Glades County Planning and Zoning Board held a meeting on April 12, 2016 at 5:05 pm at the Glades County Courthouse in the Board of County Commissioners Chambers with the following members present:

Chairman Wilson

Vice Chair Beers

Member Cianfrani

Member Hall

Member Dobbs

Member Perry

Member Mouthaan

Others present were:

Inga Williams, Community Development Director

Jenny Allen, Community Development Office Mgr.

Richard Pringle, County Attorney

Paul Carlisle, County Manager

4 Citizens

Called to Order

Chairman Wilson led the pledge to the flag. Member Cianfrani gave an opening prayer.

Reorganization of Board

Attorney Richard Pringle took nominations from the Board for Chairman. Member Dobbs nominated Member Wilson. No other nominations, nominations closed. Vote all aye. Member Wilson was elected Board Chair. Nominations from the Board for Vice Chairman. Member Hall nominated Member Beers for Vice Chair, no other nominations, nominations closed. Vote all aye, Member Beers elected as Vice Chairman

Meeting Minutes

Member Dobbs made a motion to approve the November 10, 2015 meeting minutes. Member Beers seconded the motion. All aye. Motion Carried.

Ex parte Communication:


Swear or affirm to tell the Truth:

Not required.

Public Hearings:

A.  An Ordinance Amending the Glades County Code of Laws and Ordinances, Part I General Ordinances, Chapter 50 Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses.

Members discussed fish carcass disposal on public and private land, Members stated that because of the lake and canals, fish carcass dumping is done in many locations public and private. Several members were generally not in favor of the presented section. Mr. Carlisle informed the Board that” No Dumping Carcasses” signs were posted at Public boat ramps at the direction of the BOCC, additionally that this was being presented in order to give the code enforcement officer authority to enforce. Mr Pringle indicated that the Ordinance presented is very comprehensive and could be tailored to meet the county needs. Member Beers indicated that now the County will have an expense of removal of carcasses if they are placed in trash. Discussion continued regarding what constitutes litter, what the penalties are, how dumping becomes a nuisances. Mr. Carlisle stated that there are exemptions that would cover some of the examples the board is proposing. Member Beers indicated that the Code Officer should be diligent and courteous in trying to determine who actually did the dumping in individual situations. Mr. Pringle indicated that the proposed ordinance is following very close to the state statute. There was no public comment. Member Dobbs made a motion to recommend approval to the Board of County Commissioners, Member Hall seconded the motion. Vote all aye.

B.  An Ordinance Amending the Glades County Code Of Laws and Ordinances , Part II Land Development II , Chapter 109 , Buildings and Building Regulations.

Ms. Williams stated that Ordinance is adopting the Florida Building Code, the National Electric Code and the Florida Fire Code into the Glades County Code so it is available to reference during any code action taken. There was no public comment.

Member Dobbs made a motion to recommend approval of the Ordinance to the Board of County Commissioners. Member Beers seconded the motion. Vote all aye.

New Business:

A.  Discussion ; Draft Land Development Regulations Subdivisions Chapter 137.

Ms. Williams explained to the board that changes to the definitions were to move general definitions to Part II of the LDR’s then other definitions moved to the applicable chapters. Ms. Williams pointed out two main points Page 11, Section 137-4 Define lot of record and exemptions to Subdivisions. Member Dobbs confirmed that a lot split meant the creation of only two lots. Member Dobbs Page 19, Line 35 storm drainage, he agrees with easement portion but pointed out that SFWMD and DEP have standards that regulate drainage depending on the size of the project. He further questioned easements over environmentally sensitive areas. He suggested that the County should adopt SFWMD and DEP standards otherwise the County would need a professional to provide a review. Chair Wilson questioned pg 13 with minimum lot size of 20 acres. Ms. Williams explained that the minimum lot size is in the zoning code. Wilson; pg 14, line 4-5 non-conforming streets. Ms. Williams stated that this pertains to lot splits on a non-conforming street. Line 13, Minimum street size. Ms. Williams stated this pertains to the Family Homestead. A lengthy discussion followed regarding Family Homestead. Point of clarification was the amount of Family Homesteads that could be created. Additional discussion followed regarding the level of easement/roadways and location of road for needed Family Homestead parcels. Mr. Carlisle and Attorney Pringle pointed out that the purpose was to prevent unauthorized subs and also to have the required access for public safety services. Also the need to have the easement a dedicated easement for future owners who may be outside the family. Mr. Carlisle indicated there may be some language to allow compromise regarding the easement. Member Beers Page 15, line 19 questioned transferability. Ms. Williams confirmed that once per lifetime is the state law. Further discussion followed regarding the 15 year rule, which does not apply to the state law. Member Dobbs & Cianfrani questioned easement requirements for Simple Subdivision, clarification was provided by Ms. Williams of a 40 foot easement with 20 feet being stabilized. Discussion went back to storm drainage, Member Dobbs suggested that the County did not want to overlap requirements of SFWMD or DEP . Carlisle suggested we reference SFWMD requirements. The DEP requirements are different. Member Dobbs suggested using the information he had. The reference documents were made part of the record. Member Dobbs line 33 questioned requiring financial assurance for an entire project. Ms. Williams indicated that phases could be approved. Mr. Carlisle stated an example is; access road is in and begin pre-selling lots, if the developer is unable to complete it then the bond can be used by the county to complete the infrastructure for those who have been presold lots. Dobbs; page 29, line 36 pre-plat, questioned pre-plat being signed off by a surveyor.

Board recessed for 5 minutes.

Chair Wilson Chapter 101 -3 Definitions Pg line 26, Campsites. Chairman Wilson indicated that this was not needed and stated that the Glades County Hunt Club would be in violation and that no one would want to use a tent.

Ms. Williams commented that she needed a definition for a campsite. It is an allowed use in Open Use Agriculture zoning district and she was questioned what constitutes a campsite and had no definition. Mr. Carlisle indicated that the Hunt Club is under commercial hunting camps. Lengthy discussion continued regarding the use of tents only, what constitutes a campsite, setting a time limit, using different wording, the number of sites allowed and limiting it to primitive camping, having no improvements, permitting improvements and enforcement of time limit. Chairman suggested Ms. Williams to continue to work on this definition with Member Dobbs commenting on the struggle of finding the right definition, Member Mouthaan suggesting using only a tent was the issue. Ms. Williams indicated she could pass along the suggestion but she would not recommend it. Discussion continued suggesting no improvements and primitive only, limited to OUA Zoning district, with time limit, making another definition for a campsite for with improvements. Mr. Carlisle commented that enforcement of time limit will be difficult. Chairman Wilson suggested giving it to the BOCC. Ms. Williams indicated that the BOCC has already reviewed this section and did not have any comments on campsites. Vice Chair Beers made a motion to Table the discussion until the May 10, 2016, Member Cianfrani seconded the motion. Vote all aye.

7. Non Agenda Items: None


Member Dobbs made a motion to adjourn

Member Hall seconded the motion.

All aye. Motion Carried.


Jack Wilson, Chairman


Planning & Zoning 2016-04-12