The Rainbow Children’s Centre Inc.

Welcome back to Lennox Head Vacation Care

Lennox Head Public School 8am -6pm.

IMPORTANT;While we try to be as flexible and accommodating to families needs as we can,

No bookings will be taken after the cutoff date Friday 23rd June 2017

We want vacation care to be a fun and safe place for your child/ren to attend we will not tolerate any antisocial behaviors (ie fighting, swearing and bullying) we will give one written warning if the behavior continues you and your child will have to meet with me (Leonie Crowe OOSHC Co-ordinator) to discuss why your child should remain enrolled in our vacation care program.

Julyvacation care should be a busy fun time. We remind Parents/Carers that you need to send your child/ren with enough food to last them the whole day. We do offer some extra cooking activities and some afternoon teas these are an extra not a replacement of your child’s daily meals. Children need a balanced and nutritional diet to grow and play

Excursion Day:All families need to sign in and fill in the risk assessment form with contact details this for the safety of your child/ren failure to fill in these forms will mean your child/ren cannot attend the excursion!

If any families have any hidden talents and would like to come share these with us we would love to have you.


Rainbow has multimedia policy, we recognize that multimedia hand held devices such as iPods and iPads are a large part of most children’s worlds. Whilst at vacation care we have limited the use of hand held devices to one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoons or for longer bus trips. We will not tolerate any negative or inappropriate outcomes from children using these devises whilst at Rainbow, we reserve the right to confiscate any child’s device if they are using it in a negative or inappropriate way and return it to the family on collection of their child.

Rainbow may have children who attend that may be anaphylactic to nuts so please do not send your children with NUTELLA, PEANUT BUTTER, MIXED NUTS, MUSELI BARS WITH NUTS, or ANYTHING that contains NUTS thank you for your cooperation.

Closing dates to enrol Friday 23rd June 2017

As per Government Regulations we are obliged to give preference to those using Vacation Care for work related purposes.


Parents can go online and get enrolment forms and programs for Vacation Care also there will be updates on any variation to the program due to weather etc. go to

All bookings MUST come through the Office. In the past few holiday periods there have been some problems re children being booked in, not turning up and fees not being paid. As a result we will have to be stricter in future. Swapping will not be possible. Once you have booked for a day, you are required to pay for that day, even if you do not attend.If you want to add an extra day, you may do so if space is available, and any bookings for extra days must be made through the centre office. OOSHC staff cannot take such bookings and will refer you to contact the office.

Any family with debt unpaid to Rainbow will not be able to book for vacation care until the debt has been paid. If you have an unpaid debt and you wish to book for the JulyVC please bring a completed enrolment form to the Centre and see Jan, Jodie or Leo and pay your arrears and pay for your new booking in advance.

At Rainbow we will make minimal use of electronic media during VC. We will not have a computer and TV/video will be restricted to days when such activity is specifically planned, or days when inclement weather keeps children indoors for long periods. We want children to be actively engaged with sports, games and social activities; although of course we allow a child to undertake more solitary or quiet activity if that is their preference.

Staff cannot be responsible for your child’s belongings. Children are expected to bring their own food and to take care of their own belongings. We advise against children bringing in expensive items (e.g. electronic games) that may go astray within a large group. All hand held games are to be given to staff to put in safe place.

While staff will assist and support children, we expect a fair amount of independence in looking after their own belongings from children in vacation care.

Vacation Care is meant to be an enjoyable holiday break for children. We reserve the right to refuse, limit or restrict the enrolment of children who persistently demonstrate aggressive, anti social or bullying behaviours.

Many Thanks from, Carol, Eryn, Louise and Various casuals.

Please hand in or email your enrollments quickly to ensure you get a place for your child/ren.

