RNA May 2009 Meeting Minutes
Board members present: Peggy Sullivan, David Drouin, Nancy Fredricks, Denise Gorrell, Connie Pilcher, Catherine Wilson.
Neighbors present: Gary Blake, Kevin Rogers, Claudette Summervile
The May 12th meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM by Peggy Sullivan for injured Nathan Farney.
Minutes from April meeting were corrected. Catherine moved and Bonnie 2nd approval of the minutes. Motion carried.
Treasure’s report $4740.77 in the bank.
CNN update: Nancy Fredricks attended the 2 ½ hour meeting. Mostly budget review. Discussion of the $3500. Defecit and possible fund raisers to help. There is a new crime prevention officer – Mary Tompkins. They also discussed the possibility of a volunteer appreciation social.
Land Use update: Denise reported. Topics discussed were: budget, future visionary possibilities, planning reported on new infill housing designs. (These were property design suggestions for developers.) Also discussed was 39th Avenue street name change and Madison High School transition. On June 8 there will be a cross cultural workshop at Concordia University.
Clean Up: Claudette Summerville reported we still need 8 more volunteers, mostly un-loaders. The Community Warehouse has donated a truck to haul off mattresses, etc. David Drouin went over the traffic control map and had extra flyers to be put up.
Connie reported on the Newcomer Packets and requested a budget to cover expenses. It was suggested $50 for supplies. Catherine moved and Nancy 2nd. Motion carried.
Carter Cunningham of Madison South Neighborhood brought flyers and announced the 2nd Annual Base to Butte Walk and Cultural Fair would be Saturday, June 13th from 10 – 4. The main event (the fair) will be at the Asian American Shopping Center . The walk to the top of the hill and return is about 4 miles. He reported Moto Pizza was gone. They had had some sign violations. It was suggest he look into the new wall sign at G Spot to see if it too would be a sign violation.
Peggy reported on the Spring Fling. The event raised about $600. We still need to look into getting a plaque for the wall. It cost the artists around $600 in transportation expenses and Peggy asked if we should help in that area. It was proposed to review it later with a full board.
New business
Yahoo and Newsletter. It has been proposed that we go to an on-line newsletter. We will have an article in the next two newsletters discussing the problems with the cost and physical effort. Regardless, the newsletter will still need layout which is around 6 – 8 hours to do. Advertisers might be concerned. The Yahoo group would be a Roseway user group that you opt in to. Neighbor Kevin Rogers suggested the Yahoo group as the younger generation is more into “social networking”. New articles could be put up every two weeks. We need newsletter article writers and the neighbors are “a deep untapped well”.
Newsletter articles: Bonnie will do Spring Fling retrospect
Kevin – Social Networking
Connie Sidewalks care
General Meeting – Ice Cream Social at 6:30 – vote on By Law changes.
Denise will cover By-Law changes
David – The Clean Up
David would like to discuss the revisioning of the clean up. He suggested we send out teams of people to people and addresses in need. To be discussed further.
Peggy reported that by August the city will have a permit process in place for the building owner as well as the artist.
Bonnie presented Peggy Sullivan with a gift plaque photo of Peggy in front of the mural as a cover for Woman’s World magazine being named Woman of the Year.
David gave a big thank you to clean up volunteers Claudette, Jane and Melinda.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM
Respectfully submitted<
Connie Pilcher, Secretary