SSWH17.a: Examine the impact of the war on science, art, and social thinking by identifying the cultural significance of Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, and Picasso.

1.  Albert Einstein – When did he win the Nobel Prize? For what? 1921 – Theory of Relativity

2.  Theory of Relativity – What was this? Ideas dealing with the fact that space and time can change (counters some of Newton’s beliefs)

3.  Sigmund Freud – How did his theories weaken faith in reason? Said that humans are irrational. Our subconscious mind directs our desires.

4.  Art – Following WWI, why was there such a change in artistic expression? Depict imagination/emotions vs reality. Realism to surrealism. Picasso – paints Guernica (Chaos to depict the bombing of the city of Guernica in northern Spain.

SSWH17.b: Determine the causes and results of the Russian Revolution from the rise of the Bolsheviks under Lenin to Stalin's first Five Year Plan.

1.  Bolsheviks – Who were they? “Small” committed group of Russian Marxist

2.  Vladimir Lenin – What did he lead? Bolsheviks

3.  Czar Nicholas II – Why were Russians unhappy with his rule? Poor population, Poor Leadership, Food Shortages, people are wary of Rasputin…

4.  Lenin – (STALIN, TROTSKY – an “axident”) - STALIN

5.  Five Year Plans – What were their goals?

a.  Increased agricultural production (collectivization), increased industrial production, economic strength – Lasts from appx 1925 – 1930

SSWH17.c: Describe the rise of fascism in Europe and Asia by comparing the policies of Benito Mussolini in Italy, Adolf Hitler in Germany, and Hirohito in Japan.

1.  Benito Mussolini – What was his nickname? Who was he? Il Duce (the Leader) – Fascist leader of Italy.

2.  Fascism – Why did this rise in the 1930s?Global Economic depression What did it advocate as its goals? GLORIFICATION of the state, Single party system, STRONG Ruler. What type of government was it a response to fear of? Communism

3.  Italy, Germany, and Japan – What did these three have in common during the 1930s? Fascism or TOTALITARIANISM

4.  Japan – What event in the 1930s increased the appeal of non-democratic leaders here? ECONOMIC DEPRESSION and LIMITED RESOURCES

5.  Adolf Hitler – Who was he? Fascist dictator of Germany (Der Fuhrer)

6.  Hirohito – Who was he? Fascist dictator of Japan

SSWH17.d: Analyze the rise of nationalism as seen in the ideas of Sun Yat Sen, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk, and Mohandas Ghandi.

1.  Sun Yat-Sen (Yixian) – Why was he important? What did he do? First leader of the Chinese Republic (ITS NOT A DYNASTY)

2.  Mustafa Kemal – Why was he important? What reforms did he introduce to Turkey? Ataturk. Established the modern state of Turkey. Secular, democratic (MODERN) state.

3.  Gandhi – What type of resistance did he advocate? What are examples of this resistance?

a.  Leader of the Indian independence movement.

i. Advocates for

1.  Non-Violence

2.  Civil Disobedience

SSWH17.e: Describe the rise of totalitarianism and the police state that existed in Russia, Germany, and Italy and how they differ from authoritarian governments.

1.  Dictator – What type of government would use this leader? A totalitarian government.

a.  Totalitarian

2.  Mussolini – Who was he? Why was he important?

a.  Fascist dictator of Italy. He unifies the country and brings his country into World War II.

3.  Fascism – Which nations used this government during the 1930s?

a.  Japan, Italy, Germany, Spain

4.  Totalitarian government – What is this? Which countries had this? Who were their leaders?

a.  Russia (Stalin), Germany (Hitler), Italy (Mussolini), Japan (Hirohito), Spain (Franco)

5.  Russia – What event leads to the rise of a totalitarian government here?

a.  Lenin’s death, global depression.

6.  How did world leaders respond to totalitarian governments in the 1930s?

a.  Governments sought to APPEASE these governments (Italy and Germany).

i. APPEASE – to satisfy or make happy

SSWH17.f: Explain the aggression and conflict leading to World War II in Europe and Asia including the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, the Spanish Civil War, the rape of Nanjing in China, and the German annexation of the Sudetenland.