Leonie Crowe is the OOSHC Coordinator and can be contacted onMob: 0466727633

Lennox Head Vacation Care

Booking FormJuly 2017

Parent Name:Contact Number:

Postal Address:

Email Address:

Parent Date Of Birth(D.O.B)Parent CRN

I would like to enroll my child/ren (Each child has their own CRN, if you do not know your child’s CRN ring Centrelink on 13 61 50 and they will be able to provide that information)

Child nameSex:D.O.BCRN

Child nameSex:D.O.BCRN

Child nameSex:D.O.BCRN

Please note: If you do not provide your date of birth and parent CRN and your child/ren’s dates of birth and CRNs we are then unable to register your attendance details with the Federal Governments Child Care Management System and you will be unable to claim either Child Care Benefit and/or The Child Care Rebate.

If any of the children have additional needs or a disability please provide more information re the additional needs.

If you have any variation that should be applied to your account, (eg JET, siblings in other service or a 3rd party being responsible for your account) please ring Jan or Jodie on 6686 6621 to discuss and mark the top of this form. Eg JET, 3rd party or Disability

Parents may:

  • pay the full amount of fees in advance and if any CCB/CCR subsidies are received we will refund that amount; or
  • after registering with Centre Link and receiving a CCB %, parents can contact Jan or Jodie on 6686 6621 for an estimate of net fees payable after CCB/CCRhas been deducted.

Payment can be made by bank deposit; credit card by phone (contact the office for details) or by cheque or EFTPOS at Rainbow’s main office. Account statements will be emailed to you at the email address you specify above.

Please make bookings as early as possible to ensure the days you need are available.

Please place your name of your child/ren in the box for the days you wish to attend for the

Lennox HeadVacation Careprogram.

Held at Lennox Head Public School Byron St Lennox Head

Week One;3rd July to 7th July 2017 Hours;8am-6pm Ph;0412758895

Day / Monday3rd
July 2017 / Tuesday4th
July 2017 / Wed 5th
July 2017 / Thursday6th
July 2017 / Friday7th
July 2017
Daily activity excursion or project / Science day
Bring an Experiment or research one on the day / Incursion
Aboriginal Cultural
Service / Excursion
A day in Ballina to celebrate Naidoc week
Depart: 10.20am
Bring a recipe / Excursion
Whale watching & Beach day
Depart: 9.30am
Return: 2.30pm
What to bring / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water
Cost / $61.00 / $61.00 / $65.00 / $61.00 / $61.00
Child/ren Names

Week Two; 10th July to14thJuly 2017 Hours; 8am-6pm Ph;0412758895

Day / Monday10th
July 2017 / Tuesday 11th
July 2017 / Wed12th
July 2017 / Thursday 13th
July 2017 / Friday14th
July 2017
Daily activity excursion or project / Creative Arts in the back playground / Excursion
Air factory
Indoor Trampoline Centre
Depart: 9.45am
Return: 3.00pm / Incursion
Rugby Tots& all things sports / Excursion
Movies Ballina Fair
Return: 2.30pm / Wheels day with
PJ Theme.
Ride your bike and wear your PJ’s
What to bring / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water
Cost / $61.00 / $90.00 / $61.00 / $75.00 / $61.00
Child/ren Names

Week Three;17th July to21st July 2017 Hours; 8am-6pm Ph;0412758895

Day / Monday17th
July 2017 / Tuesday18th
July 2017 / Wed19th
July 2017 / Thursday 20th
July 2017 / Friday21st
July 2017
Handball tournament
Wear your school house colour / School Resumes / School Resumes / School Resumes / School Resumes
What to bring / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water / Hat, lunch, snacks. water
Cost / $61.00
Child/ren Names

Bookings close Friday 23rd June 2017

By enrolling my child/ren on these days I agree to allow them to attend the various excursions and take part in the activities that may be planned for that day.

