Date: 14th October 2013 Chairperson: Jenny McDonnell Meeting opened:7:05pm

Present: Barbara Cornford, Tanya McLachlan, Jenny McDonnell, Toni Reiser, Helen Cannell,Julie Wade, Troy Harris, Jonella Dargusch, Nicci Seymour


Guest Speaker:

Troy Harris Junior Secondary School

  • Bringing Year 7 into High School – Junior School in 2015
  • 13 years schooling in accordance to other states students will be 17 & 18 years old when complete high school.
  • Flying Start draft document see attachment.
  • High School requires feedback from P & C:
  • Is the draft document written in a way all parents can understand (i.e. parent talk not high school talk)
  • Will the ideas drafted in the plan be enough for all students to successfully integrate into high school?
  • Amend or add suggestions/recommendations to draft and provide before next P & C.

Minutes of the previous meeting:

Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as a true and accurate record.

Moved: Toni Reiser Seconded: Nicci Seymour

Business arising:

  1. Meal Deal – Estelle and Rusty Jones happy to take on in Term 4. However will need support throughout this time. Also may have to change the date with ordering etc. due to business commitments- still investigating. Jenny to follow up.
  2. Toni identified a small course for food service certification will address next meeting.
  3. Dougie to check fridges by next week.
  4. Family Planning Date still to be confirmed Barbara following through.
  5. Non Profit correspondence – new organisation to help Charities however may fold due to new Government will monitor and follow through at a later date – Toni Reiser.
  6. Nicci Seymour Motor Cross dirt bike fundraiser to defer to next meeting.
  7. Soft fall for prep – Barbara identified mistake made when original request made. Request remade to maintenance and will come out of School Budget.
  8. Jump Rope for Heart $2000.00 Cheque will be drawn up for prizes Donita to follow through.

Correspondence: (as tabled)

Business arising:

Upper Brisbane Valley School Chaplaincy Committee request for funding can specify individual groups such as Donita – Brekkie group etc. Decision to look at next meeting.

Hilary Bensen – Request for Natnael Lowing to attend Met West Activities

MOTION - That a donation of $50.00 to Natnael in support of his Met West endeavours, be accepted.

Moved Tanya McLachlanSeconded:Toni Reiser carried

Motion - That the inward correspondence tabled, be recorded as read.

Moved: Tanya McLachlan Seconded: NicciSeymour carried

Treasurer’s Report: (as tabled)

Business arising:

Cheques to be ratified

As per Treasurers Report

Additional Cheques to be ratified

Sommervilles $64.75Toogoolawah Primary School $3500.00

Amendment to CFE of $3839.00 no need to pay as School has already paid for this invoice. All quotes and information gathered on the purchase of the Chip Cooker be passed onto the School for audit purposes

Motion - That the Treasurer’s Report is accepted as a true and accurate record of income and expenditure and that the outstanding accounts are ratified.

Moved: Toni Reiser Seconded: Barbara Cornford carried

Principal Report: (Barbara Cornford) copies tabled and attached

Chaplaincy support:

The Toogoolawah State School P & C agree to support the Chaplaincy Service in the school and wish to continue to utilise NSCSWP funding to employ a School Chaplain for 2014.

Moved: Barbara CornfordSeconded: Tanya McLachlan

Uniform shop: (Julie Wade)

Price List has been confirmed and prices will stay the same

Amendments to be given to Mary and will have a dead line of 2 weeks to be returned, to have delivery prior to Christmas.

New SkortsSell $15.00

If query to purchase old skortssell old skorts for $5.

Dresses keep at the same price however add to the price list they are discontinued and remove the sizes that we have sold out of.

Absent – Julie away on 22nd October and the 29th October (Tuesdays) Toni and Jenny will share the times.

Moved : Julie Wade Second: Tanya McLachlan

Fundraising:(Jenny McDonnell)

Rodeo – chip stall.(Jonella)

Profit of $1389.36 Jonella to email all the figures to Toni Reiser.

$75 site fee taken out of the takings at the Rodeo. Jonella to question amount and request an invoice.

Limited amount of helpers.

17 bags of chips left

Christmas Tree are happy to purchase extras when needed.

Possible Meal Deal Day before end of term.

Suggestion to offer Dry hire the Chip Fryer to the Rock Concert - NO NOT YET!!!!!!!

Trivia Night

Art Raffle

Heather Cannell sold a bundle of tickets (thank you).

BGA Market Day not very busy sold 14 tickets.

Good vibe concerning Trivia Night.

Display Painting at Julie’s at the Rectory. Sell tickets.

Jenny to speak to her source at the Wood and Wine festival at Woodford to see if we can sell tickets. Ask Noel to assist.

Nicci – food and refreshments

-Agreed wine, beer, soft drink and cruisers

-Jenny donate a carton of wine(red)

-Cater for 80

-Use tea and coffee from show left overs.

-Plates 1 price $5

  • Made up of savoury – hot and cold,
  • Julie Wade Sandwiches 1 loaf egg and lettuce and Ham cheese tomato.
  • Chicken pieces
  • Sushi
  • Sausage rolls
  • Quiches?
  • Sweet
  • Julie Vogler small carrot cakes and sticky date puddings
  • Barbara Cheesecakes
  • Jodi Cannell Passionfruit slice

-Plastic plates 200 plates – Bread and Butter plates 16-18cm and serviettes

-Check with the Pauline if we can sell the movie night chips?

-Carl to do bar

-LIONESS LADIES require 3 please to plate, serve and take money.

  • Require assistance from 6pm and will close kitchen approx. 9.30 – 10pm Heather will follow through at the Lioness next meeting.

-Menu stating thankyou to our volunteers and placemats with supporters and sponsors, logos. Tanya to do.

Sponsorship so far:

  • Seymours TptAustralia Post Kay and John (x2)
  • B Valley MedicalDBC Mechanical
  • Toogoolawah Pharmacy
  • Rural Bitumen Driveways (RAT Tippers)


English & Literature SPONSORED BY: DBC Mechanical

Prizes – pens from DBC

GeographySPONSORED BY:Kay and John Toogoolawah Australia Post

Prizes – Globe sharpener

  • International food, road maps etc

MathsSPONSORED BY:Kay and John Toogoolawah Australia Post

Prizes - calculators

ScienceSPONSORED BY:Toogoolawah Pharmacy

Prizes – tic tacs, thermometers Berocas

HistorySPONSORED BY: B.Valley Medical

Prizes – Nestle Pack condensed milk local history

SportsSPONSORED BY:R.A.T. Rural Bitumen Driveways

Prizes – soccer balls, whistles

Pot LuckSPONSORED BY:Seymours

Prizes - Chocolates

MusicSPONSORED BY:Eckert and Assoc. Engineering.

Prizes – I Tunes Harmonicas

RU Smarter than a 6th Grader fill in

100’s board

Hand bag find

Drawings on table – scribble, doodling.

Barbara provide the Data Projector and Screen

Jenny follow through with Ian, collect backing music from him.

Aaron to set up speaker system.

Nicci doing Power point presentation for questions and rules.

Meet to Set up on Friday 10am at hall Saturday about 3-4pm.

General Business:


Prep booklets informing parents on the expectations of prep and helping your children ready for prep.

Annette asked if the P & C would support this purchase. 25 Books

All agreed.

Next meeting:4thNovember 2013

Meeting closed at 10.56pm.