Report of two days MATLAB workshop on Digital signal Processing
A two day MATLAB workshop on Digital Signal Processing and its Applications in speech, audio and bio signal processing conducted on 17th and 18th October 2012 organised by department of ECE in association with IEEE student Branch. The Workshop was inaugurated by Mr.B.Stephen, Chairman of Infant Jesus Group of Engineering Colleges and gave presidential address. Principal Dr.V.Velmurugan,welcomed the gathering. Prof. S.C. Ghosh,Dean of Infant Jesus Group of Engineering colleges felicitated the workshop.He mentioned the need for digital signal processing in aerospace and automobile engineering.Dr.L.R.D.Suresh,Prinicpal,Infant Jesus College of Engineering gave Special address. In his address he highlighted the importance of digital signal processing and itsapplication in bio signalprocessing. Final year ECE student, SambinuGeorge introduces resource person Mr.MaheshAnandS, consultant and trainer,scientific computing solutions. Chairman Mr.B.Stephen, honoured the chief guest by giving momentos.Mrs.C.Sonia Prathap,Assistant Professor of ECE delivered the vote of thanks.
Day-1 session comprised of introduction to DSP, Representation of Discrete Time Signals,Unit sample signal,Unit step signal,Exponential signal,Sinusoidal signals,Addition and multiplication oftwo discrete signals,Shifting and folding of discretesignals,Convolution and Correlation ofdiscrete signals,Difference Equation &Introduction to filtering,Fourier analysis of Discrete TimeSignals,Fourier Transform,Digital Filter Structures –Introduction,FIR filter design,IIR filter design
Day-2 session includes Signal Processing Applications in Communication: Signal Compression in Time-domain & Frequency Domain,Applications in Bio- Signal,Analysis: Feature Extraction,Pattern Recognition & Signal,Classification,Applications in Speech Signal Processing: Classification &Male & Female Speech Signals,Time & Frequency Domain,Analysis, Low Frequency &High Frequency, Analysis ofAudio/Music Signals,More Practice exercise
Resource person gave hands on training to the students. Finally in the interaction session resource person clarify the doubts. The training was attended by 74 participants from all over Tamilnadu. Learning materials were provided on a CD. 2 days of training proved to be very beneficial to the participants and it had enhanced their creativity and enabled them to implement using MATLAB. We had an excellent feedback. In the valedictory function Mr.Jebaz Daniel ,Assistant professor Of ECE, welcomed the gathering.Mr.B.Stephen, chairman ,Infant Jesus group of engineering gave valedictory address and appreciated the staffs and students of ECE for their efforts in the successful organisation of the event. Ms.Akila ,HOD ECE delivered the vote of thanks . Certificates were distributed to the participants at the end of the session.