FHS FIGHT SONG -- Tune: “Minnesota Rouser”

Fairfield Trojans, Hats off to Thee

Loyal and true to you we will always be

And we will fight for honor and might.

We’re behind you all the way

Fairfield Trojans

CHORUS: Onward to victory.... FIGHT!! (Repeat)


Fairfield High School Principals’ Office

Mr. Aaron Becker, Principal 641-472-2059

Mr. Brian Stone, Associate Principal 641-472-2059

Superintendent of Schools Mr. Art Sathoff 641-472-2655

Director of Curriculum Mrs. Marci Dunlap 641-472-2655

Director of Auxiliary Services Mr. Fred McElwee 641-472-5252
Activities’ Office Mr. Jeff Courtright 641-472-5253

AEA Office Mr. Bill Walters 641-472-3414



Letter from the Principal 4

Vision/Mission Statement 4

Renaissance 4

Public Notices 5

Privacy Act 5

Non-discrimination 5

Child Abuse 5

Sexual Harassment 5

Human Growth and Development 5

Post Secondary Enrollment Act 5
Great Prairie Area Education Agency……………………………………………………………………………..5

Involvement Groups 5
Site Team, Vertical Team, Booster Club, & Band-Aides

Parents Right to Know…………………………………………………………………………………………….5

Miscellaneous Policies 6

Fees 6

Free & Reduced Lunch 6

Lost and Found 6

Student Safety 6

Visitors 6

Office Hours and Time Schedules 7

(Regular Daily, 10:00 late start, and 2:30 early out)


HS Parking Map 8

HS Ground Floor 8

HS Floor 1 & 2 9


Graduation Requirements 10-12

(Physical Education Requirements) 11

Registration – Scheduling Changes – Dropping Courses 11

Early Graduation Policy 11

Counseling 11

GPA & Class Rank 11

Academic Letter & Honor Roll 11

Dual Credit 11

Senior Scholarships 11

Progress Reports & Report Cards 11

Opportunity Center 12

Tests 12-13

Library Media Center 13
Checkout Policy 14

Computer Use Policy 14

Login Passwords 14

Source Evaluation 15

Plagiarism, Cheating & Copying Policy 15-16


Regular Attendance 16

Policy 16

Codes 17

Excessive Absences 17-18


Appeals 18


Philosophy & Policy 19

Dress Code 19

Electronic Devices 20

Telephone Usage 20
Student Conduct 20

Care of Property/Vandalism 20
Signing Out of the Building 20
Signing In and Out Study Hall 20-21

Passports 21

Questions by Outside Agency 21



Detention 21

Academic Detention 21

Misconduct Policy 22

Threatening or Striking a School Employee 22


Tobacco – Alcohol – Drugs 22

Additional Acts for Suspension, Expulsion, Law Enforcement Actions 22-23

Suspension (Saturday & Out of School) Policy & Procedures 23

Saturday Class Policy & Procedures 23

Expulsion 23

Search & Seizure 23-24

Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy…………………………………………………………………………………..24

Alternate Placement Centers 24-25


Available Activities 25

Extracurricular Activities (Board Policy 503.4) 25

Sportsmanship for Participants & Spectators 25

Assembly, Concert, & Performance Etiquette 25

Participation/Eligibility Requirements 26

Academic Eligibility…………………………………………………………………………………………………...26

Good Conduct Policy & Procedures 26-30


Lockers 31

Meal Program 31

Nurse & Health Care 31

Parking 32

Student Assistance Team 32
Transportation 32
Student Verification Form……………………………………………………………………………………………..33



The Fairfield administration, faculty, and staff welcome you to Fairfield High School, an outstanding place to work and learn. We look forward to working with students to help them grow intellectually and personally. We believe in the power of teamwork to realize human potential!

The FHS staff will work very hard to help students become excellent thinkers and citizens. Fairfield High School is helping prepare students for jobs that may not even exist yet, so it is important that students are committed to continual learning and challenge. A well trained, professional staff of co-learners awaits students at Fairfield High School, and they are excited to be working to create lifelong learners.

This handbook has been designed in accordance with board policies to give students and their parent/guardian/head of household information about our school. Please read it and refer to it often. It is intended to be of assistance in providing important information regarding all aspects of this school. Please be aware that the handbook is updated yearly, and policy adoption and revision may also occur throughout the year. Please visit with us about your concerns and questions.