Sign………………………………………………………………………date ………………………………………………

If your child/children are booked in for any of the following excursions please print your Childs name in the corresponding box.
You must sign and date the bottom of the form for your child/children to attend vacation care
Childs Name: / Reason The Child is to be taken outside the premises / Excursion
Date: / Wednesday 5th July / Destination: / Ballina / Transport Method / Bus
Proposed activities during excursion: / Participate in Naidoc Celebrations / Departure time / 10.20pm / Return Time / 2.30pm
Number of children anticipated to attend: / Max:70 / Number of educators / parents / volunteers anticipated to attend the excursion: / Min: 7
Educator to child ratio: / Min: 10:1 / A risk assessment of this excursion has been prepared and is available at the service if you wish to view it
Childs Name: / Reason The Child is to be taken outside the premises / Excursion
Date: / Friday 7th July / Destination: / Lennox Beach / Transport Method / Walking
Proposed activities during excursion: / Whale Watching / Departure time / 9.30am / Return Time / 2.30pm
Number of children anticipated to attend: / Max:70 / Number of educators / parents / volunteers anticipated to attend the excursion: / 7
Educator to child ratio: / Min: 10:1 / A risk assessment of this excursion has been prepared and is available at the service if you wish to view it
Childs Name: / Reason The Child is to be taken outside the premises / Excursion
Date: / Tuesday 11th July / Destination: / Burleigh / Transport Method / Bus
Proposed activities during excursion: / Indoor Trampoline Centre / Departure time / 9.45am / Return Time / 3.00pm
Number of children anticipated to attend: / Number of educators / parents / volunteers anticipated to attend the excursion: / 7
Educator to child ratio: / 10:1 / A risk assessment of this excursion has been prepared and is available at the service if you wish to view it
Childs Name: / Reason The Child is to be taken outside the premises / Excursion
Date: / Thursday 13th July / Destination: / Ballina Fair / Transport Method / Bus
Proposed activities during excursion: / Movies / Departure time / 9.30am / Return Time / 2.30pm
Number of children anticipated to attend: / Max:70 / Number of educators / parents / volunteers anticipated to attend the excursion: / Min: 9
Educator to child ratio: / Min: 8:1 / A risk assessment of this excursion has been prepared and is available at the service if you wish to view it
Childs Name: / Reason The Child is to be taken outside the premises / Excursion
Date: / Destination: / Transport Method / Bus
Proposed activities during excursion: / Departure time / Return Time
Number of children anticipated to attend: / Max:70 / Number of educators / parents / volunteers anticipated to attend the excursion: / Min: 9

By enrolling my child/ren on certain days that I am agreeing to allow them to attend the various excursions and take part in the activities that may be planned for that day. Signed ………………………………………………………….. Date ………………………………………..

Lennox Head Vacation Care

Lennox Head Public School – Byron St

PH: 6686 6621 MOB: 0412758895


Monday 3rd
July 2017 / Tuesday 4th
July 2017 / Wednesday 5th
July 2017 / Thursday 6th
July 2017 / Friday 7th
July 2017
Science day
Bring an Experiment or research one on the day / Incursion
Aboriginal Cultural
Services / Excursion
Celebrate Naidoc
Week Out & about in our local Community
Depart: 10.20am
Bring a recipe! / Excursion
Whale watching & Beach day
What to Bring / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER

Lennox Head Vacation Care

Lennox Head Public School – Byron St

PH: 6686 6621 MOB: 0412758895


Monday 10th
July 2017 / Tuesday 11th
July 2017 / Wednesday 12th
July 2017 / Thursday 13th
July 2017 / Friday 14th
July 2017
EXCURSION OR SPECIAL ACTIVITY / Creative Arts in the back playground / Excursion
Air factory
Indoor Trampoline Centre
Depart: 9.45am
Return: 3.00pm / Incursion
Rugby Tots
All things sports / Excursion
Ballina Fair
Return:2.30pm / Wheels day with Pj theme.
Ride your bike and wear your PJ’s
What to Bring / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER

Lennox Head Vacation Care

Lennox Head Public School – Byron St

PH: 6686 6621 MOB: 0412758895


Monday 17th
July 2017 / Tuesday 18th
July 2017 / Wednesday 19th
July 2017 / Thursday 20th
July 2017 / Friday 21st
July 2017
Wear your school house colour / School Resumes / School Resumes / School Resumes / School Resumes
What to Bring / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER / Hat, Lunch, Snacks WATER