Year B
Invitation to Prayer:
My brothers and sisters,
recognizing the presence of Christ among us and in this house of prayer,
let us pray for his healing touch on all the sick of our parish,
and intercede for the needs of the Church and our brothers and sisters.
Concluding Prayer:
O God, who in compassion
sent your Son into our afflicted world
to proclaim the day of salvation,
graciously hear our prayers:
touch our lives,
bring us health of body and spirit,
and raise us to new life in your service.
Through Christ our Lord.
God of compassion,
who sent Jesus, your Son, to proclaim liberty to captives,
healing to the sick,
and good news of salvation to the poor,
graciously hear the prayers of those who come before you
in the name of your Son:
destroy the power of sin and evil,
that we may know the freedom of the gospel.
Through Christ our Lord.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 4, 2018
Deacon or Reader:
1. For the Church, called by the Lord to proclaim the gospel to all the nations;
for all who seek Full Communion in the Catholic Church;
and for the clergy and parishioners of St. Mark, Prescott and Sacred Heart, Cardinal.
We pray to the Lord.
2. For world leaders and all public officials of our country and community;
for peace in all parts of the world;
and for all who dispel the demons of prejudice and hatred.
We pray to the Lord.
3. For doctors and health care workers who continue the healing ministry of Jesus;
for the sick and home bound, the hospitalized, the lonely and the unemployed;
and for those burdened by anxious days and sleepless nights.
We pray to the Lord.
4. For those who are listening for God’s call in their lives;
for vocations to marriage, religious life, diaconate and priesthood;
and for those preparing for First Communion, Confirmation or Marriage.
We pray to the Lord.
5. For all who are broken-hearted, outcast, wounded or downtrodden;
for children who are bullied and tormented at school or at home;
for all people who are victims of verbal, physical or sexual abuse;
and for seniors who are worried about their financial future.
We pray to the Lord.
6. For the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners;
for those who have died recently,
and all who have died in the hope of eternal life.
We pray to the Lord.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 4, 2018
1. Deacon: Let us pray for the Church, called by the Lord to proclaim the gospel
to all the nations:
Reader: For those preparing for First Communion, Confirmation or Marriage;
for vocations to marriage, religious life, diaconate and priesthood;
and for the clergy and parishioners of St. Mark, Prescott and Sacred Heart, Cardinal.
We pray to the Lord.
2. Deacon: Let us pray for peace and healing throughout the world:
Reader: For world leaders and all public officials
for peace in all parts of the world;
and for those burdened by anxious days and sleepless nights.
We pray to the Lord.
3. Deacon: Let us pray for all who are broken-hearted, outcast, wounded or downtrodden:
Reader: For doctors and health care workers who continue the healing ministry of Jesus;
for the home bound, the hospitalized, the lonely and the unemployed;
and for seniors who are worried about their financial future.
We pray to the Lord.
4. Deacon: Let us pray for all who are in need of God’s compassion:
Reader: For children who are bullied and tormented at school or at home;
for all people who are victims of verbal, physical or sexual abuse;
and for all who seek Full Communion in the Catholic Church.
We pray to the Lord.
5. Deacon: Let us pray for the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners:
Reader: For those who have died recently,
and all who have died in the hope of eternal life.
We pray to the Lord.