This handbook contains additional information. The school calendar is included on the daily pages as well as our A/B schedule for physical education classes and our various time schedules. Students will be asked to keep it in their possession throughout the day and throughout the year as an assignment log, time planner, hall pass and as an organizational tool.

We hope you approach this school year with enthusiasm, ready to do your best and to help others succeed. Have a tremendous year, and let us know how we can assist you.


Aaron Becker, Principal

Brian Stone, Associate Principal


Dream. Think. Lead. Act.

Mission Statement

Fairfield High School will create tomorrow’s dreamers, thinkers, and leaders.

Renaissance: Recognizing Effort, Rewarding Performance, and Reviving Education.

Renaissance is a proven educational enrichment program. It’s designed to empower students and educators to reenergize our educational atmosphere, and to create and seize new opportunities for success. Renaissance schools all over the country cite higher GPAs, increased attendance, improved morale, and higher graduation rates, just to name a few. Many individuals even see Renaissance as a program that changed their entire outlook on life.


Public Notices

A complete explanation and permission form of our Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is available at www.fairfieldsfuture.org.

Family Privacy Act (Release of Private Information) In accordance with the “Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974”, information may be released to the public in regard to any individual student of the school district. Any student, parent/guardian/head of household not wanting this information released to the public must notify in writing the principal of Fairfield High School. All parent/guardian/head of households are asked to sign a form at the beginning of the year designating any or all information regarding a student that may or may not be released to the public. This form will remain active for the duration of your child’s academic level (K-5, 6-8, 9-12). Request for changes must be made through the principals’ office by parent or legal guardian.

Non-Discrimination: Students, parent/guardian/head of households, employees and others doing business with or performing services for the Fairfield Community School District are hereby notified that this school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment in its programs and activities. Any person who has inquiries concerning the school district’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), § 504 or Iowa Code § 280.3 should contact the Curriculum Director at 641-472-2655 who has been designated by the school district to coordinate and implement said regulations.

Child Abuse: The Iowa Department of Education has established rules providing for the reporting of suspected physical and sexual abuse of students. If you wish to report the alleged abuse of a Fairfield student, please contact the school principal at 641-472-2059 or call the Curriculum Director at 641-472-2655. All certified school personnel are mandatory reporters of child abuse.

Sexual Harassment/Harassment: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidelines define harassment as behavior that may include but not limited to, verbal, nonverbal, bullying, hazing or victimization that have the purpose of causing fear, discomfort or suffering to the victim. Sexual Harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Fairfield Community School District strictly prohibits all aforementioned conduct whether it occurs between staff members, student to student, staff to student, student to staff, certified or non-certified on or off school premises. Persons who feel they are experiencing an act of harassment are asked to report it to the immediate supervisor (teacher) or the principals’ office.

Human Growth and Development: This instruction will be offered through Family Consumer Science classes and Health/Physical Education. If a parent/guardian/head of household has an objection to their student participating, please contact the principals’ office.
The Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Act: The Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Act is intended to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wider variety of options to high school students by enabling 11th and 12th grade students to enroll part time in nonsectarian courses in eligible post-secondary institutions of higher learning in Iowa. Any 11th or 12th grade student in a public or accredited non-public school may be eligible to participate under this act. However, students must inform the high school by March 15 of their intent to participate during the coming year. Students should see a counselor for specific information about the program. Board approval required. (Policy 604.6)

Great Prairie AEA staff will be available to partner with district staff members to provide the best education possible for your child. If you have questions, contact your building administrator.

Parental Involvement

Parent/guardian/head of household have opportunities for involvement on many school-based committees or organizations. Parents are strongly encouraged to get involved above and beyond the below listed committees.

·  Site Team – composed of the administrators, department chairs, parents, and board members; meets every other month.

·  Vertical Team - composed of the administration, teachers, parents, students, and board members; its purpose is whole-district discussion; contact Curriculum Director.

·  Booster Club – composed of supporters for sports teams; meets monthly. Contact Activities Director.

·  Band Aides – composed of supporters of the band; meets monthly; contact band director.

·  Vocal Boosters – composed of supporters of vocal music; contact choral director.

Parents Right to Know

All parents wishing to review teacher certification information can access this through the building office.

Standard Error of Measurement

Iowa Testing Standard Error of Measurement for grades 2-11 can be accessed through the district curriculum office.

Miscellaneous Policies


·  FHS Activity Student Pass - $30 This will allow high school students to attend all FMS & FHS extra-curricular activities.

·  All-Season Single Adult Activity Pass - $60

·  All-Season Family Pass - $120 (If a Family Sports Pass is purchased, the student will get an Activity Ticket at no additional charge.)