1.  Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia – What were the results of this?

a.  Mussolini claims Ethiopia as an Italian Territory. (still unable to fully secure it)


2.  Rape of Nanjing/Attack on Nanjing – Why did this receive attention from the world? The Japanese literally raped the city and killed its civilians

SSWH18.a: Describe the major conflicts and outcomes including Pearl Harbor, El-Alamein, Stalingrad, D-Day, Guadalcanal, the Philippines, and the end of the war in Europe and Asia.

1.  Bataan Death March – Who went on this? Why?

a.  Allied prisoners – Japanese forced them to. 70,000 prisoners and only 54k survived.

2.  Battle of Midway – Why was this significant in the Pacific?

a.  In the Pacific. Japanese conflict with the US. United States/Allies win and this TURNS THE TIDE IN THE PACIFIC

3.  “Island hopping” – How were these islands chosen?

a.  Strategic locations that appeared to be easier to overpower.

4.  D-Day – What was this?

a.  Allied invasion of the beaches at Normandy

b.  IMPORTANT BC it signals the beginning of taking back France

c.  Normandy. When the Allied forces overpower the German fortifications and ultimately they overpowered France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

5.  Kamikazes – What were their main targets? What do these demonstrate about Japanese culture?

a.  “Divine Wind”

b.  Pearl Harbor – Battleships - utilize their planes as weapons.

c.  Extreme Nationalism

6.  WWII Casualties – Which nation had the most?

a.  Soviet Union (just keep pouring people into the fight)

7.  Blitzkrieg – What advantage did this strategy depend on?

a.  Literally means “lightning warfare” - German

b.  Surprise

c.  Air (planes), land (tanks), mechanized assault.

8.  Pearl Harbor – FDR described this as what?

a.  “A day that will live in infamy…”

b.  December 7. 1941

9.  Battle of the Bulge – Why is this important?

a.  The FINAL German Offensive. Marks the turning of the tide on the Western Front. Begins the Allied advance to Berlin.

b.  Stalingrad - The FINAL German Offensive. Marks the turning of the tide on the Eastern Front. Begins the Soviet Union’s advance to Berlin.

10.  Atomic bombs – What two Japanese cities were these dropped on? Why did President Truman agree to drop these?

a.  Hiroshima and Nagasaki (acceptable targets because of their geographic location and role in war)

b.  It seemed to be the only way to stop the war

11.  Battle of Stalingrad – Why were the Germans defeated in this?

a.  The German army was surrounded and crushed.

b.  Marks the turning point in the Eastern Front and begins the march towards Berlin.

12.  El Alamein – Which Allied general led the victorious troops here?

a.  Bernard Montgomery (Allied) and Erwin Rommel (Axis) ßThe Desert Fox


13.  Fall of France to Germany – What events led to this?

a.  The Fall of Paris, evacuation of British Forces, the fall of Dunkirk, successfully carried out blitzkrieg

SSWH18.b: Identify Nazi ideology, policies, and consequences which led to the Holocaust.

1.  Auschwitz – What was this?

a.  Most famous concentration camp (aka a death camp)

i. Concentration Camp – camp designed to efficiently exterminate people

ii.  Labor/Work Camp – Typically where people are initially sent and they are forced to work and sometimes work to death.

2.  “Final Solution” – What was the goal of this? How is this related to the Holocaust?

a.  The Final Solution was Hitler’s plan for the extermination of the Jewish people.

b.  Hitler utilized camps and ghettos to single out and exterminate the Jewish people.

3.  Kristallnacht – How did this demonstrate persecution of the Jews?

a.  The Night of Broken Glass – Nazis deliberately targeted Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues.

SSWH18.c: Explain the military and diplomatic negotiations between the leaders of Great Britain (Churchill), the Soviet Union (Stalin), and the United States (Roosevelt/Truman) from Teheran to Yalta and Potsdam and the impact on the nations of Eastern Europe.

1.  Atlantic Charter – This was a declaration of freedom of what? What was its significance?

a.  Established the freedom of trade following WWII. Upheld rights of trade and free government choice, and a post war plan for peace.

b.  Tehran – Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill. Discussed the plan for establishing a western front in Europe (France was “gone”

c.  Yalta – Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill Discussed how to run new areas recovered and direction of war

d.  Potsdam – Stalin, Truman, Atlee Discussed how to divide Germany and that USSR would help in Japan
