Article I Name:

The name of this student-led organization shall be “WE” at Iowa State University

Article II Purpose:

The purpose of the "WE" organization is to connect students who share similar interest and would like to be a part of a team that will make a difference through community building projects and various volunteer opportunities "WE" will also act as a focus group for members withsocial entrepreneurship ideas, and seek individuals looking to gain experience in brand development Our overall goal is to help uplift communities’ current status quo and provide a support system for members that aspire to make a difference through their personal brand "WE" will promote unity and cultural diversity to enhance global thinking for young professionals within the organization

Article III Statement of Compliance:

"WE" abides by and supports established Iowa State University policies, State and Federal Laws and follows local ordinances and regulations "WE" agrees to annually complete President’s Training, Treasurer’s Training and Adviser Training (if required)

Article IV: Nondiscrimination Statement

Iowa State University and "WE" do not discriminate on the basis of genetic information, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, race, ethnicity, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or status as a US Veteran

Article V: Membership:

Membership to the WE student organization shall be open to all registered students in good standing at Iowa State University All members must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA as a member of the WE organization

Article VI: Risk Management:

The role of the risk management officer is to:

●Minimize potential risks for club activities

●Recommend risk management policies, procedures to “WE”

●Submit documentation to ISU’s Risk Management Office

●Ensure ISU policies are followed at all of the organization’s events

●Ensure proper waivers and background checks are on file with Risk Management for events, if applicable

●The duties of risk management within the “WE” organization shall be the responsibility of the president

●The president may delegate Risk management responsibilities to another officer if needed

Article VII Officers:


●Election of officers will be at the end of each school year (spring semester)

●End of fall semester elections will take place if an existing officer will not be available for the entire school year

●One-year term via majority vote will be the basis of officer elections

Officer Requirements:

  1. Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) as stated below and meet that minimum cumulative GPA in the semester immediately prior to the election/appointment, the semester of election/appointment and semesters during the term of office for undergraduate students, the minimum GPA is 2.00 In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (half-time credits) must have been taken for the semester under consideration
  2. Be in good standing with the university and enrolled: at least half time (six or more credit hours), if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) during the term of office, and at least half time (four or more credits), if a graduate level student (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement) during their term of office
  3. Be ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements as prescribed in (a) and (b)

Officer Duties and Terms of Service:

President: Executive Director of the “WE” Organization

●Complete the required annual training by ISU to become an active President

●Attend all meetings and events, in the case of an absence other board members must be notified IMMEDIATELY

●Oversee all of the organization’s meetings and activities

●Ensure all duties of Risk management are followed, task can be delegated to the organization’s vice president or secretary

●Oversee the organization’s recruitment

●Along with PR/Marketing chair, focus on the organization’s ability to raise awareness amongst the Iowa State Community

●Ensure all officers within the organization communicate and understand their role during meetings and events

●Ensure all officers are meeting the standards of Iowa State, Student Activities Center, and the WE organization

●Lead by example by maintaining a professional and positive attitude

●Meet the standards set forth by Iowa State University and Student Activities Center

Vice President: Second in command of the “WE” organization

●Preside over all meetings and activities in the absence of the President

●Attend “officer only” meetings

●Complete the required annual training by ISU to become an active Vice President

●Ensure all members are meeting the standards of the WE organization, Iowa State, and the Student Activities Center

●Schedule meetings/events with appropriate University offices, task may be delegated to the secretary

●Along with treasurer, oversee and plan the fundraising activities of “WE”

●Event Planning Coordinator

●Oversee Planning of all scheduled activities, meetings, and events along with the existing President

●Along with the organization’s secretary ensure all documents are submitted and important deadlines are met

●Perform all task delegated by the President of the organization

Treasurer: Responsible for running the treasury of the “WE” organization

●Complete the required annual Treasurer training by ISU

●Attend “officer only” meetings

●Must provide a financial report upon request, failure to do so can result in removal of position

●Along with Vice President, preside over all logistics dealing with fundraising activities for the organization

●Create and manage all billing accounts of WE with the university and other businesses

●Ensure that all information regarding accounts and funds of the WE organization is communicated to the President

●Collect dues

●Submit all payments made out to “WE” to the organization’s account within 48 hours of collection

