Public Health Wales / Welsh Language Committee
Welsh Language Committee
Author:Chris Lines, Director of Communications
Date:29 November 2010 / Version:0a
Purpose and Summary of Document:
This document informs the Board of the establishment of a Welsh Language Committee for Public Health Wales and seeks a Non Executive Director as a member.
Sponsoring Executive Director: Chris Lines
Who will present:Chris Lines
Documents attached: None
Date of Board meeting:6 December 2010
Committee/Groups that have received or considered this paper:
Interim Senior Management Team
Please state of the paper is for:
Decision / X


This document informs the Board of the establishment of a Welsh Language Committee for Public Health Wales and seeks a Non Executive Director as a member.


The Board is asked to:

a)Note the establishment of a Welsh Language Committee

b)Nominate a Non Executive Director as a member of the Committee


The nomination will take effect immediately.

4Financial Implications

There are no financial implications to this paper.


The Public Health Wales Board and Welsh Language Board have agreed the organisation’s Welsh Language Scheme and action plan in which there is an action to “establish a Welsh Language Committee and identify appropriate membership.” This is not a formal Board Committee.


There is a need for a group to oversee the development of bilingual services and to monitor implementation of the Public Health Wales Welsh Language Scheme.

Currently, Public Health Wales is represented on the Velindre NHS Trust’s Welsh Language Committee. However, the Welsh language needs of both organisations are very different, Public Health Wales has only limited representation and the leadership lies with Velindre.

7Next Steps

The Director of Communications will arrange for the committee to meet.

Appendix A

Welsh Language Committee

Name of Group/Committee/Board / Welsh Language Committee
Summary of role / To oversee the development, promotion and implementation of the bilingual provision across all areas of Public Health Wales.
To monitor the effectiveness of the Welsh Language Scheme in order to provide assurance to the Executive Team that Public Health Wales has effective systems to comply with the Welsh Language Act
Remit /
  • Develop the provision of bilingual services across all areas of Public Health Wales
  • Monitor implementation of the Public Health Wales Welsh Language Scheme
  • Monitor annual audits on compliance against the Welsh Language Scheme and review Public Health Wales wide findings
  • Review the Welsh Language Scheme every three years
  • Ensure the Welsh Language Scheme is fully integrated with other human resource and equality policies
  • Receive regular reports on complaints involving Welsh language issues and share lessons learned
  • Ensure Public Health Wales is up to date with strategic changes and developments arising from Welsh language legislation and report to the Executive Team on organisation wide implications
  • Share best practice in Welsh language promotion across Public Health Wales, from other organisations and All Wales Groups, (including but not limited to the All Wales Contact Group and All Wales Champions Group)
  • Monitor the availability, take-up and effectiveness of Welsh language training
  • Benchmark the Public Health Wales approach to the provision of a bilingual service with other organisations and implement improvements in line with findings
  • Ensure a register of Welsh language speakers within Public Health Wales is maintained within ESR
  • Produce an annual report for the Public Health Wales Board, Welsh Language Board & Welsh Language Taskforce

Reporting to / Executive Team
Communicates with /
  • Equality and Diversity Forum
  • All Wales Champions Group
  • All Wales Contacts Groups

Monitoring of / Welsh Language Scheme
Sub Committees / N/A
Chaired by / Director of Communications
Membership / Non Executive Director
Welsh Language Officer
Equality & Diversity lead
Human Resources representative
Procurement representative
Staff representative
Representatives from each Division
Public representative
Meeting frequency / Quarterly
Documentation required/submitted from: / Documentation / Submitted From
  • Welsh Language Scheme action plan
  • Divisional Highlight reports
  • Audit reports
  • Complaints data
  • Welsh language annual reports
  • Welsh Assembly Government Directives
  • Champions minutes
  • Contacts Minutes
  • Welsh Language Officer
  • Divisions
  • Divisions
  • Complaints Manager
  • Welsh Language Officer
  • Welsh Language Officer
  • Director of Communic-ations
  • Welsh Language Officer

Outputs (i.e. minutes of meeting submitted to other committee meetings) / Minutes to the Executive Team
Annual report to Welsh Language Board and Public Health Wales Board
Annual monitoring report to Taskforce
PA to the Director of Communications / Date Terms of Reference last revised
29 November 2010 / Next review date
6 December 2010
Date: 29 November 2010 / Version:0a / Page: 1 of 6