·  Book Rental - $40

·  Instrumental Music Fee - $15

·  Senior Citizen Pass - $20 (must be 63)

Free & Reduced Lunch Program

Students whose families meet the income guidelines for free and reduced price lunch, the Family Investment Program (FIP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), transportation assistance under open enrollment, or who are in foster care are eligible to have their student fees waived. Students whose families are experiencing a temporary financial difficulty may be eligible for a temporary waiver of student fees. Contact the principals’ office for information.

Lost and Found

Lost and found items are to be turned into the principals’ or activities director’s office. If something is missing or lost, please check these offices and notify the office staff.

Student Loitering

Students should not loiter in the hall after the school day. Students not involved in an extra-curricular activity and/or supervised by a teacher/coach, are subject to discipline.

Student Safety

In compliance with state regulations and to ensure student safety, fire drills and tornado drills are administered regularly. In the event of an actual emergency, instructions and maps are posted in every classroom. The faculty and staff are also advised of procedures for any other emergency situations. All doors will be locked from 8:20 to 3:20 with the exception of the SW front doors on Broadway for the public.


All visitors (students, parent/guardian/head of households or other adults) must check in at the principals’ office and obtain a visitor identification badge. Trespassing or loitering on school premises or the immediate area is strictly forbidden. Violators of this policy will be warned, and if this violation continues, police will be notified and charges will be filed.

Office Hours and Time

Office Hours - 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM Teacher Contract Hours 30 minutes before students start school and 30 minutes after students end day

Period / Regular
Daily Schedule / 10:00 Late Start / 2:30 Dismissal / 8 am Start Heat Schedule 1:30 Dismissal
1st / 8:10 – 8:58 / 10:00 – 10:34 / 8:10 – 8:50 / 1)8:00 - 8:34
2nd / 9:02 – 9:50 / 10:38 – 11:12 / 8:54 – 9:34 / 2)8:34 – 9:12
3rd / 9:54 – 10:42 / 11:16 – 11:50 / 9:38 – 10:18 / 3)9:16 – 9:50
4th / 10:46 – 11:34 / 5) 11:54 – 12:22 A lunch
12:22 – 12:56 Class / 10:22 – 11:02 / 4)9:54 – 10:28
5th eat 1st / 11:34 – 12:02 A Lunch / 5) 11:54 – 12:11 Class
12:11 – 12:39 B lunch
12:39 – 12:56 Class / 6)11:06 – 11:47 / 6) 10:32 – 11:06
12:06 – 12:54 Class
5th eat 2nd / 11:38 – 12:02 Class
12:02 – 12:30 B Lunch
12:30 – 12:54 Class / 5) 11:54 – 12:28 Class
12:28 – 12:56 C Lunch / 5) 11:51- 12:19
A Lunch / 7) 11:10 – 11:44
12:19 – 1:00 Class / 5) 11:48 – 12:16 A Lunch
12: 16 – 12:51 Class
5th eat 3rd / 11:38 – 12:26 Class / 4) 1:00 - 1:34 / 5) 11:51-12:12
& 12:40 – 1:00 Class / 5) 11:48 – 12:06 & 12:34 – 12:51 Class
12:26 – 12:54 C Lunch / 12:12 – 12:40 B Lunch / 12:06 – 12:34 B Lunch
6th / 12:58 – 1:46 / 6) 1:38 – 2:12 / 5) 11:51 – 12:32 Class
12:32 – 1:00 C Lunch / 5) 11:48 – 12:23 Class
7th / 1:50 – 2:38 / 7) 2:16 – 2:51 / 7) 1:04 – 1:45 / 12:23 – 12:51 C Lunch
8th / 2:42 – 3:30 8) 2:55 – 3:30 / 8) 1:49 – 3:30 / 8) 12:55 – 1:30

There are 48 minutes in the normal class period. On Late Start days and early out days, class periods are shortened accordingly. Throughout the year, special schedules are developed which will affect class times. Please check with your student for the following programs;

Homecoming – September

Wall of Honor – October

Renaissance Presentation – December and April


HS Parking Area and Exterior Building Map

1.  Parking and driving on campus is open to senior and junior students only. (Exception – freshman and sophomore moped/scooter parking.)

2.  Every student parking and driving a vehicle on campus must register the vehicle with the office and obtain parking tag. The cost will be a one-time fee of $20. You must show a valid Iowa driver’s license to obtain a parking sticker.