●Perform all duties delegated by the President of “WE”

●Create budget and present to organization for ⅔ vote

●Complete the required marketplace training to activate the organization’s store

●Along with Adviser, oversee and manage the organization’s marketplace store account

Secretary: Responsible for note taking, organization, and records of the “WE” organization

●Oversee the organization and general flow of “WE”

●Attend “officer only” meetings

●Take useful notes during meetings and activities

●Provide support and important reminders to other officers within the organization

●Perform routine clerical and administrative functions

●Ensure all documents are submitted to the appropriate offices and important deadlines are met

●Keep important records of all events and meetings

●Perform all task delegated by the President and Vice President

PR/Marketing Chair: Responsible for managing communication between “WE” and the public

●Develop and maintain a positive perception of the “WE” organization in designated communities

●Develop and maintain a positive perception of the “WE” organization via social media

●Preside over all social media accounts

●Ensure relevance of “WE” by adding updated visual content and general postings on the organization’s social media accounts

●Communicate with President in regards to all important postings

●Along with the President, focus on the organization’s ability to raise awareness amongst the Iowa State Community

●Coordinate all “WE” photo sessions

●Develop creative themes for photo sessions and visual content to display the uniqueness of the organization

●Attend “officer only” meetings


  • Each officer has two charges, after the first charge is upon the existing officer, the officer has one week to make the necessary changes.
  • In case of a second charge, if two officers vote against the officer, the officer will be removed from the position.

●Any officer may be up for impeachment by the existing members of the “WE” organization if:

-The officer is not performing the tasks that are required of that position

- Failure to meet any of the expectations listed in the constitution

●In the case of impeachment, officers may be relieved of position upon ½ vote of the other existing officers and majority vote of the general membership

●During the impeachment process the officer is not allowed to be present during the discussion of pending charges

●The officer will be granted the opportunity to speak if wanted

●Secret ballot will be used

Replacement of officers/advisors:

●Will be the responsibility of and appointed by the existing President

Article VIII Advisers:


●Election of officers will be at the end of each school year (spring semester)

●End of fall semester elections will take place if an existing officer will not be available for the entire school year

●One-year term via majority vote will be the basis of officer elections

Adviser Duties:

●Help manage the direction of the organization

●Participate when present at meetings and activities

●Be available to attend “officers only” meetings

●Help “WE” fulfill the overall purpose of the organization

●Recommend productive fundraising and promotional activities

●Act as a mentor for the organization's president

Terms of Service:

●Adviser shall serve a one-year term and “WE” shall use the policies stated in the elections section of the constitution

Impeachment/Removal of Advisers:

●Any officer may be up for impeachment by the existing members of the “WE” organization if:

- The officer is not performing the tasks that are required of that position

- Failure to meet any of the expectations listed in the constitution

  • Each officer has two charges, after the first charge is upon the existing officer, the officer has one week to make the necessary changes.
  • In case of a second charge, if two officers vote against the officer, the officer will be removed from the position.

●In the case of impeachment, officers may be relieved of position upon ½ vote of the other existing officers and majority vote of the general membership

●During the impeachment process the officer is not allowed to be present during the discussion of pending charges

●The officer will be granted the opportunity to speak if wanted

Replacement of officers/advisers:

●Will be the responsibility of and appointed by the existing President

Article IX Finances:

●All money belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the Campus Organizations Accounting Office and/or approved institution/office (must receive authorization via Campus Organizations Accounting Office) All funds must be deposited within 48 hours after collection The Adviser to this organization must approve and sign expenditures before payment

●All financial activity within “WE” shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer

●If the organization dissolves the remaining funds shall go towards an organization that has similar missions of “WE” (e.g. Community Empowerment)

●Dues will be $10 for each member, collected by an existing officer and must be turned in to the Treasurer immediately

Article X: Amendments & Ratification:


●The constitution of WE shall be voted on by the officers and receive majority vote by the general membership at the beginning of each year

●In the case of added or changed bylaws, they will be submitted to Student Activities Center within ten days


●The constitution is set once it receives ⅔ majority vote of the general membership

●The ratified constitution shall be submitted within 10 days to the Student Activities Center for final approval