Community Builds
General Information and Logistics
What is a Community Build ?
Community Builds are hands-on family events that create a school-based social setting for children and families to problem solve and build a project together around a theme.
Why present Community Builds?
Community Builds provide an opportunity to strengthen family informal learning skills and strengthen home-school relationships….and they are fun!
Community Builds provide an engaging setting for Family Awards and Recognitions.
Associating these events with honoring families supports turnout and school climate.
Where should Community Builds take place?
Community Builds require a space that has tables, chairs and enough room to allow participants to mix and mingle. A preschool / school cafeteria, community recreation center, library community room, or similar educational community setting is ideal.
When should the Community Builds take place?
Community Builds can take place any time of year.
We suggest 3 to 4 events per year to develop a strong healthy school climate.
Community Builds are “out of school time” activities. Immediately after school dismissal, in the evening around mealtime and/or on the weekend have all proven successful.
Who coordinates the initial planning of a Community Build event?
The coordinator organizes and promotes the event. Anyone who can communicate both with parents and school administrators such as parent coordinators, community school leaders, PTA board members, Head Start family support staff, and others with strong ties to the community and/or the school can be an effective coordinator.
Who Leads the Community Builds?
Community Builds leaders need an art or design background and experience facilitating large group, family friendly activities. Museums, libraries and/or architectural associations are strong local resources for leaders with experience in similar activities.
What supplies are needed?
Community Builds use simple, readily available, inexpensive materials from recycled boxes, to blocks, construction paper, glue, and other typical preschool – early elementary arts materials. Asking the cafeteria to rinse and save milk cartons goes along way in material collection. Parents, too, enjoy collecting materials for the event.
For further information contact
Learning and Leadership in Families
Learning and Leadership in Families