Hospitals &Asylums

Chautauqua Homeless Campaign v. Mt. Ashland Defenders

$45 Million Ashland Watershed Evaluation of Rogue Valley in Southern Oregon HA-20-3-12

By Anthony J. Sanders

Introduction: Application for Writ of Certiorari………………………………………………...4

Part 1 Ashland Watershed

Chapter 1 Joint Plan to Dredge Reeder Reservoir for Mt. Ashland Ski Expansion ……………7

Chapter 2 Mt. Ashland Snowmaking Machine Alternative…………………………………….17

Part 2 Bear Creek Watershed

Chapter 3 Bear Creek Watershed Analysis: Wellsprings/Big Butte Drinking Water……...….24

Chapter 4 Bear Creek Flood Defenses Permit Condo Development and Tree Removal…..….31

Part 3 Homeless Campaign

Chapter 5 $1 Per Capita Federal Homeless Assistance Grant………………………………….40

Chapter 6 Ashland Shelter Seven Nights a Week……………………………………………....44

Chapter 7 Historic Preservation of Free Camping at Lithia Park………………………………52

Chapter 8 Historic Preservation of Table Rocks for Wilderness Camping and Powwow……..58

Part 4 Climate Change

Chapter 9 Thermodynamic Laws of Climate Change…………………………………………..66

Appendix: $25 Million One-Time Cost of Bear Creek Valley Sanitary Authority(6-5-12)…...77

$45 million are requested to begin liquidating the $47 billion of un-administrated TARP “distressed homeowner funds” at a rate of up to $153 per capita (ie. $31 million for Jackson County) for (1) 100% of the $25 million costs of Ashland joining B Bear Creek Valley Sanitary Authority (BCVSA) (2) Replacing aging water pipes, projected cost is $6.6 million (3) Building a water storage tank for firefighting purposes, projected cost is $8.7 million. (4) Enclosing the Talent Irrigation District ditch (T.I.D), projected cost is $1.1 million. (5) Building the Talent/Ashland/Phoenix line (TAP Intertie) for access to potable water during emergencies, projected cost is $2.1 million.(6) 75-85% of the cost of Dredging Reeder Reservoir twice to insure against potential damages of the Forest Service ski resort development permit. (7) $100,000 for flood hazard mitigation dead tree removal and backhoe rental on Ashland and Bear Creeks. (8) Ashland Homeless Shelter $20,000 annually; $400,000 over 20 years.


Application of Laws and Treaties 25USC(14)V§478b

Ashland Municipal Code (AMC)

--Emergency Declaration AMC 2.62.030

--Payment: Collection of Charges AMC 14.08.010

--Prohibited Camping AMC 10.46

--Sleeping Prohibited AMC 10.68.230

Clean Air Act of 1970. Congressional Findings and Declaration of Purpose 42USC(85)(I)(A)§7401

Clean Water Act of 1972. Congressional Declaration of Goals and Policy 33USC(26)(I)§1251

--Environmental Dredging 33USC(26)(I)§1272

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 42USC(103)(I)§9601

--National hazardous substance response plan 42USC(103)I§9605

Cross Reference to employees ethical conduct standards and financial disclosure regulations


Endangered Species Act of 1973 16USC(35)§1531

Fraud and Related Activity in Connection with Computer 18USC(1)(47)§1030

Historic Preservation Program16USC(16)(IA)(II)(A)§470a

Hospitals & Asylums. Battle Mountain Sanitarium Reserve statute 24USC(3)IV§153

--National Home for Disable Volunteer Soldiers. Battle Mountain Sanitarium Reserve 24USC(3)IV§153

--Preservation of Historic Buildings and Grounds at the Armed Forces Retirement Home – Washington 24USC(10)§423

----Tubercular hospital at Fort Bayard24USC(1)§19

Jackson County Hazard Mitigation Program (HMP)

Jackson County Land Development Ordinance (LDO)

McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act; Eligible Activities 42USC(119)IVC§11383

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1970 42USC(55)§4331

National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 42USC(54)§4001

NationalForest Management Act (NFMA) of 1976 16USC(36)(I)§1601

--National Forest System Land and Resource Plans 16USC(36)(I)§1604

National Pre-Treatment Standards: Prohibited Discharges 40 CFR 403.5

National Wilderness Preservation System 16USC(23)§1131

Oregon and California (O&C) Lands Act (Public Law 75- 405)

Oregon Revised Statute. Authority of Local Government to Make Intergovernmental Agreement ORS 190.010

--Effect of Agreement ORS 190.030

--Employees rights when district assumes a function of another public corporation, city or county§268.220

--Sewage Charge on Water Users ORS 224.510

--Sewer Service Charges ORS 450.880

Records of Decision in Cases Requiring Environmental Impact Statement 40CFR1505.2

Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974. Definitions 42USC(6A)(XII)§300f

--Grants for State Programs 42USC(6A)(VII)§300j-2

--Regulation for State Programs 42USC(6A)(VII)§300h

Water Pollution Prevention and Control Act of 1974. Congressional Declaration of Purpose 33USC(26)(II)§1281

--Cost-effectiveness 33USC(26)(II)§1298

--Federal Share 33USC(26)(II)§1282

--Information and Guidelines 33USC(26)(III)§1314


Convention on Biological Diversity 5 June 1992

Convention on the prohibition of military or any hostile use of environmental modification techniques 10 December 1976

International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights 16 December 1966

Statement on Forest Principles 14 August 1992

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) 9 June 1992


City of Medford v. Bear Creek Valley Sanitary Authority. Or. App. 97-0086-E3; CA A98721.August 05, 1998

Glisson v. USFS (S.D. Ill. August 26, 1993, on appeal to the Seventh Circuit)

Gordon v. Sansone et al application for writ of certiorari from the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals 2011denied

Kirchbaum v. Kelly (W.D. Va., February 9, 1994)

Massachusetts v. EPANo. 05-1220 (2007)

Northwest Forest Resource Council v. Espy U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia March 21, 1994

Oregon Natural Resources Council (ONRC) v. Lowe 836 F.Supp. 727 (D. Ore. 1993, on appeal to the Ninth Circuit)

Oregon Natural Resources Council Fund (ONRC) v. Mt. Ashland Association Opinion of Judge Milan D. Smith Jr. U.S. 9th Cir. App. No. 07-35110

Scarborough v. Anthony J. Principi Secretary of Veteran’s AffairsNo. 02-1657 (2004)

Seattle Audubon Society v. Evans (1991)

Seattle Audubon Society v. Moseley (W.D. Wash. 1992)

Shinseki v. Sanders No. 07-1209 (2009)

Sierra Club v. Marita (E.D. Wisc. February 9, 1994, on appeal to the Seventh


Sierra Club v. Robertson 784 F.Supp. 593, 609 (W.D. Ark.1991)

Sierra Club v. Robertson 810 F.Supp. 1021, 1027-28 (W.D. Ark. 1992, 8th. Cir.)

Sierra Club v. Robertson (E.D. Wisc. March 7, 1994, 7th Cir.)

Sierra Club v. Robertson (S.D. Ohio, March 11, 1994)

United States v. Alcea Band of Tillamooks329 US 40 (1946)

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