or someone else in your family.

1. When was he / she born?

2. Where did he / she live in the past?

3. Where does he / she live now?

4. What is his / her job?

5. What interesting thing happened to him / her in the past?

4 Write a paragraph about one of your parents or someone else in your family. Use the text in Exercise 2 and the information in Exercise 3 to help you.


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