Text: Geometry, Holt Rinehart Winston, 2007.

Course Description

Geometry offers alternate ways of reasoning mathematically beyond algebra, including analytical and spatial reasoning. The course includes but is not limited to the following:

HSG-CO: Congruence of shapes

HSG-SRT: Similarity, Right Triangles, and Trigonometry

HSG-C: Circles, arcs and sectors

HSG-GPE: Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

HSG-GMD: Geometric Measure and Dimension

HSG-MG: Modeling with Geometry

Specific Course Expectations:

  1. Do your best!
  2. Keep a three ring binder notebook on a daily basis. The notebook must be for Geometry Only and contain the following 3 sections:
  3. Notes/Examples/Definitions
  4. Assignments
  5. Quizzes

The notebook should be neatly kept and clearly labeled. At the time of grading if something cannot be easily found it will be marked missing.

  1. Complete daily work [Late work is NOT accepted]
  2. Participate in all classroom activities
  3. Bring all appropriate materials to class on a daily basis

MATERIALS NEEDED: Pencil, calculator, textbook and three ring binders (optional: compass, protractor)


  • It is the student’s responsibility to make up any quizzes missed within three days of return.
  • Tests that are missed must be made up within a week of return.
  • **Re-testing: Students will be allowed to re-test one time per test. If a student chooses to re-test their final grade will be the average of the two tests combined. Students who re-test must do so on a specified date only as well as come in for tutoring with the teacher before the re-test date.

Evaluation – Semester Basis:

Each semester grade will be determined as follows:

Two nine-week grades (@ 40% each)80%

Semester/Final Exam20%

Evaluation – Nine-week Basis:

Each nine-week grade will be determined as follows:



Grading Scale:

100-93%= A

92-90%= A-89-87%= B+

86-83%= B82-80%= B-

79-77%= C+76-73%= C

72-70%= C-69-67%= D+

66-63%= D62-60%= D-

Calculators/Graphing Calculators

We will be using TI-30XScalculators in class. There will be a classroom set provided for in class use only. Having your own calculator (scientific or graphing) is required and necessary when completing many of the assignments, projects, quizzes and test. You may not share calculators during a quiz or test!!!

TI-30XS is the recommended scientific the recommended graphing is a TI-84+

Math Requirements From The State of Michigan

The state requires all students from the Class of 2011 and later to have at least FOUR high school math credits to graduate. In addition all students must take a math class both their junior and senior year.

Online access for Text Book

The Holt Rinehart Winston Geometry text book we use also has online access to the text book itself, videos, notes, interactive presentations and practice quizzes etc.

The web address is

Username: eburg15 password: eddie